Xiao Yi was lying on the ground, the wounds on her body were faintly yellow, eroding her wounds like venom.

There was a hot pain from the wound, which made Xiao Yi’s teeth hurt.

But the physical pain is far less than the depression in the heart.

She is actually not Zhang Conglong’s opponent?

Her senior brother was already so pressed that Zhang Conglong couldn’t raise his head at her age.

Her second senior brother also had the strength to kill Zhang Conglong at her age.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask himself in his heart.

Am I really that useless?

Is it really not worthy to be the junior sister of the two senior brothers?

Is it true that the second senior brother has been calling me an idiot?

Xiao Yi’s side had fallen into deep self-doubt.


Zhang Conglong’s attack on her had not stopped, Xiao Yi couldn’t help cursing, and then hurriedly dodged.

Looking at the sky, Zhang Conglong was cold, like the gaze of a poisonous snake, eager to devour her, making Xiao Yi feel a huge pressure.

Xiao Yi knew in her heart that at this time, even if she admitted defeat and surrendered, Zhang Conglong would not agree.

Moreover, there is no difference between throwing in the towel and dying.

If she loses, she has to follow the disgusting guy.

I went, Xiao Yi just thought about it and wanted to vomit.

No, I definitely can’t lose here.

The second senior brother cannot be disappointed.

It’s just a Zhang Conglong, what is there to be afraid of?

The thoughts in his heart turned sharply, and the fighting spirit in Xiao Yi’s heart was restored little by little, and his eyes became firm and clear.

Xiao Yi looked at the sword light that kept falling in the sky, and the sword intent of the earth attribute was raging in the sky, like yellow sand covering the sky, and the momentum was terrifying.

However, in Xiao Yi’s eyes, he gradually had a clear feeling.

Weak, too weak.

Compared with the sword intent of the senior brother and the second senior brother, it was simply like garbage on the street.

Such an opponent, if I lose, what else will I take to mess around in front of the two senior brothers?

Isn’t it the sword intent of this bit of garbage?

Afraid of a hair?

What Xiao Yi didn’t find was that the spiritual power in her body seemed to be recovering rapidly, and the Lanshui sword in her hand was also glowing slightly, and a layer of light fresh water curtain seemed to flow on the surface, and sword intent flowed in the water curtain.

“That’s it?”

Xiao Yi’s voice penetrated the sword light, spread above the sky, and passed into Zhang Conglong’s ears, as well as into the ears of others.

Others are speechless, and when they get to this, are they still hard-mouthed?

“This girl, it’s kind of interesting.”

“What’s the point? This is a hard mouth, and in the end it can only be beaten to death.

“They were all beaten like this, and they dared to speak provocatively, did they dislike that they didn’t die fast enough?”


Zhang Conglong was furious, were the guys from the Lingxiao faction so tough-mouthed?

Find death!

Zhang Conglong exerted his power again, and the spiritual power in his body poured out like flowing water, and countless sword lights fell, as if a rain of light fell, constantly bombarding the ground.

Xiao Yi had to lift his spirits and began to dodge in embarrassment.

Above the ground, like a rabbit, desperately trying to escape, avoiding the attack of the goshawk.

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At this time, Ao Cang’s proud voice came from a distance, “Bastard guy, your junior sister has already lost.”

“Hurry up and admit defeat, you can still save her dog’s life.”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice also came over, so that Xiao Yi could hear it clearly, “Why admit defeat?” Zhang Conglong’s dog life is only, why should he protect it? ”

My junior sister cleaned up a Zhang Conglong, isn’t it a hand-to-hand thing?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words warmed Xiao Yi’s heart, and the second senior brother really believed me.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s words continued to come, “Besides, I admit defeat, and my tens of millions of spirit stones are gone.” ”

You think I’ll just joke with spirit stones?”


When Xiao Yi heard this, his fighting spirit suddenly burned violently as if it had been ignited by fire.

Sure enough, the second senior brother believed that I could defeat Zhang Conglong.

Xiao Yi, who came up with confidence, his gaze became more firm, looking at Zhang Conglong in the sky, looking at the sword light that kept falling, and the light of the Lanshui sword in his hand became more prosperous.

Under the flowing faint blue light, it seems to be pregnant with new life, the light gradually intensifies, and the things below want to break through the shell.

Finally, in a desert that was almost yellow, a blue sword light shot up into the sky.

The faint blue light, the blue waves, like the blue pearl in the water, instantly shine thousands of miles, the yellow desert is swept away, and a blue blue covers the sky.

Just like those nine days of blue waves rippling down, cleaning the world’s eels, and returning the mighty righteousness of heaven and earth

, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flashed, his body first straightened, and then returned to his original state, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his expression was quite like the feeling of relief that my family had a daughter who had grown up, and tried to tug mountains and rivers to overwhelm the world.

It’s not the third sword intention realm, but it’s almost there, and it’s already at the door.

Zhang Congworm couldn’t turn the sky over.

This scene that happened surprised everyone.

“This, what is this?”

“This, sword intent…” ”

Kai, what are you kidding, this, what kind of sword intent is this?”

“Whose sword intent is this?”

“Yes, the girl’s? Impossible, right?

Zhang Conglong’s face also changed greatly, and the memories of a few years ago appeared again, constantly attacking him.


A few years ago, under the suppression of the powerful realm of Cang Zhengchu, Ji Yan comprehended the third realm of sword intent in one fell swoop.

With the early Yuan Infant realm, he embarrassed Cang Zhengchu.

Now, the same thing is repeating itself again?

The person who was Gui Yuan Pavilion twice became a background board and became a joke?

Jian Bei was also shocked by this scene.

A girl who looks sweet and cute, scolding like a tyrannosaurus preying, is she so strong?

Breakthrough in comprehension?

“Big brother, this is also in your calculations?”

Jian Nan’s gaze was burning over, with anticipation in her expression.

If so, Lu Shaoqing would be terrible.

“Whatever.” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, this is the truth, he is not a match, he can’t turn on technology, it is impossible to know what will happen.

He asked Xiao Yi to fight against Zhang Conglong, but to force Xiao Yi.

For the cultivator, a few years is not a long time, but Xiao Yi has followed him everywhere in the past few years, growing up in the midst of wandering, and making rapid progress, faster than others have been practicing hard for decades.

In his opinion, Xiao Yi will not be much worse than Zhang Conglong, and the winning rate of the two sides is almost half.

And now, Xiao Yi has some comprehension, touched the thigh of the third realm of sword intent, and Zhang Conglong has no chance.


There was a sword sound in the air, the blue sword light flashed, Xiao Yi held the sword to kill, Zhang Conglong hurriedly resisted…

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