On the ground, Zhang Conglong’s eyes were round, his forehead was bulging, and he looked at the familiar figure in the sky in disbelief.

“Ji, Ji Yan!”

Zhang Conglong’s expression was hideous, and he roared in his heart.

He’s going crazy.

Ji Yan appeared, still the same cold appearance as before, calm and indifferent.

The breath on the body is vague but powerful.

Ji Yan did not deliberately hide his breath, although he could not really feel Ji Yan’s strength.

But as long as it is a normal person, they can feel the power of Jiyan.

It was like the Nine Heavens Sword God, coming in the air and suppressing the world.

As soon as Ji Yan made a move, Gongsun Lie, who was a nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period, was easily defeated and passed out.

This is not something that ordinary meta-babies can do in the late stage.

For Ji Yan’s strength, Zhang Conglong had a guess in his heart.

But this speculation scared him, the senior brother of Guiyuan Pavilion who was not afraid of heaven and earth.

It was so terrifying that he didn’t even dare to think about it.

The jealousy, resentment, and even awe that he did not find were intertwined, constantly eating into his heart, making him extremely uncomfortable.

He thought that he had come to Zhongzhou Academy, his strength had grown by leaps and bounds, and the speed of breakthrough was beyond his imagination.

He thought that he had come to the best cultivation holy place, and he would throw away the disappearing plan.

From then on, the two sides will become people of two different worlds, one looking down on the earth from heaven and the other looking up at the heavens on earth.

Now it seems that he and Ji Yan have indeed become people from two different worlds, but he is the one who looks up at the sky.

Remembering that he had said that Ji Yan was not his opponent, Zhang Conglong suddenly felt that he was a clown.

Xiao Yi descended from the sky and came to Zhang Conglong.

Zhang Conglong gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yi, and his heart was also uncomfortable and wanted to roar.

Not only was he thrown far away by Ji Yan, but even Xiao Yi was not an opponent.

“Ji Yan, what realm?”

Xiao Yi raised the nerve brick and said with a smile, “You guess!” ”

You…” Xiao Yi’s face was so hateful to Zhang Conglong’s eyes, so angry that a mouthful of blood rushed up from him.

Before he could react, Xiao Yi slapped a brick fiercely.


Zhang Conglong screamed, as if he had been hit hard, he was trying his best to suppress Xiao Yi’s sword intent, unable to move, facing Xiao Yi, he could only suppress and watch the brick fall down.

Nerve bricks have a great origin, and even Lu Shaoqing was smashed into his brain.

Zhang Conglong was beaten, already eyeing Venus and falling into a coma.

Xiao Yi saw that Zhang Conglong had not fainted yet, and came again.

At this moment, Zhang Conglong’s eyes rolled white, his head swollen high, and he completely passed out.

Under everyone’s gaze, Xiao Yi let Zhang Conglong stun with the nerve brick that Xiaobai threw over.

After knocking, Xiao Yi muttered, “It’s a very refreshing feeling.” ”

And then knock again.


The sound reached everyone’s ears, making many people’s scalps numb, and they subconsciously touched their heads, as if they were smashed with the same feelings.

Xiao Yi asked Ao De coldly, “How, he passed out, are there any other requirements?”

“Do you want to unload his dog’s leg, or take his dog’s life?”

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Ao De’s face was difficult to see, as if it was not Zhang Conglong who was knocked out, but his father.

He had the heart and did not want to admit defeat, but in front of everyone, he did not admit defeat, and the face of the Ao family was wanted.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, “Hmph, this time, count you lucky.”

He stared at Ji Yan one after another, if Ji Yan hadn’t appeared, he would definitely not have lost today, and the worst thing was to end in a tie.

But, now, he had to admit that he had lost.

What a waste!

Ao De fiercely despised Zhang Conglong who had passed out in his heart.

“Big brother, this…”

“No, we can’t just throw in the towel.”

Ao Cang was not convinced, but was too frightened by Ao De’s eyes to speak.

He looked Ji Yan up and down, and asked tentatively, “Avatar?” ”

I have to say that although Ao De is domineering and rampant, he is also a person who carries the banner of the younger generation of the Ao family, except that his strength may not be as good as others, but his eyes are not worse than others.

Ji Yan shot far away and easily killed Gongsun Lie in seconds.

People who can kill the nine-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant in seconds, except for the god of transformation, Ao De really can’t think of anyone else who can do it.

Ode’s words spread, everyone was in an uproar, and they were shocked again.

“He, he’s the god of transformation?”

“Just kidding, huh?”

“Where did this demon come from?”

“It’s actually more powerful than Qian Qian!”

Someone trembled and stammered.

After all, it’s terrible.

Such a young god, even if there are few demons in history, right?

Like the sky in the sky, it is not comparable to the white-clothed boy in front of him.

Everyone looked at Ji Yan’s gaze and was already full of awe.

A young god worthy of their awe.

For Ao De’s question, Ji Yan did not speak, which can be regarded as acquiescence.

Ao De hated and angrily looked at Lu Shaoqing who came over by Shi Shiran, “Despicable, I actually let the Avatar make a move, is it bullying my Ao family without the Avatar?” ”

Say it, scare you to death, my Ao family is a bunch of gods.

Lu Shaoqing was surprised, this guy’s cheekiness was actually the same as his own?

“This is my senior brother, my peers, you can find the Ao family of your generation, it is best to find peers who are refining void and combining realms, when the time comes, here you have the final say, I don’t dare to put one.”

If I have such a peer, I will let him come and kill you at the first time.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and stretched out his hand to Ao De, “Give money.” ”

This time I made a good profit.

Ao De’s face froze, according to the gambling contract, he had to give Lu Shaoqing eighteen million spirit stones.

Just now, Ao De also took five million to bet, so he didn’t have so many spirit stones on him.

What’s even more disgusting is that Lu Shaoqing actually doesn’t want other debts, just spirit stones.

In the end, Ao De had to borrow it from others, and after making up some money, he finally made up enough.

“Good man!” After Lu Shaoqing took the spirit stone, he issued a good man card to Ao De.

Ao De stayed here without a face, and put down the cruel words, “I remember today’s events.”

After saying that, he wanted to leave, but Lu Shaoqing stopped him, “Slowly, who let you go…”

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