“What do you mean?” Gongsun Lie’s face changed, and he immediately made a vigilant gesture.

However, he is now under a ban, no different from mortals, and it is easy for Lu Shaoqing to kill him.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “The Gongsun family doesn’t seem to be very powerful except for you, the other lineages, right?”

“But the clansmen of your side branch are all very contentious, and there is also a genius among them, less than forty years old, who is already in the realm of the middle sixth layer.”

“If I’m not mistaken, it’s called Gongsun Ci, right?”

“Young hero, it is said that he once said in public that he would enter the late Yuan Infant period at the age of fifty, and then catch up with Qian Qian.”

“Gee, arrogant, worthy of being a person of a big family.”

“You say, if something goes wrong here, will he be treated like Jingmeng?”

Jing Meng, the side master of the Jing family, the incompetence of the master of the lineage, let him get the support of

the Jing family, Gongsun Lie is a smart person, as soon as the name Jing Meng came out, he immediately understood what Lu Shaoqing meant.

However, he quickly regained his composure, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and said coldly, “You dare to make a move against me?”

“Do you really think that my Gongsun family will let you go?”

Then, his gaze swept over Jian Bei and Jian Nan, “I had an accident here, and your Jian family will not be happy.” Of

course, Jian Bei knew this truth, “Big brother, don’t mess around.

“You’re going to kill him, you take him away and kill again.”

“Who said I was going to kill him?” Lu Shaoqing pouted.

Killing Gongsun Lie would not benefit him in the slightest, but would be fully retaliated by the Gongsun family, and even the Lingxiao faction in Qi Prefecture could not bear the anger of the Gongsun family.

Hearing that Lu Shaoqing did not kill himself, Gongsun Lie was determined in his heart, his waist was even more straight, and he reiterated his attitude and position again, “Oath token, don’t dream.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, with a bit of contempt in his expression, “You also say that you are a smart person, you don’t even understand this?”

“Accidents, it doesn’t have to kill you, sometimes something goes wrong with your body can also be called an accident, right?”

“Strength stays in this realm forever, stagnating for a lifetime, what do you think?”

The voice was very soft, but it was like a gust of wind blowing, making Gongsun Lie feel a chill in his body.

If he is stuck in this realm all his life, and his strength cannot go further, it is better to kill him.

Knowing that the scenery in front of you is beautiful, but being turned away, that feeling is better than death.

Gongsun Lie stared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You dare? I…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted him and continued, “What don’t you dare?” Anyway, having already offended the Ao family, what difference does it make to offend another Gongsun family?

“Did you see my senior brother just now?” My senior brother was very stingy and very protective, and Ao De bullied my junior sister, and he beat him half to death.

“A god of incarnation, God unknowingly does something in your body, no one can see it, right?”

“If your Gongsun family has no evidence, do you dare to attack us?”

These words once again made Gongsun Lie’s body chill, and even Jian Bei next to him couldn’t help but complain, “Big brother, you are so despicable.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled lightly and said to Gongsun Lie, “The words have already been said, give you a quarter of an hour, you are a smart person, think about it yourself.” Then

he went to the side to count his loot.

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Gongsun Lie suddenly spoke, “Give me back the storage ring.” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately laughed, he was indeed a smart person, and he thought about it so quickly.

He threw the storage ring to Gongsun Lie, “Write a letter, I’ll let you send it.” Gongsun

Lie, who had already thought it through, did not hesitate and quickly wrote down the matter clearly and handed it to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing threw it to Jian Nan, “Come, go and deliver a letter.”

Jian Nan looked away and coldly refused, “I’m not your subordinate.”

“This is a reasonable request, don’t forget your guarantee.”

Jian Bei shouted next to him, “Little sister, go, help him deliver the letter, and tell the Gongsun patriarch by the way, this matter has nothing to do with us.” With

the support of his eldest brother, Jian Nan finally had to act as a messenger and help Lu Shaoqing deliver the letter.

“Okay, let’s entertain Brother Gongsun.” Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Bei with a smile, and then went to the side to count his loot.

Today, after taking three storage rings from the hands of Ao Cang’s three, Lu Shaoqing suddenly patted his head, “Lean, forgot Ao De’s.”

“Alas, miscalculation…”

Shao Qing shook his head, Lu Shaoqing began to count, the storage rings of Ao Cang, Ao Jun and Ao Liang were actually not rich.

As a concubine, Ao Cang is also Ao De’s younger brother, a little richer, it is more than two million spirit stones, plus a bunch of materials, and it also has a value of more than ten million.

Ao Jun and Ao Liang are a little worse, and the two brothers combined are not as good as Ao De.

After counting, what Lu Shaoqing got was three million spirit stones and a bunch of materials.

Although the materials were worth more than 10 million, Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Are they all so poor?” ”

He didn’t plan to take the materials to cash out, keep them first, and use them later.”

In this way, then there was the bet, there were more than thirteen million spirit stones staked, of which five million spirit stones were bet by Ao De.

With the addition of a ransom of eighteen million, Ao De had already given him more than twenty million spirit stones.

“Good people, good people, from now on, the Ao family is a good person.”

Lu Shaoqing continued to count the spirit stones in his hand.

The remaining one million before him, Jian Nan’s ten million tuition fees, the more than seven million in their hands, the more than thirteen million in bets, and the more than twenty-one million of the Ao De brothers, a total of 43 million spirit stones in Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

Fifty-three million spirit stones, one-fifth of two and a half small targets.

Lu Shaoqing finally laughed and couldn’t help but sigh, “Zhongzhou, it’s really a good place.”

“However, people are still a little poor, if only they were richer.”


Lu Shaoqing followed the prestige, and Jian Bei once again hit his head on the ground.

“What are you doing? Today is the third kowtow.

“Big brother, is your real purpose for the Gongsun family’s oath token?” Jian Bei got up, his eyes resentful.

“What do you want to do? Seeking asylum with a pledge token?

“Nonsense, your Jian family is not willing to give it to me, I can only ask others for it…”

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