Lu Shaoqing, who had been busy all day, returned to the sect.

He ransacked more than a dozen disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion, and it took him a lot of time to sell the stolen things.

“Fortunately, in this way, there are 40,000 spirit stones in hand, almost 50,000.”

“Good, the ring CD is still a few days away, rest well.”

After Lu Shaoqing, who was satisfied, came back, he felt that he should make up for sleep.

Although the monk does not need to rest, a meditation can restore the spirit.

But Lu Shaoqing will not be like this, cultivation has already been done in the Time Ring.

Usually, he can not practice without cultivating.

Make yourself like a mortal.

Back under the tree, lie down in the hammock, and fall asleep.

Xiao Yi was lying on the desk in the room, his face full of sadness.

Her hair was disheveled and unintentionally combed, and Little Red lay on her head to rest.

On the desk, Xiao Yi only wrote two large characters on the paper he had placed.


And then there’s a blank.

Xiao Yi wailed, “What to do?

“Little Hong, I can’t write at all.”

“Twenty thousand words, what is this concept? I thought about it one night, my head was about to explode, and I didn’t think about how to write the third word.

“What should I do?” Little Red, I’m going to die. Xiao

Yi wanted to cry without tears.

Why was he so cheap and provoked the second senior brother in the first place?

Experience, what is experience?

I know a hairy thing.

I only know how to be sad.

I’m sad right now.

After Xiao Yi returned with the head and master in the evening, the others escorted Ji Yan to a more secret place to retreat, and at the same time had to protect the Dharma.

She came back alone, and after returning, she thought of 20,000 words of experience, had no intention of sleeping, and was very flustered.

Start trying to write.

However, one night passed, and she only wrote two words.


Xiao Yi was lying on the table, no matter how she looked at these two words, she felt like two other words.


“I’m miserable!”

Xiao Yi continued to wail, she couldn’t remember the first time she wailed.

She wailed for a night, and she could only wail these two words.

Suddenly, Little Red flapped her wings and fluttered away from her head.

“Xiaohong, where are you going?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly followed out.

Finding Xiaohong flying towards the outside, he was overjoyed in his heart, “Could it be that the second senior brother has returned?”

The master is not there, and neither is the master brother.

Last night, she was left alone and a bird in the huge Tianyu Peak.

Very lonely.

Xiao Yi followed Xiaohong outside and saw Lu Shaoqing lying in a hammock.

I don’t know why.

The originally depressed mood is also like the current weather, sunny and happy.

“Second Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi ran over with his calves.

She shook the hammock, “Second Senior Brother, when did you come back?” ”

While going,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t turn his head, “don’t come and quarrel with me.” ”

Finished writing?”

As soon as he talked about his experience, Xiao Yi’s mood immediately changed.

Just now it was still a clear sky, but now it is cloudy.

That’s sad.

Xiao Yi said to Lu Shaoqing with tears in his eyes, “Second Senior Brother, can you not write?” ”

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I can’t write.”

Lu Shaoqing still turned sideways and said, “No way, this matter has already been managed by Senior Brother, I don’t care.”

“Taking advantage of the retreat of the master brother to practice, it is the right way to write it out quickly.”

Xiao Yi continued to shake the hammock, “As long as you promise, Senior Brother will definitely not use it.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “I don’t agree, who dares to blackmail me?”

“How can you not let you remember for a long time?”

Xiao Yi sells cute and coquettish, but this set comes down.

It had no effect on Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t even open his eyes.

Xiao Yi was angry, “Second Senior Brother, you are too bad.

“Yes, men are not bad and women are not loved.”

“Okay, if you’re angry, go get angry on the side, don’t come and quarrel with me.”

At this moment, Xiao Yi couldn’t even get angry.

Such a second senior brother really makes people itch their teeth with anger, but they are helpless.

She rolled her eyes, “Second Senior Brother, what did you do last night?”

“Can you tell me?”

The voice was crispy and sweet, but Lu Shaoqing shivered.

Lu Shaoqing sat up and glared at Xiao Yidao.

Looking at the hair on Xiao Yi’s head, he said, “You ate your hairpins?”

“If you dare to talk to me in such a voice, you see if I can’t clean you up.”

Xiao Yi pouted, this can’t be dealt with.

“Second Senior Brother, you are so annoying.”

Xiao Yi stomped his foot, not wanting to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing ignored her and continued to lie down.

He did not continue to sleep, but took out the Tianji card to read the news.

As soon as you open it, the first thing that catches your eye is a big title.

“Elder Guiyuan Pavilion is against Ji Yan, what is this?” This

is exactly the article written by Shan Yue.

The above content is what Lu Shaoqing told her last night.

In just one night, Shan Yue was able to find out clearly, and he could write articles and send them out.

I have to say it’s fast.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but praise, “It’s very efficient.” Although

the content in it is a narrative way to say the competition between Ji Yan and Cang Zhengchu.

However, either explicitly or implicitly, he is saying that Cang Zhengchu ignored his identity and attacked Ji Yan, a junior. And it doesn’t take advantage.

Finally, Shan Yue’s own opinion and comments were attached.

It hit the nail on the head and pointed out that Cang Zhengchu was jealous of Ji Yan’s talent and wanted to take the opportunity to bully Ji Yan.

The content of the article is to the effect that it is belittling Cang Zhengchu and praising Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied with it.

When he saw the image of Ji Yan appear later in the article, he was even more satisfied.

“Well done.”

It is worthy of being a fan of the master brother, and it is almost clear that he scolds Cang Zhengchu throughout the article.

Xiao Yi’s side was sulking.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing’s two words, she pricked up her ears and secretly looked at this side with her eyes.

She was curious about what Lu Shaoqing had done last night.

She kept looking at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t take the bird with her, still looking at the Tianji card.

In the end, he couldn’t help the curiosity in his heart, and Xiao Yi couldn’t help but be angry.

She leaned over, “Second Senior Brother, what are you talking about?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “While going, aren’t you angry?”

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “How dare you be angry with the second senior brother.” ”

It’s important to be angry and satisfy your curiosity.

She set her gaze at Lu Shaoqing’s Tianji card.

Then she saw the image of Ji Yan on the Tianji card.

Dressed in red spirit armor, handsome and evil.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then reacted.

“Second Senior Brother, you went to sell Senior Brother last night?”

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