Bao Yi lost, and he was extremely unconvinced in his heart.

Constantly trying to get back the field from words.

But in the eyes of Lu Shaoqing, Jian Bei and Jian Nan, his behavior was like a guy who couldn’t afford to lose, like a shrew scolding the street.

Jian Nan frowned, feeling even worse for Bao Yi.

Jian Bei couldn’t help but feel contempt, just like that, still want to chase my sister?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, he didn’t want to take care of Bao Yi.

After all, Bao Yi came to the door to trouble him, and it was his luck not to rip off all his profane pants.

Thirty million from him is okay.

For the sake of him being a senior brother of the True Martial Academy, give him some face.

Now he is like a shrew, and it seems that the lesson is not enough.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a moment and said to Jian Nan, “Look, this guy can’t afford to lose like a lady, it’s a shame.”

Jian Nan couldn’t help but speak, correcting Lu Shaoqing’s words, “Even if it is a woman, she can afford to lose.”

“You…” Bao Yi vomited blood.

At the same time, my heart was even more broken, and I was bleeding continuously.

People you like actually say this about themselves, the world is hopeless, destroy it.

Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Bei again, “This guy doesn’t like your sister at all, let him come here less in the future.”

“What do you say?” This can’t bear it, Bao Yi immediately shouted, his voice was like Hong Lei, he looked at Lu Shaoqing here, I don’t know whether to look at Lu Shaoqing or Jian Nan, he loudly stated his attitude, “I was shocked from the first sight of Sister Nan, and I swore in my heart that she would not marry in this life.”

“Wow, confession? Lu Shaoqing stroked his palm and sighed, seemingly touched by Bao Yi, but the next moment, the corners of his mouth flickered, and his words changed, “What is shocking at first sight, love at first sight, is just a matter of color.”

“Your appearance determines how you are. ”

Bao Yi is furious, such a beautiful romance, so vulgar and vulgar by what you say, why don’t you go to heaven?”

“You have to talk nonsense, really it’s a dirt bag, do you know what love is?” Lu

Shaoqing took a peeled spirit bean and threw it into his mouth, snorted, and asked rhetorically, “If Nan Xiaochi was extremely ugly at that time, with sharp mouth and fangs, dark skin, and the smell of sweat, it was a dominatrix, did you see her and think she was your dream lover, the one who accompanied her for a lifetime?” Jian

Bei, Jian Nan, and Bao Yi couldn’t help but portray in their minds the image of the dominatrix described by Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Nan had the urge to slap Lingdou on Lu Shaoqing’s face, and actually described me as so ugly and hateful.

Jian Bei hurriedly shook his head, not daring to imagine that such an ugly sister did not dare to take it out to meet people.

Bao Yi, on the other hand, became silent, if he was so ugly, he would hide as far as he could.

Just when Bao Yi was silent, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Bao Yi and shouted, “Look, he hesitated.”

“So, what is love at first sight is fake, and love at first sight is true.”

Bao Yi reacted, being pitted by this bastard, he hurriedly roared, “Less nonsense, I really like Sister Nan.”

“I absolutely don’t allow anyone to bully her.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and continued to hit him, “Fake, you don’t really like her at all.

“You’re talking nonsense here, do you have proof?” Bao Yi was furious in his heart.

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Rumor-mongers should all be killed.

“Evidence?” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Jian Bei, “He wants you to call him big brother, but you don’t want to.”

“Even don’t hesitate to play Lai to repent, you also call it sincere?” ”

People are also Nan Xiaoniu’s brother, if you marry Nan Xiaomei, can’t you respectfully

shout a big brother?” “Now there is a chance for you, let you first shout brother, step by step, you are good, simply play Lai, you dare to say that you are sincere with Nan Xiaoniu?”

Jian Nan looked at his brother with dissatisfaction, really thinking of marrying me off

, Jian Bei was wronged, he hurriedly clarified, “Didn’t I call you big brother?

Now that, Jian Bei hurriedly said to Bao Yi, “Forget it, I won’t take advantage of you, everyone is of the same generation, don’t call me brother, I don’t plan to call you brother.”

Bao Yi didn’t know what to say anymore.

A mouthful of blood was held in his throat, and his face turned red.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, Lu Shaoqing was light and breezy, knocking on the spirit beans, and from time to time he picked up the teacup and took a sip, full of comfort.

Looking at a look that had nothing to do with him, Bao Yi gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart.

He was indignant and couldn’t wait to spray Lu Shaoqing to death with a mouthful of blood.

“Scumbag, no matter how you say it, you can’t shake my liking for Sister Nan.

Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, and continued to speak, “It’s okay, anyway, Nan Xiaoniu knows that you are not sincere with her.”

Bao Yi subconsciously looked at Jian Nan, Jian Nan didn’t look at him, continued to peel the spirit beans, and helped Lu Shaoqing add tea.

Like a real maid, she only sees her son.

Bao Yi covered his chest, so distressed, he really wanted to change a heart.

Today I was hit here to a mess, embarrassed, and I couldn’t get the upper hand everywhere.

But Bao Yi did not leave immediately, he was waiting, waiting for his master’s reply.

He had one last chance to keep him from throwing his face all over here.

He can still leave with his head held high.

“Hmph, let you puff out your lips, you won’t be able to get my True Martial Academy’s oath token in the end.

“You, but a dirt bun, are nothing but sharp teeth and sharp mouths.” ”

After another while, a stream of light crossed the sky and fell from the sky.

Seeing this, Bao Yi couldn’t help laughing, “Haha, Master replied, you just…” However

, after he saw something falling from the sky, the laughter stopped abruptly, his pupils dilated, his eyes full of shock, as if he saw the most incredible thing.

A pale white token slowly fell, and finally fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

The oath token of the True Martial Academy, in hand.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, “What did you just say?” ”

Poof…” Bao

Yi couldn’t help it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out…

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