“Oops!” with a long sigh, Guan Daniu stretched his waist, “Finally back.”

“Yiyu Forest is really not a place for people.

Xuan Yunxin, Meng Xiao and the others were also tired.

Meng Xiao patted his face, his tone tired, “What are those black monsters, it’s terrible.”

“If it weren’t for Sister Yunxin, we people would be dead.

As soon as these words came out, neither Jia Zun nor Fang Xiao couldn’t help but change their faces.

Guan Daniu’s expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice, “It is said that several groups of people and horses have been completely destroyed.

“Those black monsters are very terrifying, and people in the same realm are really not their opponents.”

“The academy has attached great importance to it and sent teachers to investigate the reason. ”

Everyone tried in the Yiyu forest, but they didn’t expect to be met with black monsters.

Fast and powerful, as if from the devil of hell, caused them a lot of trouble.

Like Jia Zun and Fang Xiao, two weaker ones, they were even injured.

However, in the end, with the joint efforts of everyone, he repelled the black monster and was safe.

Now that they bring it up, they still have palpitations.

Finally, it was Xuan Yunxin who spoke, “Okay, don’t think about the matter of Yiyu Forest.” ”

The black monster matter has the teachers to deal with, let’s have a good rest.”

Meng Xiao muttered, “I wonder what that guy is doing now?” and

then angrily kicked the stones on the ground, “It must be messing with flowers.” ”

Meng Xiao has a very good impression of Lu Shaoqing, and now he also wants to see Lu Shaoqing.

Although they were in the Yiyu Forest, they were able to know the news of what happened in Rucheng from the Tianji Card.

Lu Shaoqing has been in the headlines, and everyone still knows some of his movements.

Lu Shaoqing took Jian Nan to swagger through the city, like a Taoist couple, which made Meng Xiao very unhappy.

Guan Daniu smiled, he raised the Tianji card in his hand, and seemed very happy, “I got inside information, that hateful guy is going to be unlucky.” ”

What’s going on?”

Meng Xiao visibly tensed up, even Xuan Yunxin cast a concerned gaze.

Guan Daniu smiled even more happily, as a genius, the news could be one step ahead of others, and he proudly said the news he knew.

After Guan Daniu finished speaking, he glanced at Xuan Yunxin.

Xuan Yunxin’s face was strange, and Fang Xiao’s face was equally strange.

After Meng Xiao listened, he became worried

, “What to do?” So many people came to the door to force the palace, that guy is also very big, right?”

and Fang Xiao smiled and comforted Meng Xiao, “Don’t worry, Lu Gongzi, he can handle it.” The

bad memories struck, which made Xuanyun feel unconvinced in her heart, and she said lightly, “Not necessarily, this kind of thing is not so easy to solve.” ”

Hmph, you actually used me as a shield before, I see what else you can do now?”

Fang Xiao looked at Xuan Yunxin, pursed his lips and smiled, reminding Xuan Yunxin, “The old way is not impossible.” Meng

Xiao and Jia Zun didn’t know, Guan Daniu who had already understood was on Xuan Yunxin’s side, and he reminded Fang Xiao, “Senior Sister Yunxin and Jian Nan are both on the Fenghua list. Fang

Xiao understood, the old way, it really doesn’t work.

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The person this time is Jian Nan’s supporter, dare to swear by Xuanyunxin, just wait for Xuanyunxin’s supporter to come.

Meng Xiao was very strange, “What are you talking about?”

Xuan Yunxin interrupted directly, “Let’s go, now go and see how he does…” Xuan Yunxin

and his group came to Jian’s house, and as soon as they arrived here, they heard Lu Shaoqing’s words about having a future Daoist, which made several of them froze.

Meng Xiao almost jumped up, and was about to rush over to ask for a clear question.

Fortunately, Fang Xiao grabbed her, “Don’t be impulsive.

Meng Xiao shook two balls and opened his teeth and danced his claws, “He has a Taoist couple, when

?” “Who is it?”

“It’s really a big radish, I want to clean him up for Sister Yi.” ”

True, abominable fellow, he is also restless when he comes here, and he is messing with flowers everywhere, and I will beat him to death.”

Guan Daniu was also stunned, “Does this guy have a Taoist couple? Who is it?” Which

blindly looked at this bastard?

Xuanyun felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart, and he was indeed a bastard.

Lu Shaoqing’s sentence that I have a future Taoist not only made the people on Xuanyunxin’s side speechless, but also made the scene quiet.

So people suspect that they heard it wrong.


Bei patted his head, and he was also shocked.

Jian Bei asked Xiao Yi curiously, “Who is it?”

Xiao Yi shook his head in confusion, “I don’t know.” ”

Could it be that during the more than two years that I have been separated from the second senior brother, the second senior brother has found his Daoist partner?

Of course, these words also stunned Ao De, Bao Yi and others who were hiding on the side and watching the play.

However, soon Ao De sneered, “Cunning guy, think you can fool the past like this?”

Ao De said to Ao Cang, “Continue to make trouble, tell the others that this is just a trick he uses to deceive people.”

Bao Yi added, “Let him show evidence.” ”

Ao De and Bao Yi joined forces to secretly instigate people to come here to make trouble, and naturally there were also people mixed in with it, waiting for the opportunity.

Although the others were surprised that Lu Shaoqing had a future Daoist, at the instigation of Ao De Bao Yi’s people, the others shouted again.

“Evidence, what about evidence

?” “You say there is?” ”

Even if you have a future Taoist, it can’t prove that you are a decent gentleman.” The

momentum of the crowd was once again mighty, directly towards Lu Shaoqing.

The powerful waves of qi they emitted swept away, turning into bursts of storms, constantly impacting the surroundings.

Under this impact, the surrounding buildings were crumbling and terrifying.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Let’s strike together!” ”

Kill this bastard and help Miss Jiannan.” ”

The people of Ao De and Bao Yi hid in it, loudly agitating.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be forced to helpless, and he shouted, “I’ll take you to my senior lady and ask her to prove it to me…”

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