Ao De pressed further, “If you don’t give everyone an explanation today, this matter is not over.” Whether

it was Jian Bei, Jian Nan, or Xuan Yunxin’s group, they all knew that Lu Shaoqing was in big trouble.

Ao De pressed step by step, Lu Shaoqing did not give a satisfactory answer, he would really become a public enemy.

“Everyone still talk nonsense, let’s strike together.”

“Yes, that’s right, clean him up and let him know the consequences of offending Miss Jiannan.”

“We absolutely do not allow anyone to blaspheme Miss Jiannan. ”


Ode, Bao Yi’s people are secretly agitating again, and everyone is once again in turmoil.

When they were about to strike, Lu Shaoqing drank loudly again, as if roaring in everyone’s ears.

I, I can give you an explanation.”

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be very alarmed, and his words stuttered, “I, I, I swear with my Dao heart.”

“This, this can be proved, right?” Everyone

was silent, did the Dao Heart swear?

Only people who had known Lu Shaoqing, such as Xiao Yi, showed a happy smile, and Xuan Yunxin pouted.

The mood was inexplicably a little bad, no way, distant memories resurfaced to attack her, making her unhappy.

Dao Xin swore that for others, he would never dare to try it easily.

But for Lu Shaoqing, this kind of thing is no pressure.

Immediately, Lu Shaoqing swore loudly, “I swear with a Dao heart, now I don’t have any ambiguous relationship with Jian Nan, I didn’t pursue her, I and her are just friends.”

“I can also swear that I really came here to clear my innocence.” At

this moment, everyone had to believe it.

No one dares to joke with Daoxin.

And Ao De, Bao Yi’s face is very ugly.

Lu Shaoqing’s oath was enough to smash all the previous rumors.

What pursues Jiannan, what ambiguity, what door-to-door son-in-law, what is waiting for delivery at home all disappears.

Seeing that everyone was silent, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze gradually became calmer, there was no longer the kind of ferocity that wanted to kill him.

Xuan Yunxin snorted slightly.

A bunch of idiots.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze in the distance, her gaze was complicated.

This guy makes people love and hate.

“Haha…” Suddenly, someone laughed, and everyone followed the prestige, and it was actually Bao Yi who was laughing.

Bao Yi laughed, and only felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

Although the calculation of Lu Shaoqing failed, he could make Lu Shaoqing swear in public and clear his relationship with Jian Nan.

This means that he still has a chance and does not have to worry about Jian Nan being robbed.


from him, who else is more suitable for Jian Nan than him

? Moreover

, he laughed and laughed at Lu Shaoqing, “Weren’t you very brave before? Now in the face of so many people, instigated?”

Let him breathe out fiercely.

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This time is also a perfect end.

In the face of Bao Yi’s ridicule, Lu Shaoqing was not angry, but said to Jian Nandao, “Look, this time the matter definitely has his share.”

Jian Nan’s expression did not change, and her expression remained calm.

But her gaze glanced at Bao Yi, making Bao Yi feel as if she was facing an iceberg.

Bao Yi’s face froze, subconsciously denying, and said, “I’m not, it’s not me, it has nothing to do with me.” ”

Left a bad impression on the goddess, and licked it for a lifetime and couldn’t lick it back.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at him and shouted, “These things today were deliberately made by you and Ao De.

“Secretly instigating so many cuties to come to my door to trouble me, Ao De also deliberately imprisoned my master and wife.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.


?” “Ao De imprisoned

his senior wife?” “Who is his senior wife, why is he imprisoned

?” “Could it be that this is a member of the Ao family, and the Ao family does not agree with this family matter, so they imprisoned her?” ”

It is possible, after all, the big family, Lu Shaoqing’s division can not enter the eyes of the Ao family.”

“Ao family, doing things is domineering…” “What domineering, this is called domineering, unreasonable…” At this

time, Lu Shaoqing continued to speak, “Don’t misunderstand, my senior wife is not from the Ao family

, my senior wife is an authentic Qi Zhou person, came to Zhongzhou just to see the junior, and was imprisoned here.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

“No, it’s not a person from the Ao family, why should you be imprisoned?” ”

Is there something that offends

the Ao family?” “Offend the Ao family, with the Ao family’s style of doing things, it has long been killed, where will it still be imprisoned.” ”

What is the Ao family going to do?” Ao

De’s face became gloomy, and Ao Cang couldn’t help but jump out and shout angrily, “You don’t talk nonsense here, there is no your senior lady here.”

“You give me a roll!”

“Why” Lu Shaoqing was sad and indignant, and shouted very aggrieved, “I don’t want to see my master and wife?”

“Is your Ao family so domineering?

The people present were not only people from Middle State, but also many cultivators from other states.

Some come here to study, some come here to travel and practice, and so on.

People in Middle States have a sense of superiority over people in other states, and people in other states are not very comfortable here in Middle State, and conflicts are common.

If it weren’t for the fact that real people were not allowed to fight here in Rucheng, countless deaths and injuries would have been killed and injured a long time ago.

Now Lu Shaoqing’s shouting has aroused everyone’s resonance.

“Yes, are the Zhongzhou people so domineering?”

“Be careful, don’t shout so loudly, or people will arrest you and imprison you.”

“Yes, yes, I can’t afford to provoke …” Even,

some Zhongzhou people are not used to the Ao family’s practice.

“The Ao family is too much, isn’t this ruining the reputation of our Zhongzhou people?” ”

In fact, they are all doing things that they are domineering, and as a result, all of us in Zhongzhou pay for them, and their reputations are stinked by them…” The

comments of the people around him came into Ao De’s ears, and Ao De’s face became even more ugly.

The spearhead, the spearhead of the crowd pointed at him again….

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