Seeing that Ji Yan agreed, Ao Monk smiled, his eyes flashing with pride and cunning.

You little furry boy, dare to compare with me?

He pointed to the sky and said, “Go up there!”

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Don’t keep your hand, fight quickly, it’s best to clean him up with one move.”

“You still grind this kind of goods, fight dozens of rounds to beat him down, don’t say you know me, I’m embarrassed.” These

words fell into the ears of others, and there was an uproar.

“No, who does he think

Ao Monk is?” “It’s too much, bragging must also abide by the basics, one round to clean up Ao Monk, does he not know the strength of the three layers of the Avatar God?”

Think it’s great to have a senior brother?” Everyone

started talking again, and they all felt that Lu Shaoqing was too capable of pretending.

Ji Yan is just the second-layer realm of the Transformation God, which is one realm lower than that of Ao Monk.

When Guan Daniu heard it, he pouted and immediately shouted, “Look, this guy is bragging again.”

“Think Monk Ao is a child? ”

Being able to defeat Ao Monk in hundreds of rounds, Ji Yan Gongzi is considered a demon. Even

Meng Xiao, who had the most favorable impression of Lu Shaoqing, could not refute this.

If the god of transformation is so easy to clean up, it will not be called the god of transformation.

When Monk Ao heard this, he laughed angrily, staring at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes could not hide the killing intent, “Boy, arrogant, I will teach you well later, so that you know what it is to have a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.”

“Come up!”

he gulped, and he was the first to rush into the sky.

Ji Yan naturally followed.

The two sides soon came to heaven, facing each other from a distance.

The people below looked up at the two people the size of ants in the sky for thousands of meters.

Many people have sacrificed protective means, some of the magic weapons give birth to a protective shield, some have laid a temporary formation, and some people simply operate with spiritual power and use spiritual power shields to protect themselves.

“This is a battle between the gods, and for me and others, this is a rare opportunity, so I have to look at it carefully. ”


, I don’t know if I have a chance to enter that realm…”

Ao De looked up at the sky with anticipation in his eyes.

As long as Ao Monk defeats Ji Yan, all the faces lost by the Ao family today can be picked up.

Ao Cang sneered and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Guy who doesn’t know the height of the sky and the thick of the earth, wait for death.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Do you want to make a bet

?” “Fifty million spirit stones, how?” Ao

Cang immediately closed his mouth, he was now so poor that his pants were perforated, and he had a Mao Ling stone.

“Don’t you have a spirit stone? Just take your family’s vow token. Jian

Bei next to him was directly speechless, do you really want to collect the oath

tokens of the five families and three factions? Ao Cang immediately drank low, “How daring, you dare to think about this kind of thing? Ao

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De couldn’t help but speak, “Ignorant child, how can you get the oath tokens of the five families and three factions?”

Jian Bei next to him was holding back very hard, and he really wanted to open his mouth to tell Ao De that Lu Shaoqing already had four oath tokens in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing looked very unimpressed, and said to Jian Beidao, “Look, although they are the same five families and three factions, the Ao family is not a star and a half worse than your Jian family.”

“You can be proud of who you are in the Jane family. Jian

Nan wanted to hit Lu Shaoqing with his head.

Ao De was so angry that he kept coming out, and he couldn’t wait to hit Lu Shaoqing with his head, “What do you say

?” “I said that you don’t have confidence in your Elder Wu, don’t you dare to bet with me, are you not afraid that he will lose?” When

Ao De heard this, his anger suddenly subsided, and he laughed, “Do you really think that your senior brother has won?”

As Ode’s words fell, there were also fluctuations above the sky.

Everyone’s eyes instantly stared at it.

In the eyes of everyone, the two people in the sky seemed to have escaped into another space.

The figures of the two became illusory, as if they had sunk under the water, and the waves above the surface of the water were constant, and the onlookers’ eyes could only barely see their figures.

“Is this the domain?” Feeling

the terrifying fluctuations in the space around the two, many people’s faces turned pale.

If they are involved in a realm like theirs, they will be strangled in an instant, and even their souls will be strangled cleanly.

“But it seems that Monk Ao has the upper hand.

“Yes, the area of Ao Monk is too large, completely suppressing the realm of Ji Yan.

“It’s really terrifying, this has a range of three or four miles, right?” ”

Yes, it is said that the field of terror can be a million li, tens of millions of li once it is unfolded.” Ji

Yan seemed to be compressed in one place, and his range seemed to be small.

Ji Yan actually comprehended the realm, and his talent was amazing, but it was a pity that he met Ao Monk. Now it seems that Ao Monk is better than him.

“He lost, but he didn’t lose unjustly.” ”

Above the sky, Ao Monk has already made a move in the field.

He swung out his palm, powerful spiritual power gathered, and there was a roar above the sky, the powerful force seemed to tear the void, and a palm like a god and demon fell towards Ji Yan.

The people on the ground felt gusts of wind, like the eyes of the storm, and the strong sense of oppression seemed to tear their bodies apart, making it difficult for them to breathe.

“Good, so strong!” many

people were shocked and exclaimed.

Seeing that Ao Monk seemed to have the upper hand, Ao De and the others were overjoyed.

“Hmph, he lost!” Ao Cang glanced at Lu Shaoqing and said very proudly, “Tell you, Elder Wu’s domain can triple the power of the spells he plays.

“Your senior brother, you have lost!” Ao

De said to Lu Shaoqing with pride and confidence on his face, “I can show mercy and let you collect the corpse of your senior brother later.”

However, the next moment, a scream suddenly came from above the sky.

“Ah, no, it can’t be…” came

the panicked voice of Monk Ao, and everyone hurriedly looked up.

I saw that Ao Monk’s body was pierced, blood splattered, and he fell from the sky, holding a sword and standing like a nine-heavenly sword god…

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