The sky is very blue, the sun is very warm, the wind blowing is very soft, and the wind with spiritual energy blows on people’s faces, like gentle hands caressing their faces, making people forget their troubles and be happy physically and mentally.

However, now everyone seems to feel that the gentle wind has turned into a violent wind.

There was a feeling that it was windy and I couldn’t hear it clearly.

Many people rubbed their ears and looked at Lu Shaoqing again, secretly shouting in their hearts that he didn’t speak

just now, right? What did he say

just now

? What is 30 million spirit stones and 50 million spirit stones that do not appreciate it?

The Guan Daniu in the distance immediately shouted, “Look, I just said, this is called afraid of the Ao family?”

This guy even dares to blackmail the big guy in the refining period, what about the Ao family?

The onlookers also froze.

Is this blackmail from

the Ao family? Catching the Ao monk is not afraid of the Ao family, but asking the Ao family for spirit stones

? Many people want to go crazy, they all underestimate Lu Shaoqing’s boldness, they are afraid?

Ao De, Ao Cang and others also froze.

As for Ao Liang wanting to cry, sure enough, this bastard really didn’t put the Ao family in his eyes.

Now blackmailing the Ao family in public, is he tired of living

? Ao De’s face instantly looked ugly as if Ao Monk was dead

, “What do you say?” “Lead your love, 30 million spirit stones, don’t accept your love, why do you still raise the price

?” “What are you?” The hatred in Ao De’s heart is sky-high, damn it, blackmail him not to say, and dare to blackmail the Ao family?

I’m not a thing, the main thing is that he is something. Lu Shaoqing pointed to the side and said.

Monk Ao was suspended in the air, hanging his head, and if it weren’t for his breathing, everyone thought he was dead.

Ao De and the rest of the Ao family became even more angry, “Bastard, are you knocking on

my Ao family?” “Do you want to be an enemy of my Ao family?” Lu

Shaoqing hurriedly waved his hand, “Don’t talk nonsense, I respect your five families and three factions the most, you have always been my longing target.” ”

I’ll go!”

many people can’t help but complain in their hearts.


you misunderstand the word respect?

Speaking of respect, but taking people’s elders hostage and blackmailing people.

This kind of operation, unheard of, unseen, is also quite explosive operation in the entire Zhongzhou.

“Damn, let people go!” Ao Cang pointed at Lu Shaoqing and drank, the naked killing intent could not be concealed, and the furious aura continued to emanate, “Otherwise…”

“How else?” Lu Shaoqing was not afraid at all, but smiled and asked, “Do you want to fight with my senior brother?”

Looking at the white clothes like snow, flowing like dust, standing next to him like a handsome jade son.

Ao De and the others felt extremely aggrieved.

Hold back until they vomit blood.

As a child of the Ao family, he had never felt so humiliated, and this was the first time.

On the other hand, they have nothing to do.

Ji Yan is a god of transformation, extremely strong, and even their five elders are not Ji Yan’s opponents.

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These juniors can’t help but join forces.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, Ao De could only carry his own Ao family out again, “Boy, you have to think clearly, what consequences will happen if you offend the Ao family.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, this guy has been ripping off, back and forth will say this.

Alas, it seems that the strength is weak, and it is not loud enough to speak in the family.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ao De, “You go and call your family to the master, if you can’t be the master, don’t just waste my time here.” The

words made several people in Ao De angry and rushed to the sky.

They had never seen such a hateful guy.

Ao De couldn’t help but glance at Zhang Conglong at this time, and he already had a little regret in his heart.

He knew that things would turn out like this, so he didn’t have to do this.

Originally thought of using the large number of people to force Lu Shaoqing to death, but instead was used by Lu Shaoqing, and turned this fire to him.

Well, now he’s been forced to vomit blood.

He only hated that his strength was not enough, otherwise he would definitely kill Lu Shaoqing.

“You, damn it!” Ao

De stared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, his voice hoarse, like the roar of a desperate beast.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and shouted loudly, “No, don’t you really take him to heart?” “It’s

all this time, you still have to grind here, is he still not the elder of your Ao family?

At this moment, a voice finally sounded, fluttering softly from a distance.

“Little one, you’re overdoing it. The

voice fell, and then an old man in a gray robe appeared.

The old man’s face was white, and his long white hair was scattered on his shoulders at will, like an immortal in the game world.

But after he appeared, everyone felt an invisible pressure descend, as if there was a feeling of being targeted by a fierce beast, which made people shudder.

“Two, Second Elder!”

Ao De and Ao Cang were overjoyed and hurriedly saluted.

There were also people next to him who whispered.

“It’s the second elder

of the Ao family, Ao Hu!” “It’s Ao Hu, he, he’s coming…”

“It is said that he is already an existence in the late stage of the Transformation God, and no one knows his true strength, and he has not made a move for many years.

“I didn’t expect to provoke him.”

“When he was young, he was a generation of demon kings, killing countless people.

“No matter how powerful Ji Yan is, it can’t be Ao Hu’s opponent.

“Now, they’re in big trouble.” When

Ao Hu appeared, many people’s scalps were numb, and they hurriedly saluted Ao Hu.

Ao Hu’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, his gaze sharp.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it indifferently, Ao Hu may be very strong, but in the eyes of Lu Shaoqing, who has fought with the Holy Lord, seen Xiangkui, and even killed the sacrifice god, Ao Hu is just like that.

What’s more, looking at each other, who is afraid of whom?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze met Ao Hu, and time seemed to stop.

After a while, Ao Hu withdrew his gaze, his expression was still indifferent, but a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

He slowly spoke, his voice carrying an unscrupulous tone, “Let people go, the previous things can be blamed for the past.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, disagreed, and affirmed his attitude, “One hand hands over spirit stones, the other hand to people…”

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