Lu Shaoqing and Ao Hu spoke almost at the same time.

After speaking, the two looked at each other at the same time.

Ao Hu’s expression was hideous, and his eyes revealed ferocity, like a jackal that had been hungry for three days and three nights, eager to tear Lu Shaoqing to pieces.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t put him in his eyes, but smiled kindly at him, “Yes, you also think it’s inappropriate

to let us leave like this, right?” Ao Hu gritted his teeth, hatred, so that everyone around him could feel his hatred, he said hatefully, “Yes, it’s not appropriate to let you leave like this.”

Lu Shaoqing was even more satisfied, nodding repeatedly, showing a gratifying expression, just like the old father saw his son sensible, “I didn’t expect ah, so many people from the Ao family, or you will do it.” ”

Your Ao family treats my future senior lady like this, and it is difficult to say that you don’t compensate me for thirty or fifty million.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, smiled straight, and looked forward to it, “Say, how much compensation do you plan to give?” ”

The more the better, when the time comes, I will say a few good words to you in front of my senior wife.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless.


you think that keeping you here is to compensate you?

But it can be seen that everyone also understands that Lu Shaoqing did not take the Ao family to heart, and did not panic at all.

Ao Hu was also stunned, this kid is not afraid of him

, can there be some backhand,

such an abnormal performance made Ao Hu can’t help but mutter.

After staring at Lu Shaoqing up and down, he said coldly, “Boy, didn’t you wake up

?” “You even want to let my Ao family compensate you for your spirit stone

?” “Isn’t it?”

The younger generation of your Ao family is wasted, and instead of looking for reasons from yourself, not working hard to cultivate, but thinking of finding a woman to improve your Ao family’s seed?”

“Senior Sister Xia Yu came to Zhongzhou to practice, and she will fight for the Terran race in the future, not to give birth to your children.”

“What kind of joke, you are now eyeing Senior Sister Xia Yu, are you also eyeing the genius female cultivators of

other states?” “Have they become your spare candidates

?” “My senior lady came to you to theorize, and ended up being imprisoned by

you, what do you want to do?” “You have already treated people from other states as slaves of your Ao family, do you dispose of them casually?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words were fierce and deafening, like a hurricane blowing through, and everyone’s faces changed greatly.

They have also heard about the things between the Ao family and Xia Yu, but no one knows the specific details.

It turns out that this is the reason why Ao De wants to marry Xia Yu?

Combine with a genius girl to give birth to a more talented junior.


!” “Disgusting!” Immediately

, many female monks showed disgust on their faces.

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Even among the friars, many of them showed disdain.

He is not a genius and cannot fly high, so he thinks of giving birth to genius offspring in this way.

This behavior is disgusting to think about.

Everyone felt even worse about the Ao family.

The faces of Ao Hu, Ao De and others also changed greatly.

The Ao family’s abacus is not a secret, as long as people with a little news channel can know it.

What really made them change color was not that they wanted Xia Yu to have offspring, but Lu Shaoqing’s sentence that people in other states were treated as efforts and disposed of at will.

The strength of the Ao family is very strong, but it is not strong enough to single out the thirteen states.

The forces of other states are indeed not comparable to the Ao family, but when they unite, the Ao family cannot afford to offend.

Lu Shaoqing’s words deliberately set the Ao family against other state forces.

On the other hand, now that there is an example of An Qianyan, the Ao family seems to be difficult to refute it.

However, Ao Hu is Ao Hu after all, as a second elder, how can he do it without some patience?

He snorted coldly, and his voice sounded in everyone’s ears like thunder, making everyone’s faces change.

Ao Hu calmed everyone before he said coldly, “Boy, you don’t want to sow discord here, my Ao family does things in an honest manner, and I have never treated people from other states as such.”

“You dare to talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of my Ao family, my Ao family does not share the sky with you, don’t let your own nonsense cause trouble to the people around you.” Once

again, he threatened Lu Shaoqing.

The threat of Ao Hu is not the same as the threat of Ao De.

An Qianyan’s hand was on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, and she whispered, “Shaoqing, don’t be impulsive!”

The Ao family is powerful, as a big force of one of the five families and three factions, the masters are like clouds, and the strength is so strong, even if the Lingxiao faction and Shuangyuegu join forces, they are not their opponents.

Otherwise, with An Qianyan’s strength, he would not be forced to stay here and be placed under house arrest by the Ao family in disguise.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and smiled slightly, signaling An Qianyan not to worry.

Turning to Ao Hu, he said, “Nonsense? Justice is in the hearts of the people, everyone is not a fool, what calculations your Ao family makes, everyone knows in their hearts.”

“If you want to prove that your Ao family does not have that mind, you must compensate my master and mother today.”

Ao Hu smiled, “If you want to be beautiful, you have to pay for what you did to my Ao family today.” ”

Is your Ao family planning to start a war with us?”

asked Lu Shaoqing softly, but everyone froze.

Jian Bei next to him even held his head and roared at Jian Nan in a low voice, “He’s crazy, he’s absolutely crazy.”

“Who does he think he is, how powerful the sect behind him is, he knows very well in his heart, how can he compare with the Ao family, what confidence does he have to say this?”

Their eyes widened and they felt disbelief.

Their mood was similar to Jian Bei’s, and they all felt that Lu Shaoqing was crazy.


front of the huge Ao family, the strength of Lu Shaoqing and his sect is like an egg, and the slightest touch will crush the bones.

Ao Hu was also stunned for a moment, and then he couldn’t help laughing, his long white hair fluttered with the wind, and he was rampant with contempt, “What confidence do you have to dare to say this to me?”

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