Lu Shaoqing’s sentence I have a way to make everyone stunned, Yu Chang did not jump, looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly.

“You have a way, what can you do?”

Everyone was curious, and Yu Chang reminded Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, you must know that the goal is to transform the gods. ”

The Lingxiao faction’s side also didn’t think about making a move on Chao Yan of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Chao Yan’s strength is the three-layer realm of the early stage of the Transformation God, and with Ke Hong’s strength, he can be easily pinched.

However, Chao Yan is very cunning, and he has been hiding in the Guiyuan Pavilion, not giving Ke Hong a chance.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and pointed to himself.

Everyone was an old fox, and Lu Shaoqing pointed at himself, and they instantly understood what Lu Shaoqing’s method was.

Using Lu Shaoqing as bait, lure Chao Yan out and kill him.

However, this method was instantly rejected.

Yu Chang jumped again, and he said loudly, “No, this method definitely does not work.”

“You go as bait, what if something goes wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing’s present is the youngest Avatar, and he and Ji Yan are the future of the Lingxiao faction.

As long as they grow safely in the future, the Lingxiao Sect will be able to become the most powerful sect.

Let Lu Shaoqing take risks, in case something goes wrong, Yu Chang feels that those deceased ancestors will jump out from the ground and strangle him to death.

Lu Ji also did not agree with this method, “We want to do something to Guiyuan Pavilion for the sake of the sect, and you are the future of the sect.”

“You had an accident, what’s the point of us dealing with Guiyuan Pavilion?”

Paying so much attention to himself, Lu Shaoqing didn’t know whether to be moved, or hesitant, such a big expectation, a lot of pressure.

He pointed to himself again, “I said, I can deal with Chao Yan.”

“You can deal with him, in case Xi Yong also follows, you are not his opponent.”

Ke Hong also disagreed with this approach, saying, “The method is too risky, it is not worth it, and it needs to be considered in the long run.”

“Take your time, don’t worry, if you want to destroy a sect, how can it be so easy.”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, “I’m not afraid, what are you afraid of?” ”

I volunteered to take myself on a risk, but you didn’t agree?

Yu Chang said, “It’s not a question of whether you’re afraid or not, it’s worth it.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is now a genius disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, so he can’t take such a risk.

Seeing that everyone did not agree, Lu Shaoqing did not ask, but he rolled his eyes, and he already had his own decision in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing stretched his waist and said indifferently, “Let it be.”

“Go and discuss, I won’t accompany you, I’ll go out and wander around when the time comes.”

“What for?” Yu Chang asked warily.

“Let’s go to the Thousand Bandits City then, I promise to let Cai Mei’s chick join the Heavenly Royal Peak.” Lu Shaoqing smiled like a profiteer, “As a senior brother, when the time comes, I will go to the Thousand Bandits City, and her father will not be able to treat me well?”

“If you don’t honor me tens of millions of spirit stones, I will give his daughter small shoes to wear.”

In this regard, Yu Chang could only scold, “Bastard, don’t come nonsense!”

Then he instructed Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s keep a low profile during this time, you are our surprise soldier.”

Everyone then dispersed, and Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, but then laughed again.

“The sect has this meaning, exactly!”

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The sect’s side also wanted to destroy the Guiyuan Pavilion, which was exactly what he wanted.

However, they have to think long-term and think about being prepared.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not plan to wait so long.

“Guiyuan Pavilion is too annoying, early extinction and early superbirth, destroy them early, rest early.”

Lu Shaoqing lay on the hammock, looking at Xiao Hei who slept with his eyes closed, his eyes were faint.

Ke Hong’s words made him feel great pressure.

Heaven and earth may change greatly in the future, the world will become turbulent, and great calamities will come.

Destroy the Guiyuan Pavilion early, let the sect develop with peace of mind, and accumulate strength.

After a while, his gaze looked in one direction.

Yin Qi took Cai Mei like a thief and sneakily touched in from the outside.

As soon as the heads of the two poked out, they met Lu Shaoqing’s gaze.

After being discovered, Yin Qi did not have any embarrassment, but rushed over generously, “How is it?” ”

Did the boss clean you up?”

Yin Qi was looking forward to it, and the head beckoned several uncles to come together, and he must have beaten Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

“I’m going to be killed by the boss.” Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes.

Then he deliberately said to her viciously, “This is Tianyu Peak, don’t drag you little chick of Biyun Peak.”

“Or drive you out.”

Yin Qi pulled out his giant sword and waved it at Lu Shaoqing twice, and after threatening, he pulled Cai Mei and said, “Go, I’ll take you to find a place to live.”

Lu Shaoqing reminded Cai Mei, “In a few days, we will go to the Thousand Bandits City.” Lu

Shaoqing was beautiful, lying down for a few days and letting himself relax completely before he began to get busy.

One flashed away and returned to his room.

There was still no change here, Lu Shaoqing upgraded the surrounding large array, and then flipped his wrist, and several storage rings appeared in his hand.

This is the storage ring of Ao Beiluo, Ao Changdao and Ao Monk, plus Xi He’s, a total of four.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Just see if a wave can earn something.” ”

Huashen is a bit of a family, right?”

“Let me get rich in a wave!”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and at the same time decisively began to violently disassemble.

The first storage ring opened was naturally Xi He’s, this is a small role, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t have much hope for it.

The first one is turned on so as not to spoil your mood.

In fact, just as Lu Shaoqing thought, there were not many good things in Xi He’s storage ring.

“Without the ultimate material, there are only three million spirit stones?”

“Poor ghost!”

Lu Shaoqing was extremely disgusted, sure enough, the first one to open was right, if it was the last to open, it would definitely spoil his mood for the day.

After tidying it up a little, Lu Shaoqing opened Ao Monk’s storage ring and counted it, his expression was still terrible.

“I’ll go! Is this old guy also a poor ghost? ”

Did I stab the poor ghost’s den…”

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