Lu Shaoqing is the god of transformation, and Ji Yan is also the god of transformation.

For the Lingxiao faction, it was a great thing.

But for Guiyuan Pavilion, there is no difference from the sky falling.

The contradictions between Guiyuan Pavilion and the Lingxiao faction were already deep, and it was no longer possible to coexist peacefully.

The more masters emerge from the Lingxiao faction, the more dangerous the Guiyuan Pavilion will be.

Yan Chun regretted it in his heart, and he knew that he would make a decisive move at that time and fight with the Lingxiao faction.

Even if you lose both, you won’t make yourself passive now.

But there was no regret medicine to take in the world, and at that time, he did not expect that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan would become gods.

Or maybe people all over the world don’t want that.

After all, they are too young, even if they are gifted and peerless geniuses, cultivating from the mother’s womb, they should not be so fast.

However, they are incarnate.

So it’s not his judgment error, it’s just that the other party doesn’t play cards according to common sense.

Xi Yong did not speak, and after his eyes roamed around everyone, he asked rhetorically, “What do you think?”

“What else can I do?” Some elders roared, “At this step, there is no turning back, only to fight with the Lingxiao faction.”

“That’s right, over the years, our strength has also been increasing, and the Yuan Infant has increased by several, and we are not afraid of the Lingxiao faction.”

Elder Zang Shao said coldly, “The strength of the Lingxiao faction is also increasing, they now have two more Avatar Gods, how to fight?”

These words were like a basin of cold water, pouring Yan Chun and the others into a thorough cold.

“Afraid of what?” Suddenly, someone sneered.

A middle-aged man, sitting cross-legged casually, exuded a strong and confident aura all over his body.

Chao Yan, Xi Yong’s apprentice, another god of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

Chao Yan showed an arrogant posture, and when he spoke of the Lingxiao faction, his tone was contemptuous, “Two little ghosts, even if they are gods, how powerful can they be?”

Yan Chun’s dry face was full of cruelty, and he gritted his teeth and said, “Ji Yan didn’t come back in Zhongzhou, Lu Shaoqing has already rushed back, I don’t know when to return, if…” Xi He interjected, “Lu Shaoqing

came back, I met him.” ”

Well, it’s useless to preemptively strike or something, Yan Chun closed his mouth.

Chao Yan’s eyes lit up, laughed, and said confidently, “This is better to deal with, one-on-one, just a young man, I can definitely kill him.” ”

In Chao Yan’s opinion, Lu Shaoqing is too young, even if he is a god? He had already entered the Transformation God for hundreds of years, and his strength realm was definitely not comparable to Lu Shaoqing.

Everyone also thought of this, and their hearts were boosted.

In this way, their odds are high.

Yan Chun asked Xi He, “Junior Brother He, can you tell us about the process of meeting Lu Shaoqing?”

After Xi He told what happened to him, everyone fell silent.

Xi He personally verified that Lu Shaoqing was a god of transformation and had not run.

After listening to his grandson’s words, Xi Yong frowned, his expression was not very good-looking, he stared at Xi He and asked, “You said you heard Lu Shaoqing mention a senior?”

Xi He nodded, “Well, that’s right, I did hear him say this to his junior sister.

Xi Yong’s face became even worse, gloomy, and cloudy.

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Noticing that Xi Yong’s expression was wrong, Chao Yan asked, “Master, what’s wrong?”

Xi Yong’s gaze swept over everyone, and everyone felt a great pressure.

After a long time, Xi Yong slowly spoke, “I went to Yanzhou before, but I ended up returning without success.

“It’s because I met a master, a powerful existence in the refining period.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped.

Your sister, refining period.

Yan Chun almost peed, “Mo, could it be that there are still such people in the Lingxiao faction?” ”

If the Lingxiao Sect has a refining period and still farts, he will come to the door now to plead guilty.

Xi Yong shook his head and said, “It shouldn’t be someone from the Lingxiao faction, otherwise he wouldn’t let me go so easily.”

Xi Yong’s words were not finished, but everyone’s faces were still extremely gloomy.

If the Lingxiao faction invited such a master, they didn’t have to fight, just raise their hands and surrender.

“Lao Zu, what should we do now?”

Yan Chun was very panicked in his heart, and for a while he didn’t know whether to fight or not.

Hit, listen, as if there is no chance of victory.

If you don’t fight, the strength of the Lingxiao faction is getting stronger and stronger, and if you want to fight in the future, you won’t have a chance.

At the moment, Yan Chun felt that Gui Yuange was like a patient, whether he was treated now or not, he would have to die sooner or later.

At this moment,

“Huh!” Xi Yong suddenly laughed, his voice echoed in the air, shaking the surrounding trees, and suddenly his breath suddenly exploded.


It was like a Category 12 hurricane here, and the powerful coercion suppressed the entire audience, and everyone felt that it was difficult to breathe.

The power of the gods made them feel that Xi Yong was like a heavenly god, and they were full of deep awe for it.

Chao Yan, on the other hand, stood up in shock, and then showed a joyful expression, “Master, you have broken through?” Xi

Yong put away his breath and made himself like a mortal, which made Yan Chun and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

Yan Chun and the others looked at Xi Yong with expectant and eager eyes, waiting for Xi Yong’s answer.

Chao Yan’s words were also heard in their ears just now.

In the eager expectant gazes of everyone, Xi Yong slowly spoke, “I encountered the existence of that refining void realm before, which made me feel something, and I finally broke through these years. Hearing

Xi Yong’s personal admission, Yan Chun and the others were overjoyed, and they shouted one after another, “Congratulations to the old ancestor, the old ancestor is mighty!” ”

Xi Yong was already in the eight-layer realm of the god of transformation before, and after breaking through, he came to the nine-layer realm, and his strength went further.

Yan Chun was overjoyed and almost burst into tears, “Fortunately for returning to the Yuan Pavilion!” Hearing

everyone’s compliments, Xi Yong did not have any expression on his face, but his heart was still very proud.

After all, in the ninth layer of the Transformation God, there are very few people who have reached this step.

He said lightly, “Let’s do it, there will be a battle with the Lingxiao faction sooner or later, and now there is no way back.” What

worries Xi Yong even more is the old-timer in Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

So, in any case, do it first.

“Master, I have a way to break the arm of the Lingxiao faction first…”

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