“Young Master Lu, long time no see!” When he arrived at Thousand Bandit City, the city lord Cai Kan had already brought people to greet him.

The strength that Lu Shaoqing showed before impressed Cai Kan, even if he had now entered the Yuan Infancy stage, he did not dare to snub.

Moreover, his daughter had become a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, and she was also a disciple of Lu Shaoqing’s peak.

Under these two relationships, Lu Shaoqing is the most honored guest of Thousand Bandits City.

After Lu Shaoqing got off the boat, he noticed that someone was staring at him unkindly, and following the feelings, Lu Shaoqing found an old acquaintance.

“Long time no see, Gu Haojun?”

Gu Junhao said hatefully, “My name is Gu Junhao!”

“Same, same!”

The same hair.

Gu Junhao wanted to hit someone.

However, he does not have this strength.

He is now only in the nine-layer realm of Jiedan, and over the years, he has improved rapidly, but he is not yet a Yuan baby.

And Lu Shaoqing has long been able to slaughter the Yuan baby, and his strength is so strong that he can’t resist.

Seeing Junior Sister standing obediently behind Lu Shaoqing, Gu Junhao’s teeth were almost crushed.

However, when his gaze fell on Yin Qi next to him, his eyes straightened.

With such a look and such a figure, Gu Junhao felt that the junior sister who had not been seen for several years was not fragrant.

I haven’t seen it for a few years, and I don’t take the initiative to say hello to my senior brother, people, it will really change.

His gaze was staring at Yin Qi tightly, and the more he looked at it, the more charming he felt.

He subconsciously straightened his waist and made himself more confident, handsome and charming.

Cai Kan already knew the purpose of Lu Shaoqing’s arrival.

The disciples of the Lingxiao faction and the disciples of the Guiyuan Pavilion wanted to fight in the Thousand Bandit City, and the Thousand Bandit City was caught in the middle, and they were embarrassed to die.

On the other hand, he couldn’t refuse.

In the end, it is also for his daughter to be angry.

The grandsons of Guiyuan Pavilion are really annoying.

Cai Kan secretly greeted the whole family of Gui Yuange in his heart.

If his daughter is not in the Lingxiao faction, he will also greet together.

Cai Kan asked worriedly, “Young Master Lu, you, you guys are just having a discussion then, right?” ”

What he is most afraid of is that the disciples of the two factions will beat the dog’s brains out here, and it will be him who is unlucky at that time.”

No matter who wins or loses, Thousand Bandit City is the one who loses.

Seeing Cai Kan’s worried expression, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly and nodded, “I will have a friendly exchange, don’t worry.”

Lu Shaoqing’s smile made Cai Kan gradually relax his heart.

Friendly communication, as my daughter’s senior brother, should not lie to me, right?

As long as the two sides did not beat the dog’s brain out, he was relieved.

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Reassured, he also laughed, “Young Master Lu, please …” Lu

Shaoqing was arranged in an independent courtyard, located on the top of the mountain, where he could overlook the entire Thousand Bandit City.

Condescending, the mountain wind whistled, Lu Shaoqing stood in the air, the materials in his hand kept falling, and the Dao Dao Array immediately lit up.

As the last formation fell, Lu Shaoqing stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the fire under the mountain, with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and whispered to himself, “It depends on whether your people from the Yuan Pavilion will come or not!” ”

There are still two or three months left before the agreed time, and Lu Shaoqing is not in a hurry, just waiting here in Thousand Bandit City.

He didn’t go anywhere, just stayed in his own place, and Yin Qi and Cai Mei came here from time to time to find him.

The reason for looking for him was naturally to hear more about Ji Yan from his mouth.

Seeing that his current goddess and former goddess were running towards Lu Shaoqing, Gu Junhao was so envious and jealous that his teeth were about to be crushed.

What is so good about that bastard, hanger langdang, without the slightest mature look, where is it worth entrusting a woman for life?

To entrust for life, it is also a mature and stable man like me.

Gu Junhao was originally afraid of Lu Shaoqing’s strength and did not dare to appear in front of Lu Shaoqing easily.

But for more than two months in a row, Yin Qi and Cai Mei both ran to Lu Shaoqing, and even lived in the small courtyard, which made Gu Junhao unbearable.

Therefore, today, Gu Junhao plucked up the courage and came here.

Lu Shaoqing did not close the door, Gu Junhao thought about it, and felt that if he asked for a meeting, he would probably be rejected, and finally walked in directly.

As soon as he came in, he saw Lu Shaoqing lying on the roof, his legs upturned, holding a Tianji card in his hand and watching, and a small black bird standing on his shoulder, sleeping with his eyes closed.

In the courtyard, Yin Qi and Cai Meipan sat under the pavilion, and everything actually seemed very comfortable in Gu Junhao’s opinion, and there was a sense of harmony.

“Senior Brother, are you in trouble?” Cai Mei noticed Gu Junhao’s entry.

After Gu Junhao’s gaze glanced fiercely at Yin Qi’s chest a few times, he answered Cai Mei’s question with a smile, “Lu Gongzi has been here for so long, and I haven’t visited yet, which is really rude.”

“I specially came to visit Lu Gongzi today.”

“I snubbed Lu Gongzi, and I hope that Lu Gongzi will forgive me.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand casually, “It’s okay, just don’t quarrel with me.” In

a word, let the door of the chat be closed.

Gu Junhao cursed in his heart, rude guy, if it weren’t for Miss Yin here, do you think I want to come?

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to pay attention to himself, he didn’t bother to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing.

He smiled and praised Yin Qi, “Miss Yin already has such strong strength at a young age, but she is still so diligent and serious in cultivation, which makes me ashamed.” ”

Yin Qi has no feeling for Gu Junhao, and this guy’s gaze is very annoying to her.

However, Gu Junhao is Cai Mei’s senior brother, she is not good not to give face, in the face of Gu Junhao’s words, she barely showed a smile, “Thank you!” A

word of thanks, the slightly trembling chest made Gu Junhao’s eyes straighter, and his heart showed his impulse to flourish.

He glanced at Lu Shaoqing, who was lying indifferent on the roof, and immediately said as if he was deeply touched, “To practice, you must be serious and diligent, and you can’t be complacent because of a little talent.

“If you are lazy and do not want to forge ahead, sooner or later you will be surpassed by others and will be lost to everyone.”

The more he spoke, the more bold he became, and even asked Lu Shaoqing cheerfully, “Young Master Lu, I see that you don’t practice much, are you already so strong that you don’t need to cultivate?”

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and glanced at Gu Junhao, this guy, can’t you understand me?

Take my words as a wind in your ears, huh?

Lu Shaoqing said to Yin Qi, “Junior sister, he’s looking at your chest…”

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