Lu Shaoqing’s words made many people secretly agree in their hearts.

Not really. No matter how people are, they are also juniors.

The battle between juniors, you adults come out, more or less faceless.

The person who came was naturally Chao Yan, he was too lazy to speak, he snorted coldly, and his voice was like frost, which made the people of Thousand Bandit City fearful.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be getting angrier the more he spoke, and he roared angrily, “A despicable and shameless guy like you, don’t move, I’ll hack you to death now.”

After speaking, he brandished the Mo Jun sword, soared into the sky, and rushed straight to Chao Yan.

Lu Shaoqing’s actions immediately made many people exclaim.

“What is he going to do, he dares to make a move against the Avatar God?” ”

Wouldn’t he be so brave, would he


Lu Shaoqing’s move was too unexpected for them.

In their opinion, Lu Shaoqing is also a junior, even if it is powerful, it is only the Yuan Infant realm, dare to make a move against the Huashen God, isn’t this looking for death?

“Will he be so crazy all along?”

“It’s too reckless, this is self-defeating…” Cai

Kan was also frightened when he saw this scene, and he shook his head repeatedly, “Confused, really confused!” Gu

Junhao wanted to laugh out loud and sing a song.

Do you really think that you are invincible in the world with a little strength

, the other party is the existence of the gods, how powerful do you think you are?

He deliberately shook his head and sighed, “Alas, what is Lu Gongzi going to do?”

“Can’t see the current situation clearly, does he really think

that he is invincible in the world?” “The other party is a god, he is overconfident, he thinks that he is invincible in the world, and he doesn’t know that there are people outside the world.” How can such a person be a senior brother?”

After speaking, he deliberately glanced at Yin Qi quietly.

Cai Kan also shook his head and sighed, “Alas…” Lu

Shaoqing was killed, and the Lingxiao faction would definitely be furious.

Even if his daughter was a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, he would not have a good time here.

Cai Mei looked indifferent and told her father, “Senior Brother Lu is a god.

“What?” Cai Mei and Gu Junhao were both stunned, both of them suspected that something was wrong with their ears.


two looked at Cai Mei in unison, and Cai Mei nodded, gave them an affirmative look, and said, “That’s right, Senior Brother Lu is already in the realm of the Avatar God.” ”

He, is he a god?” After confirming that it was correct, Gu Junhao almost bit his tongue.

He Gu Junhao is still in the Jiedan period, and he is struggling to break through the Yuan Baby, so he sent God to worship the Buddha.


Junhao doubted life!

Even such a person became a god, can this world still be saved?

Cai Kan was also stunned, he muttered, “This, how is it possible?”

And at this moment, there were terrifying fluctuations in the sky.

Lu Shaoqing opened out with a sword, and the terrifying sword light swallowed Chao Yan.

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Facing the incoming sword, Chao Yan smiled coldly, and his voice shook through heaven and earth, “Naive! Don’t think that you can be arrogant if you are a god.”

“Today I will let you know that there is a difference between a god and a god!” Before

the words fell, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he hurriedly retreated.

However, it was still a step late, and Lu Shaoqing’s sword left a wound on his body, although it was not deep, but it was enough to hit his face.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “That’s right, there is indeed a difference between the god of transformation and the god of transformation, and trash like you dare to call it a god of transformation?”

“I think you are a worm!”

Lu Shaoqing’s performance completely stunned the people of Thousand Bandit City.

“He, he is actually a god of transformation

?” “I dream, right

? How is it possible?” “Has there ever been such a young god in history?” ”

God, what kind of monster is this?”

“Is he really born to his father?

Such a young cultivator of the Avatar God was unheard of and unseen.

It’s outrageous.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, everyone felt that they had lived to the dog.

Cai Kan also muttered, “This, it’s actually true.” Gu

Junhao’s expression was very wonderful, his mouth was open, and various expressions such as surprise, fear, jealousy, etc. came together, making him look very funny.

He never dreamed that Lu Shaoqing would be a cultivator of the Avatar God.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was a Yuan baby before, he already felt that God was too much.

Now he found out that God could be even more excessive, so much so that he had no friends.

Why, why was he able to become a Transformation God cultivator?

I’m still struggling to break through the Yuan Baby, it’s not fair!”

Gu Junhao roared angrily in his heart.

Yin Qi’s giant sword was on the ground, looking at the sky with a worried expression.

Cai Mei noticed Yin Qi’s worry and comforted softly, “Senior sister, what’s wrong?” muttered Yin Qi, ”

I feel uneasy in my heart and have a bad premonition.”

Cai Mei was stunned, she looked at the sky in the distance, Lu Shaoqing and Chao Yan stood in the air, and the two sides were the size of ants.

But it exudes a monstrous breath, and the figure is so tall that it is difficult to match.

“It’s okay, Senior Brother Lu is very strong, even if you can’t beat it, it won’t be fine.

Yin Qi shook her head, “You don’t know him, otherwise he wouldn’t give me this thing.”

After speaking, a token appeared in her hand, the size of a palm.

Milky white, with a formation depicted on it.

This kind of token is very common, teleporting array tokens.

Cai Mei was very surprised when she saw the token, “The token of the teleportation array? Where is the teleportation array?” “The

Thousand Bandit City has not reached the Lingxiao City Teleportation Array. ”

Cai Kan didn’t want others to invade his Thousand Bandit City, and he didn’t set up a teleportation array to connect the big forces.

Yin Qi still shook his head, didn’t say anything more, put the token away, his gaze fell on the sky again, and muttered, “What is this guy doing again?” At this

time, Chao Yan’s anger above the sky could not be suppressed, and he roared angrily, “Damn, I must crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces today…”

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