Xi Yong appeared calmly, not deliberately exuding a terrifying aura like the last time.

But it gives everyone a heavy feeling.

It is like facing a peerless fierce beast, once awakened, it will surely perish.

Everyone knew that Xi Yong was more powerful and terrifying than Chao Yan.

However, Lu Shaoqing was not polite at all, pointing at Xi Yong and cursing.

Seeing Xi Yong, Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth with hatred.

He was only a Yuan infant before, so Xi Yong followed him to Yanzhou without talking about Wu De, thinking of destroying him with a big bully.

If it weren’t for Liu Chi around to scare away Xi Yong, Lu Shaoqing would now be able to attend a kindergarten and start reading.

Of course, that is a good reincarnation, a bad reincarnation, and now you have to herd cattle with a bare ass.

I have never seen such a vile one.

Now he is also following the nest, hiding behind and thinking about being a yellow finch.

The people of Gui Yuan Pavilion are so despicable and shameless, even more shameless than him.

This cannot be tolerated.

Everyone in the world is so shameless, where is the good world?

Therefore, this time to kill this old thing, and then destroy the Guiyuan Pavilion, and completely put this shameless sect in one pot.

“Old and not dead is for thieves, why are you old Wang Ba still not dead

?” “Last time I escaped with my tail between my legs, this time I dare to come out?

“The small one can’t beat me, the big one can’t beat me, the big one can’t beat it, the old one also gets out, you can’t beat it then, are you Gui Yuange ancestors going to jump out with a coffin board?”

“I see that the faces of all of you Gui Yuange are folded up from the middle, one side has no face, and the other side is thick-skinned.”

“Come, come, let me stab you ten swords and eight swords, see how thick is the skin of this old thing of yours?” Lu

Shaoqing pointed at Xi Yong and cursed, and everyone was stunned.

Big brother, how bold are

you? This is a more powerful existence than Chao Yan, and it seems that it is also a stronger existence than you, do you dare to scold?

Cai Kan covered his head, no longer wanting to speak.

In the face of this terrifying existence, you scolded like this, provoked him, and slapped down with a palm, is there still slag left in the Thousand Bandit City?

Scold, scold, the more you scold, the worse you die.

Xi Yong was pointed at by Lu Shaoqing and scolded, the surface was silent, but the gaze staring at Lu Shaoqing was even more fierce, and the killing intent was like a flame gathering and burning in his chest.

The more he looked at it, the stronger the killing intent became.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, he subconsciously compared Xi He with Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

As a result, he wanted to rush over and beat his grandson to death and send him to reincarnation.

Xi He is older than Lu Shaoqing, and the two can also be said to be the same generation.

However, Xi He was much worse than Lu Shaoqing.

Perhaps in terms of age, it can surpass Lu Shaoqing.

At this time, Xi He’s voice came from a distance, “Boy, you didn’t expect my grandfather to come too, did you?”

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this, Xi Yong felt a little relieved in his heart, and looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze with a little more sympathy.

Perhaps, this kid in front of him is arrogant and does things recklessly, and his grandson is better than him in this aspect.

The villain is also a little stronger than Lu Shaoqing, Xi Yong is relieved, but at the same time, the killing intent is not reduced.

Lu Shaoqing’s talent is too devilish, at such a young age, he is already a god, and he can defeat his apprentice, such a terrifying talent, unheard of, unseen.

Such a person must be killed, and the world is normal.

“Boy, the more you scold, the more you can highlight your inconspiracy and fear. ”

When you reincarnate as a human being in the next life, remember to bring your brain. ”

Brain?” Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, Mo Junjian pointed at Xi Yong and scolded, “I see that you are senile dementia, you dare to say brain

?” “Ignorant child!” Chao Yan controlled his injuries, rushed over with a hideous face, and laughed viciously, “Haha, you never thought that this was a trap against you, right?” Chao Yan

was full of hatred, his face was distorted and hideous, and he looked so hated that he didn’t rush over and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

But the battle just now had already made him know that he was far from Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

Therefore, if you can’t beat it, then you cannon it, otherwise the hatred in your heart is difficult to vent.

“You wanted to humiliate my junior brother here, but you didn’t expect that we were already targeting you, right?”

“The brainless person is you, naïve child, ignorant child, today is your death day.” ”

Haha, once you die, who else in the Lingxiao faction can deal with our master and apprentice?” ”

If you die, the people of the Lingxiao faction will also go down to accompany you, haha…” The

more Chao Yan spoke, the more proud he became, and the grievance in his heart subsided, and he laughed proudly.

At this point, there is no need to hide anything, say it all, let Lu Shaoqing die clearly, or take this opportunity to let him vent in his heart, and at the same time save a little face.

When everyone in the Thousand Bandit City in the distance heard this, they shook their heads one after another, and many people regretted it.

“It’s a pity, Lu Shaoqing is still too tender compared to these old foxes.

“Yes, how can he fight these old foxes?”

“In the cultivation world, the emphasis is on the law of the jungle, the winner is the king, even if he is talented and powerful, dying here will only become a joke.”

“Careless, hit the plan.” ”

Cai Kan doesn’t know what to say anymore.

Look, you have won the plan, and you have also affected my Thousand Bandit City.

Facing the god of transformation, Cai Kan can’t escape if he wants to now.


Cai Kan was very sad in his heart.

And Gu Junhao’s impulse to sing a song next to him was even stronger, and he pinched his thighs so that he didn’t let himself laugh out loud.

Make you crazy, make you arrogant, now you have won the plan

, right? You must regret it very much, right?

Alas, you are like that.

Xi Yong looked at the silent Lu Shaoqing, and slowly spoke, “Boy, I told you, if you want, Guiyuan Pavilion can lie open the door to you at any time, you can become the master brother of Guiyuan Pavilion and get the full cultivation of Guiyuan Pavilion…”

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