“I didn’t expect you to be so strong!” Xi

Yong’s tone was cold, with a bit of irritation in his eyes.

He was in the late stage of the Transformation God, and he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

Is there such a terrifying demon genius in this world?

Xi Yong stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, and suddenly, his heart moved, and he thought of something.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, and he threw an olive branch to Lu Shaoqing again, “Boy, give you another chance, turn to me, and save you from death.”

Everyone was in an uproar, but they didn’t expect Xi Yong to recruit Lu Shaoqing again.

But thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s performance just now, everyone felt very normal, so devilish, it was normal to give birth to a heart of love.

At this age, he has reached the realm of the fifth layer of the Avatar God, and can withstand the attack of Xi Yong, who is in the late stage of the Avatar God.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a peerless demon.

However, only Xi Yong knew why he wanted to recruit Lu Shaoqing.

Sycamore Tree.

There was a fire in his heart, maybe only this could explain why Lu Shaoqing could become so powerful.

Only a fetish like the Sycamore Divine Tree can do it.

Recruit Lu Shaoqing, and when the time comes to get the Wutong Divine Tree from his hands, he can step into the next realm faster.

Once it becomes a refining void realm, the heaven and earth are so great that he can go.

Before there was the existence of Liu Chi of the Refining Void Realm, he thought that the Wutong Divine Tree was Liu Chi’s.

Now it seemed that he felt that the Wutong Divine Tree must be on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing also wondered, what nerves does this old guy have?

The difference in strength between Lu Shaoqing and Xi Yong was a little big, and Lu Shaoqing did not have the confidence to clean him up.

However, Xi Yong wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, but it was not so easy.

Lu Shaoqing did not answer whether he agreed or not, but after being silent for a while, he asked Xi Yong a question, “I have a question, how did you know that I was in Dongzhou?”

“Yan Chun told me. Xi Yong did not hide it, and directly sold the head of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “I can only ask him.”

Xi Yong said impatiently

, “Boy, answer me!” “Do you think you’ve eaten me?” Lu Shaoqing was even more disdainful, and asked rhetorically, “Besides, what is the benefit of turning to you, how many spirit stones can you give me?”

Damn, if you sell all of the Guiyuan Pavilion, you can’t make up ten billion spirit stones.

For the sake of the Wutong Divine Tree, Xi Yong said again, “Surrender to me, I will try my best to teach you and make you the strongest…”

“What qualifications do you have to teach me?” Lu Shaoqing interrupted Xi Yong unceremoniously, “Just by your strength?” ”

My dogs are better than you, oh, I’m sorry, my family doesn’t have dogs, especially waste dogs.” ”

Say he’s not even as good as a dog?”


Xi Yong’s expression was hideous, his hair was open, and his body was filled with endless anger.

Dare to humiliate him like this

, “Die!” Xi

Yong flipped his wrist, and a cyan long sword appeared in his hand.

The blue light is shining, like emerald green jasper, exuding an amazing aura.

Mo Jun jumped out, drooling, pointed at Xi Yong’s long sword and shouted, “Boss, I want to eat it!” Xi Yong

noticed Mo Jun’s sword spirit, his heart jumped, and he couldn’t help but glance down at the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand.

It is also a six-rank weapon, there is already a blank tire in the sword, and it will take time to give birth to the sword spirit that is in progress.

Lu Shaoqing, on the other hand, already possessed a sword spirit weapon.

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The anger is stronger, and the killing intent is even greater.

The two fought again, colliding fiercely, constantly emitting a huge roar, and the heavens and the earth constantly shook.

Let the people of Thousand Bandits City feel as if they have reached the end of the world.

After more than half a day passed, Xi Yong was angry after finding that he still couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

“Die!” a

familiar move.

Heaven-breaking sword!

But in Xi Yong’s hands, it is even more powerful.

Thousands of sword rays came in the air, heaven and earth were cracked, and countless black cracks appeared.

Thousands of sword lights together, covering the sky, as if it has become the only light in the world, dazzling.

In the sword light, the rules of the avenue roared, and the sword light became sharper in the roar, frantically rushing towards Lu Shaoqing.

Your sister!

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb, and Xi Yong’s sword was almost exhausted.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing also felt the same pressure as when he first faced the sacrifice god.

Lu Shaoqing broke his mouth and cursed, “Old fellow, despicable, you actually hide your strength!” While cursing

, while swinging his sword, Mojun’s sword lit up with a layer of faint silver light, and the next moment suddenly flashed, and seemed to disappear.

In the sword light that covered the sky, a silver light suddenly inserted.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly.


, moon!” “The moon fell, fell!” ”

Did the two of them fight the moon down?” Xi

Yong suddenly raised his head, and in the sky, a huge moon seemed to fall from the sky, emitting a faint silver light, giving him a great pressure.

Damn, what kind of sword technique is this!like

a real moon falling, and the strong pressure of his sword light seems to slow down.

The next moment, a silver pillar of light shot out from the surface of the moon, shrouding a hundred miles in a radius and shrouding Xi Yong in it.

A huge pressure fell from the sky, gathering in all directions to suppress the world.


was like being slapped hard, and the powerful force made the ground within a radius of a hundred miles instantly collapse and collapse.

Trees, stones, anything within a hundred miles of a hundred miles was squeezed in an instant, turning into powder.

Even the heavenly sword light shot by Xi Yong also disappeared under this power.

The power of terror stunned everyone.

Is such a terrifying power really something that a human cultivator can have?

Chao Yan’s scalp was numb again, and the terrifying power made his heart tremble.

If Lu Shaoqing used this trick against him before, he would definitely die.

Chao Yan was deeply shocked, how could he be so strong?


!” “Damn it!” Xi

Yong’s figure appeared above the sky, his face pale and his expression hideous.

Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying sword caused him to be injured as well.

Injured in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, even if the injury was not serious, it was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

“Slowly,” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “I have something

to say!” “Have something to say?” Xi Yong was furious, “Let’s talk about it in the next life!”

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