Lu Shaoqing hurriedly fled into the distance, looking a little embarrassed.

Chao Yan secretly followed behind, Chao Yan’s gaze was as fierce as a wolf, and the qi machine firmly locked on Lu Shaoqing in front.

Lu Shaoqing was like the prey he was eyeing and quietly followed behind, looking for the right time to strike.

Soon, the distance of tens of thousands of miles passed, and Lu Shaoqing in front suddenly stopped.

Chao Yan, who followed behind him, was shocked in his heart, the purpose of his following was Lu Shaoqing, but Lu Shaoqing suddenly stopped, it seemed strange, so he did not go out rashly, but carefully hid in the shadows and waited for the opportunity.

After knowing Lu Shaoqing’s strength, he felt that he had to have enough patience.

Without a suitable opportunity, he must not shoot, after all, he is not lightly injured now.

After Lu Shaoqing stopped, he turned around and looked at the location where Chao Yan was like electricity.

“Come out!” Chao

Yan’s heart jumped, but he quickly calmed down again, sneering in his heart, this kind of trick is not worth mentioning.

He even despised Lu Shaoqing in his heart, when I played this, you were not born yet.


, Lu Shaoqing suddenly slashed at the position where he was.

The sword light roared, like a reckless ox rushing, straight towards the nest.

Chao Yan was shocked at this moment, and Lu Shaoqing really found him.

Chao Yan hurriedly dodged and showed his figure.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing looking at him with a sneer, although he was surprised in his heart, his expression was very calm, “It seems that you have discovered me a long time ago.” He

secretly followed from far away, and this was discovered, which made him have a bad premonition in his heart.

“Why do you think I left alone, and still coming here?” The

meaning revealed by this sentence made Chao Yan’s bad premonition in his heart even stronger, “You already knew that I would come

?” Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, like a hunter who saw his prey fall into a trap, “When you find an enemy who is more handsome than yourself and stronger than yourself, he is suddenly seriously injured, will you bear not to do it?”

This sentence made Chao Yan completely understand that he was calculated by Lu Shaoqing.

But instead of panicking, he sneered

, “You think you can eat me if you attract me?” “You were injured at my master’s hand, how much combat power do

you think you have left?” “Even if you are a five-layer realm, you only have a small realm of strength than me, you really think you can eat me.” This

is the strength that Chao Yan dares to follow, and Lu Shaoqing was even more seriously injured than him.

After Chao Yan finished speaking, he quickly shot at Lu Shaoqing, and all the spiritual power in his body gathered out, turning into the strongest blow and roaring towards Lu Shaoqing.

However, the next moment, the brilliant sword light lit up, easily shattering his attack, and the powerful countershock force shocked Chao Yan.

“You, you weren’t actually injured?” “Hurt, didn’t you

see me vomiting blood?” said Lu Shaoqing honestly.

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Don’t look at Xi Yong’s continuous attacks on Lu Shaoqing, in fact, Lu Shaoqing’s injury is not serious, and he did not hurt his muscles and bones.

Compared with the sacrifice of gods, Xi Yong is too far behind.

What really made Lu Shaoqing temporarily lose his combat effectiveness was that move and died in the moon.

Therefore, it is not so much that Lu Shaoqing was injured, but that he used the strength of the moon death and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

Now Lu Shaoqing has recovered most of his strength, and it is more than enough to deal with Chao Yan.

Chao Yan’s scalp was numb, “You…”

Lu Shaoqing continued to laugh, revealing treachery, “If I don’t let you think that I am injured, will you follow?”

This sentence made Chao Yan’s heart completely chill, and at the same time, he felt like a clown, and his every move was caught in the calculations of others.

Chao Yan broke his defense, he was actually stupidly fooled and planted in the hands of a hairy boy?

He didn’t believe it, he roared at Lu Shaoqing, “I don’t believe it, if you are not injured, why do you pretend to be injured to bring me here?” After roaring

this sentence, Chao Yan suddenly found that Lu Shaoqing actually looked very sad.

“No way, I have bitterness, only then can I completely kill you.” Chao

Yan’s heart was cold, the breath of death was stronger than ever, he didn’t say a word, turned around and fled.

At the same time, magic weapons and talismans continued to appear in his hands, some bombarding Lu Shaoqing, and some were used on him, adding various buffs.

The physical body increased, the speed increased, the strength restored, the spiritual power skyrocketed, and so on, and all kinds of buffs made Chao Yan’s heart settled, and his mind moved, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

However, the sky darkened, countless stars shone, murderous intent brewed above the sky, and the next moment, three more stars shone brightly, falling from the sky, and the murderous opportunity firmly locked Chao Yan, leaving him nowhere to escape.

“Want to kill me? dream!” Chao

Yan roared angrily, knowing that if he didn’t fight hard at this time, he would have no chance, he spurted out a mouthful of essence blood, and one magic weapon after another came out, thinking of resisting the killing move that fell from the sky.

However, he was calculated by Lu Shaoqing from the beginning, and he was also seriously injured in the battle with Lu Shaoqing.

In the face of Lu Shaoqing’s sword, any obstruction by Chao Yan was futile.

Soon, Chao Yan was hit by starlight, and in the scream, Chao Yan’s flesh shattered.

Then, a broken Yuan Baby fled from the broken body.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and patted it, and the black Yuan Baby chased after Mo Jun.

Lu Shaoqing’s reason quickly caught up with Chao Yan and easily controlled Chao Yan in his hands.

When Chao Yan saw Lu Shaoqing’s black Yuan baby, he was shocked and speechless.

Lu Shaoqing explained to him sadly, “Look, that’s why I brought you here.” ”

Ma De, the rebel son is not black, and he can’t see people.

Chao Yan regretted this, he looked terrified, and he opened his mouth to say something.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t give him a chance, and his divine consciousness gushed out, easily erasing Chao Yan’s consciousness, and the Yuan Infant turned into pure energy.

After cleaning up the nest Yan and returning to the body, Lu Shaoqing looked at the nest Yan who had become slag, and said depressedly, “The pig-killing sword technique is still too strong, and if the sword goes down, it will become slag.”

“My spirit stone…”

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