A soft light bloomed from the ring, just like the moonlight emitted by the cold moon of the nine days, giving people a cold feeling.

Although the light was soft, it burst out with earth-shattering power.

With Lu Shaoqing as the center, it spread out to the surroundings,

colliding with the destructive power contained in the self-explosion of the Avatar God.

Two different forces collide, annihilated in silence, and dissipate quietly.

It was only two or three breaths, but for Lu Shaoqing, it was as long as centuries had passed.

Soon, the soft glow flashed, dissipated, and seemed to return to the storage ring.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the storage ring with the light, and just glanced at it, Lu Shaoqing immediately shouted, “Lean, come again?”

On the storage ring, another crack appeared, although not as many as the previous three cracks, but this time the crack is no shorter than those three cracks.

Almost identical.


means that Lu Shaoqing’s small target has to be squeezed dry before it is covered with heat.

Lu Shaoqing wants to cry without tears, physical pain, where is the mental pain uncomfortable?

Lu Shaoqing shouted again, but after the resistance of the storage ring, although the power of Xi Yong’s self-explosion was still there, it had been significantly weakened.

With Lu Shaoqing’s strength, it was enough to carry it.

The shock wave continued to hit, and Lu Shaoqing stuffed a handful of pills, allowing the spiritual power in his body to recover partially, and barely emphasized the operation of spiritual power.

Urging Tai Yan to refine his body, he gritted his teeth and relied on the strength of his flesh to resist the power of the explosion.

He is now like an ant, blown into the sky by the fierce wind, and let the wind blow him around.

It is also like a flat boat, thrown up, falling, and repeating itself in the stormy seas.

“Poof!” Under

the constant impact, Lu Shaoqing continued to vomit blood, and the surface of his body was covered with countless wounds.

Blood dripping and spraying out from time to time, forming a blood mist in the air.

I don’t know how long it took, when Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness was about to blur, the power of the impact disappeared, and peace returned to heaven and earth.

Lu Shaoqing’s body also fell from the air, Lu Shaoqing bit his tongue, sobered himself up, and used the last spiritual power in his body to make him move, adjust his posture, and control his speed.

“Plop!” Lu

Shaoqing fell to the ground and threw it high again, like a leather ball.

“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me…” Lu

Shaoqing lay on the ground, feeling that the bones in his body were falling apart, and there seemed to be countless ants gnawing at his body, and the pain was incomparable.

Lying on the ground and resting for a long time, from sunrise to sunset, Lu Shaoqing lay down for a day, and he was finally able to barely move.

Thanks to Xi Yong’s self-explosion, everything here was blown up, and there was no need to worry about the appearance of ferocious beasts.

Otherwise, Lu Shaoqing is likely to become the dinner of the fierce beast.

He rolled over, let himself lie on the ground in a more comfortable position, took out the pills from the storage ring, and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

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“Finally survived. Lu Shaoqing gasped, “In the future, when you encounter a self-detonating soldier, you will run as soon as possible.”

“Don’t talk about martial virtue, it’s terrible. ”

I have to say that Xi Yong is also too decisive and resolute, and he will explode when he says it, and does not give Lu Shaoqing a chance to react.

Lu Shaoqing scolded and cursed, “Bastard, self-detonation will blow yourself up, let me run far?” ”

And the storage ring, don’t bring it with you, what do you keep and blow it up together?

“Are the people in Guiyuan Pavilion especially bastards…” Lu

Shaoqing greeted fiercely after a taunt, and then felt a little more comfortable.

Then, his gaze fell on his storage ring, and Lu Shaoqing’s anger came up again, put the storage ring in front of him, and sprayed wildly at the storage ring, “Despicable, greedy and petty, your sister’s dead ghost little brother.”


you resist me more?” “Also said big guy, you can’t even bear the self-explosion

of the little god? “What use do you have besides being arrogant in front of me?”

“I’ve never seen a big guy who wants to eat like you, it’s a face that loses the two words of the big guy, you can only be a little brother, a turtle little brother.”

Looking at the crack in the ring, Lu Shaoqing’s heart hurt even more.

How he wished the rift was in him.

This is a white flower shining spirit stone.

While spraying the storage ring with saliva, Lu Shaoqing turned out the material from the storage ring, and then threw it to the side as if at random, and then carved the formation in the void.

Soon, a concealed, warning formation was arranged in his portrayal.

The formation is not advanced, but for Lu Shaoqing now, this is the formation he can arrange now.

After arranging the formation, Lu Shaoqing got into the storage ring without saying a word.

The time house looks a little decadent, with a bleakness, the outside is destroyed, and the inside is affected.

However, compared to the previous three rifts, the situation is not very bad.

In fact, Lu Shaoqing did not repair it with spirit stones, and he could slowly recover by relying on the storage ring, but it would take a long time.

“What the hell,” Lu Shaoqing came in, and slapped the table with an angry slap, the force of the countershock made him cry out in pain, “Wha…” Lu Shaoqing

took out the Mojun sword and slapped it the table.

Mo Jun jumped out and shouted

, “It hurts, it hurts, boss, tap…” Lu Shaoqing flicked his fingers, ejected Mo Jun, and glared at it, “Level six, you can’t kill people, you still can’t knock on the table? Mo Jun

obediently slipped aside with his tail between his legs, and confessed, “Knock, knock, boss, you knock.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately slammed Mo Jun’s sword and roared at the coffin, “If you strike earlier

, can you die?” ”

Also, if you block more, can you die?

“Blocking it is like a turtle retracting, come, come, I will write you the word turtle today.”

Lu Shaoqing took out a brush, reached out and took the spirit card in his hand, and drank at the coffin like a hostage, “Do you have anything to say

?” “What do you want?”

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