Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun were both disciples of the Great Sect and accepted the orthodox cultivation of the Great School.

The two also entered the Yuan Infancy period from the Jiedan period in these years.

The two people who practiced the orthodox exercises of the sect were not known how many times stronger than these scattered cultivators.

Therefore, the two join forces, even if the other party has several yuan babies joining forces, they will not have the upper hand.

However, as the crowd fought more and more fiercely here, more people noticed and gathered.

Someone in the distance suddenly laughed, “Haha, it’s so lively, I’ll also come to make it lively.”

“It’s actually the Yuan Dynasty Old Demon

!” someone exclaimed, “This is the existence of the late Yuan Infant!” ”

He also made a move, and the two little guys in the Yuan Pavilion were dead.” ”

With the addition of an existence in the late Yuan Infant period, the pressure on Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun increased sharply, and the situation became bad for them.

The two of them are only in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and although they have made rapid progress over the years, there is still a gap compared to the Yuan Infant Old Demon in the late Yuan Infant period.

Therefore, the two of them sensed something wrong and both wanted to retreat.

However, the people present were all human spirits, and as soon as the two had the intention of retreating, they immediately let them notice.

Someone shouted, “If you want to leave, ask us

!” “The two of you are destined to

die here today!” “Hand over the good things on you, I can spare your lives!” ”

Surrender, I can guarantee that you will not die…” Zhang

Zheng and Wu Tianzhun did not believe that in a place like Taocheng, there are no good people, and the so-called kindness and benevolence are just a joke here.

Seeing more and more people around them and increasing pressure, the two were already desperate.

Zhang Zheng said to Wu Tianlong, “You go, I will cover you.”

Wu Tianzhun shook his head, he didn’t want to go, he said to Zhang Zheng, “Senior brother, you are stronger and more talented than me, Guiyang Pavilion depends on you, wait for me to stop them, you go!” “Don’t

even think about leaving!” The old demon shouted, cooperating with everyone, the offensive was like a tide against the two of them.

Under the powerful attack, the two were difficult to resist and vomited blood one after another.

Someone next to them took advantage of the void, leaving wounds on their bodies and blood splattering.

At this point, the two have desperately and even given up resistance.

“Die!” the Yuan Nether Old Demon shouted, ready to deliver the final blow to the two men.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded, like a spring thunder explosion sounding in everyone’s ears.

Those who were not strong enough suddenly vomited blood, and their breath was weak.

“Avatar, Avatar?” the old demon screamed as his face changed wildly.

Everyone was frightened, and the old demon saw that the situation was not good, and he turned around and fled as soon as possible, and quickly disappeared here.

The other people knew that the god of transformation appeared, and they also scattered as birds and beasts, scattered and fled, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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The surroundings quickly returned to calm, so calm that Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun felt a little unreal.

Just now, it was still very fierce, and in a blink of an eye, there was a dead silence, which really made them feel as if they were dreaming.

The next moment, a tall, burly figure appeared in the sight of the two.

The people who came had an ordinary atmosphere, but they put great pressure on the two.

The two hurriedly saluted the incoming person, “See, I have seen the senior, thank the senior for saving his life!” The

visitor’s gaze swept coldly, like a beast-like gaze that made Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzheng stunned.

“Come with me!”

the person who came said lightly, although Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun did not want to, but at this time, the two had to bite the bullet and keep up.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun followed the man to the northwest corner of Taocheng.

Coming here, Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun felt even more fear in their hearts.

“Is this, did Lord Saint save us?” Wu Tianlong’s scalp was a little numb.

There are several factions here, and the Saint Lord who occupies the northwest corner is one of the powerful ones.

No one knows the origin of the saints, only that they appeared in Taocheng more than twenty years ago.

With his strong strength, he expelled the original owner of this place and occupied this place, becoming one of the most powerful forces in Tao City.

No one knows how strong the Saint Lord really is, but they only know that the people who dare to challenge the Saint Lord are dead, and many of them are iron-headed gods.

The visitor did not speak, but after bringing them inside, he respectfully said to the inside, “Chief guard, the people have brought.”

As the door inside opened, Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun found that there were many people in the courtyard inside, either sitting or standing, and these people were all burly and tall without exception.

Tall to a little abnormal, Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzheng, who were one meter seven or eight, were like short men in front of everyone.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun both went in hard and saw the appearance of the legendary Saint Lord.

The fierce and fierce appearance is like a killing god, and the burly and tall body gives people great pressure.

The cold gaze was like a beast, which made Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzheng full of fear in their hearts.

The two hurriedly saluted, “I have seen the Holy Lord!” The

so-called Saint Lord looked at them coldly, and after staring at the two of them, he spoke, “Do you know why I want to save you?”

This is also the doubt in the hearts of the two, but there is no love for no reason here in Taocheng, and no one will do things without benefits.

Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth, boldly said, “Lord Sheng, if my guess is correct, you fancy our identity, right?”

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzheng are not very strong, but they are true love and loyal to Gui Yuange, otherwise they would not have been thinking about how to take revenge for so many years.

The people around couldn’t help but laugh, the laughter was rough and arrogant, and it seemed to be laughing at the two of them who didn’t know how thick the sky was.

The Holy Lord did not smile, and his gaze at Zhang Zheng was a little different.

He stared at Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun and asked, “Do you know who I am?” Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun

both shook their heads, and no one in Tao Cheng knew the origin of the Holy Lord.

“We are the Holy Family, and I am the Chief Guard of the Holy Lord…”

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