
Lu Shaoqing lifted Xiao Hei in his arms, and Xiao Hei immediately changed from bird form to human form.

Lu Shaoqing held her foot and hung it upside down in the air, “Why did you come here?”

Xiao Hei replied with a smile with the unique cuteness of the little girl, “Yin Qi said, Dad is going out to play, so I will follow.”

Lu Shaoqing threw Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei immediately adjusted his figure, and then immediately flew back and sat firmly on Lu Shaoqing’s neck, holding Lu Shaoqing’s head tightly with both hands, “Dad, take me.”

Lu Shaoqing took Xiao Hei off his neck and threw it out again, “Don’t ride me, otherwise you will turn into a bird and stand on my shoulders, don’t use me as a horse.”

Xiao Hei immediately turned into a little black bird in the air, and then stood firmly on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder.

“Blackie, Blackie!”

In the distance, Yin Qi’s shout was heard, and Yin Qi, who was looking at the giant sword, soon appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s line of sight.

Twenty years have passed, Yin Qi’s strength realm has reached the late Yuan Infant stage, the nine-layer realm.

Over the years, many young disciples have broken through into the Yuan Infant, such as Xiang Yuchen, An Huai and other personal disciples, but no one has been able to break through the Transformation God.

Although the heavens and the earth have changed, and cultivation has become simpler and easier, sometimes breakthroughs also require luck.

With luck, maybe you can break through after sleeping.

Bad luck, even if you practice hard and seriously, it is useless.

However, in Lu Shaoqing’s view, sometimes the so-called chance luck is more about the state of mind.

When the state of mind is complete, it is natural to be able to break through.

Like Yin Qi in front of her, Lu Shaoqing could see at a glance that Yin Qi’s state of mind was a little worse, as long as she went further, she could break through.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin, looked at Yin Qi who flew from a distance, and muttered, “This girl likes the master brother, as long as the senior brother and her say a good cheer, she will be able to break through immediately.”

“But Senior Brother is in Zhongzhou, so this is difficult. But forget it, anyway, there is time, let her grind more. Yin

Qi’s speed was very fast, her developed chest did not increase her flight resistance, flew over, saw Lu Shaoqing staring at herself, without saying a word, brandishing a giant sword to slash at Lu Shaoqing, “Does it look good?” ”

Let me hack you to death!”

“Respect Senior Brother!” Lu Shaoqing flicked his fingers, and Yin Qi immediately smashed to the ground like a meteor.

“Abominable!” Yin Qi was not injured, but she was very embarrassed, she flew back and asked in amazement, “What is your strength?” She

was also a nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period, but she couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing’s flick.

“The strength that can suppress you.” Lu Shaoqing threatened, “Don’t make trouble, or I will cry you.” ”

Cut!” Yin Qi pouted, although she really wanted to beat Lu Shaoqing, but there was a huge difference in strength, she could only put this thought away.

Lu Shaoqing asked her, “What are you doing here?”

Yin Qi put away the giant sword and said with a big grin, “The head asked me to follow you, so that you don’t make any trouble.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, his gaze seemed to be able to see through Yin Qi, “Lie and don’t make drafts? If the head is afraid that I will make trouble, he will let Senior Brother Xiang come, not you, the girl.”

“And you lied to my girl, saying I went to play?”

Seeing that it was exposed, Yin Qi did not blush, but said justifiably, “You come out yourself and don’t tell me, I can only let Xiaohei come to you.” ”

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I heard Master say that you are going to deal with the Demon Clan, and as a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, I can’t lag behind.”

Lu Shaoqing unceremoniously exposed, “Are you sneaking out without Ji Shibo?”

Yin Qi still didn’t blush and her heart didn’t beat, “So what?

“Do you believe I took you back?”

As soon as these words came out, Yin Qi immediately whispered, “Senior brother, you take me with you.”

Lu Shaoqing put forward conditions, “I can follow me, but you have to be obedient, otherwise I will kick you back.”

Yin Qi immediately patted his chest and said loudly, “I promise to listen to Senior Brother!”

“Stop shooting, be careful to shoot!”

“I’ll hack you to death…” A

spaceship was in the air, Lu Shaoqing was lying on the bow, Xiao Hei turned into a human form, running around on the ship and playing with Yin Qi.

As the journey progressed, there seemed to be a scorched smell in the air.

Lu Shaoqing and his party had already entered the northwestern range of Qi Prefecture.

On the way, they encountered many monks and even mortals who were fleeing.

Gradually, there were very few people fleeing, and there were many more corpses on the road, most of the cities encountered were destroyed, and the corpses of human beings were lying on the ground, rotting and emitting a disgusting smell.

Yin Qi frowned, covered his nose, and cursed, “The demon race is too much.

“Let me meet, I must cut them into ten segments and eight segments.”

Lu Shaoqing also shook his head, the demon race and the human race came from the same source, but now they are killing each other.

At present, the cruel methods of the Demon Race will definitely arouse the resistance of the Terrans, and the battle situation will only become more tragic at that time.

What does the Holy Lord want to do?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were faint, and he secretly guessed the Holy Lord’s intentions in his heart.

Although he had never seen the Holy Lord, he had at least fought with the Holy Lord in the air, and knew that the Holy Lord was as cunning as a fox, and he was the smartest and most powerful person he had ever seen.

It is not a wise choice to slaughter humans without completely standing on their heels, and the Holy Lord should not be so stupid.

However, thinking of what Mu Yong had said, Lu Shaoqing could only guess that the Holy Lord should have been infected very badly, thinking of completely exterminating the human race.

Yin Qi suddenly asked, “Senior brother, what should I do then?”

“What about what?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Didn’t you say that?” When he saw the demon race, he cut them into ten and eight segments.

Yin Qi was still murderous just now, and now his face is full of worry, “I heard that the demon race is very powerful, what if I can’t beat it?”

“If you can’t fight, join and surrender.” Lu Shaoqing’s words almost choked Yin Qi to death.

Yin Qi looked at Lu Shaoqing dumbfounded, “Are you serious? ”

Really,” Lu Shaoqing was strange, “I can’t fight, why do you have to fight, surrender, isn’t it good?”

“Doesn’t it mean that the demon race is fierce, unable to communicate, and likes to eat human flesh raw, surrendered, and must not become the ration of the demon race?”

“What are you afraid of, I have someone on the Demon Clan’s side…”

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