Yin Qi was very dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing’s words, “What is it to cut people at every turn, am I that kind of person?”

“Whoever I’m going to cut is damned.”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “According to what you mean, I am also a damn person?”

“That’s right, you potential traitor…” After

entering the Yellow City, the crowds here were full of people, and most of the people were elated, as if they had encountered some happy event.

Yin Qi was puzzled, “So happy, could it be that the Demon Race has retired?”

Then she grabbed someone and asked, “What happened?”

The monk who was caught here wanted to be angry, but after seeing that it was Yin Qi such a beautiful woman, his anger suddenly disappeared, his eyes stared at Yin Qi’s chest, and he subconsciously replied, “The people in Zhongzhou are fast, no, fast, it’s almost here…”

Brother Pig’s gaze made Yin Qi furious, why are these men all dead?

Can’t you learn from the master brother?

The worst thing is to learn from this guy next to me, who, although hateful, at least does not have this disgusting gaze.

“Give me death!”

Yin Qi did not draw his sword, but smashed the cultivator into the air with a punch.

“Abominable bastard!”

Yin Qi’s chest trembled with anger, and he suddenly attracted the attention of the people around him like a magnet, even if it was a female cultivator, he was also attracted to Yin Qi.

Being watched by the eyes around him, Yin Qi became even more angry, “What to see?” Look again, gouge out your eyes.

“Calm down, calm down!”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly spoke up, stood in front of Yin Qi, and snorted softly.

The sound was like thunder, sounding in everyone’s ears, most of the cultivators here were not strong, and after realizing that the person in front of them was not easy to mess with, they hurriedly turned their heads.

The monk who was punched by Yin Qi just now wanted to find the field, but Lu Shaoqing’s cold snort made him immediately slip away with his tail between his legs.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly took Yin Qi away from here, and after walking a distance, Lu Shaoqing criticized Yin Qi, “You see, I just told you to restrain your temper, you are good, ask something and beat people.”

“Your violent temper needs to be changed.”

Yin Qi snorted, very unconvinced, “Change what?”

“These hateful men should all be hacked to death.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly.

Yin Qi looks like this, with an attraction aura, and Yin Qi is a violent person, and he has to do it if he doesn’t agree with him.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to say, and took the lead to stroll forward, “Let’s go…” Lu Shaoqing

planned to shop here, but did not go far, and suddenly in the distance a group of powerful people rushed to the city gate surrounded by many cultivators.

From the exclamation on the side, Lu Shaoqing knew the identity of these people.

The bigwigs of the major forces, there are family heads, sect heads, and so on.

Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi stood aside and watched them pass faintly.

However, because Yin Qi has an aura, even if he is a powerful boss, he can’t help but take a few more looks.

Suddenly, someone shouted in surprise, “Lu, Lu Gongzi!” ”

The sound was full of surprises and also loud and attracted everyone’s attention.

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A beautiful and mature woman appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, with a bright smile on her face like a flower unfolded, beautiful and moving, making many people’s eyes look away from Yin Qi and fall on her.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, he didn’t expect to meet an acquaintance here.

Yan Hongyu!

Compared with before, Yan Hongyu has grown up a lot, and the girl’s sense of youth has faded, and she has a sense of maturity.

Like a female college student who has just graduated, after rolling in the society for a few years, she can no longer find the appearance of the first graduate.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Long time no see!”

“It seems that you are mixing well.”

Yan Hongyu was mixed with that group of powerful bigwigs just now, and Lu Shaoqing guessed that Yan Hongyu should revive the Yan family’s scenery.

“Patriarch Yan, who is he? Could it be your little lover? Not

far away, a bearded man laughed, which also caused many people to laugh.

“Such a little lover, very young.”

“Yes, no wonder I refuse everyone, it turns out that I have a little white face long ago.”

“What’s so powerful about Little White Face?”

“Hehe, everyone who understands it…” Yan

Hongyu is a famous beauty in Dongzhou, with the help of the Yuding Sect over the years, Yan Hongyu has revived the glory of the Yan family, and has also annexed the places of the Silver Moon Sect and the Wind Thunder Sect, and the strength is far beyond the former Yan family.

I don’t know how many people and how many forces want to marry Yan Hongyu back, so that they can get a Yan family.

However, Yan Hongyu refused any suitors, and usually appeared in front of everyone’s sight with a cold face.

Now, Yan Hongyu actually showed a beautiful smile on a small white face, which caused dissatisfaction among many people.

What grade, this little white face can also be compared with them?

Coupled with the fact that there was a beautiful woman like Yin Qi standing beside Lu Shaoqing, jealousy made them red eyes.

Thanks to the fact that this is Huangcheng, everyone is watching, otherwise someone must make a move against Lu Shaoqing.

Yan Hongyu did not respond to the bearded man’s words, but saluted slightly to everyone, “I’m sorry, I met an old man, so I won’t go with you to greet the distinguished guests of Zhongzhou College.” ”


Yan Hongyu’s words surprised many powerful bigwigs.

“Patriarch Yan, you have to be clear about what you are doing.”

“I actually despised the distinguished guest of Zhongzhou for the sake of a small white face, the Yan family, what a big shelf.”

“Yan family, arrogant.”

“Women, long hair and short knowledge, do not care about the overall situation for the sake of lovers.”

“Patriarch Yan, you’d better think twice!”

Whether it was persuasion or ridicule, Yan Hongyu had made up his mind, and in the sneering, disdainful, and stunned eyes of everyone, he took Lu Shaoqing to his place of stay.

On the way, Yin Qi huffed, “Abominable, those hateful guys, really abominable.”

She asked Lu Shaoqing, “You were laughed at like this, you actually could bear it?”

“Slap them to death.”

As a refining period, if you slap down, even the gods will become slag, not to mention those guys in the Yuan Infancy Period, and even the Jiedan Period.

“Tell me what? Can you learn from me to be generous….”

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