Ao Cang and Qi Fei not only represent individuals, but also represent the forces behind them.

The Ao family and the Qi family of the five families and three factions.

In the face of these two, even the big forces have to be stunned, not to mention that it is just a small Yan family, and there is no Yan family that has become a god.

Yan Hongyu’s face was pale and it was difficult to breathe.

She felt as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff, forced to jump at any moment.

However, she didn’t dare to hand over Lu Shaoqing, and even, she didn’t even dare to shout.

As for why Lu Shaoqing let her appear and hide behind herself, she didn’t know and couldn’t guess.

The mind of a master, don’t guess!

Just when Yan Hongyu was crushed by the huge pressure, Xiao Yi spoke up again, “Presumptuous!

“With me, don’t try to bully her.”

Then said to Yan Hongyu with a smile, “Don’t worry, they want to bully you, you have to pass me.” Xiao

Yi stood up to help at this time, which made Yan Hongyu’s heart full of gratitude.

Mi Fei’s face was gloomy, “Xiao Yi, don’t go too far!” Are you really going to stand up for her? But

in my heart, I was secretly happy, Xiao Yi jumped out the best.

“She was originally a member of the alliance, but now she is fighting against the alliance, causing civil unrest and breaking the unity. If you don’t dispose of her, how will everyone willingly deal with the demon race in the future?

Ao Cang also coldly echoed, and the target had already begun to target Xiao Yi, “As an academy student, you came here to deal with the Demon Clan, not deliberately favoring her because she is your friend. ”

Do you want to spoil the Dongzhou Alliance and reduce the pressure on the Demon Clan?”

Ao Cang was sinister, and deliberately buckled the big hat on Xiao Yi’s head, hoping to arouse the anger of everyone.

And Ao Cang’s words caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially the cultivators who escaped from the hands of the demon race, and they looked at Xiao Yi angrily.

“That’s right, the demon race is the enemy, why engage in infighting here?”

“This is also too much, why help Yan Hongyu? Beauty is amazing, huh?

“Women, long hair and short knowledge, will pull back at critical moments.”

“Damn, the demon clan killed my brother, who dares to resist passively, I am the first to not agree.”

“That’s right, don’t agree…” The

people around them were talking, and their gazes at Xiao Yi had become very unkind.

“Less indiscriminate hats here,” facing everyone’s gaze, Xiao Yi was not afraid, “What do you want to do?” Am I accompanied one by one, fight or quarrel?

“Why did she do this, did you ask?”

“Don’t ask much, button your hat as soon as you come up, you might as well give her a charge of treachery.”

Qi Fei shouted, “Xiao Yi, do you really want to fight against the people of Dongzhou for her? ”

Whether it is a fight or a quarrel, Mi Fei is not Xiao Yi’s opponent, so she is very knowledgeable to avoid these.

When Duanmuqing and others saw this scene, they were depressed in their hearts, who is this girl? Dare to fight with people from five families and three factions.

Could it be that these people are settling on the wrong target?

Facing Mi Fei’s questioning, Xiao Yi simply stood in front of Yan Hongyu and faced everyone, “I’m fighting here today, I see who dares to embarrass her.”

Duanmuqing and the others were shocked in their hearts, and they were very worried about Xiao Yi’s origins, so they did not dare to speak for a while.

At the same time, Duanmuqing and several people were depressed in their hearts, could they take advantage of the situation today and leave in ashes?

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If so, it will be a shame, and it will not be good to mix here in Zhongzhou in the future.

Ao Cang smiled slyly at this time, as if a cunning hunter made a move, he deliberately said loudly, “Xiao Yi, this is a matter for people in Dongzhou, what are you Qi people meddling in?”

“Your senior brother is not here, and it is not your turn to be rampant here. Besides, aren’t you afraid to smear your senior brother by doing this? Even if your senior brother were here, he wouldn’t do that. This

sentence sounds like nothing to others.

But to the old foxes, it was a signal for them to feel at ease.

First, Xiao Yi is not a person from the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou, and his origin is not to be afraid.

Second, Xiao Yi dared to resist Ao Cang and the others because he had a senior brother.

Third, Xiao Yi’s senior brother would not approve of this approach.

In this case, what reason is there not to make a move?

Immediately Le Yan immediately spoke, “Little girl, don’t interfere with the affairs of Dongzhou, you outsiders.”

Wu Xiong said even louder, “This is a matter of our alliance, you better watch.”

“Little girl, also want to learn to do good deeds? Be careful to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

Mi Fei drank, “What else are you doing with her nonsense?”

“Separate her, let’s go and get people out, we can’t let people sabotage the anti-demon plan.”

Ao Cang also agreed, and said to Duanmuqing and the others, “Let’s shoot!” ”

The two of them wish that someone would make a move, not to mention killing Xiao Yi, as long as they defeated Xiao Yi, they could also let them breathe a breath.”

Duanmuqing and the others immediately had the intention to make a move, but Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and the breath on his body suddenly exploded.

“Yuan, late Yuan baby?”

“Nine-layer realm?”

Duanmuqing almost bit his tongue.

At the same time, I also have to admire in my heart, worthy of being a student of Zhongzhou College, so young and so powerful.

At this time, Guan Daniu and Fang Xiao stood up and came to Xiao Yi’s side.

Guan Da Niu Yuan Infant Eight-Layer Realm, Fang Xiao Yuan Infant Five-Layer Realm.

At this time, Duanmuqing and several people were even more afraid to make a move, they were not strong enough and could not fight.

So he looked at Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others.

But he saw Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others frowning.

Duanmuqing and the others lay down in their hearts.

You guys can’t beat it either?

Thinking let’s come?

At this point, the situation reached a stalemate.

Duanmuqing and others were in a dilemma.

Xiao Yi snorted, his eyes stared at the audience, and his momentum was amazing, “Doesn’t anyone dare to come?”

“Ao Cang, Qi Fei, you are shouting so much, you want to head for them, come on, I will beat you two one by one.”

The powerful aura suppressed the audience.

Although there is also a late Yuan Infant existence here in Huangcheng, they will not be easily mixed in.

Just when Duanmuqing and the others were embarrassed, suddenly a calm voice sounded, as if speaking in everyone’s ears, “Little girl, you have passed…”

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