“Ugh!” Ben Wei screamed and echoed in the heavens and the earth.

And after the building in the distance could see it, he exclaimed, “Damn, what is that?” He

seemed to see an indescribable being slash out of a sword, and under this sword, the world was shattered and life was destroyed.

A sword brings the world to chaos, a sword destroys heaven and earth, and a sword returns to darkness.

Lou Neng’s scalp is numb, is this sword something that a person can use?

In front of this sword, Benwei is dead, right?

Although it was the same Transformation God Nine-Layer Realm, Lou Neng did not have the confidence that Ben Wei could carry the power of this sword.

It’s scary to watch, and it hurts to watch.


When the sword light disappeared, Benwei’s voice sounded, “Damn, damn it…” Benwei

appeared from a distance, and he was slashed by a sword far away.

Seeing that Ben Wei was not dead, and at the same time noticing that Ji Yan’s aura was even weaker, Lou Neng’s eyes lit up.

Looking at bluffing, the strength is not very good.

Moreover, the consumption is also large.

“Haha, give me death!” Lou Neng took the opportunity to attack Ji Yan.

Under Lou Neng’s control, overwhelming dark red flames rose up into the sky, like a fire dragon, and once again rushed towards Ji Yan.

Ji Yan swung out a cold sword, still a sword trick, and the divine dragon reappeared.

When the fire dragon and the divine dragon were about to collide, the fire dragon suddenly disappeared.

Ji Yan’s face showed a little stunned.

But the next moment, his face changed slightly, and the disappearing fire dragon actually appeared behind him.

It was the same as the attack just now, but this time the speed of the fire dragon was even faster, and it struck with the terrifying temperature of burning the heavens and destroying the world, not waiting for any reaction from him to envelop him.

From a distance, it was like a fire dragon opening its mouth wide, trying to devour its prey.

“Haha,” Lou Neng’s smug voice sounded, “Within my domain, my attacks can appear anywhere…”

But before he finished speaking, his face became gloomy.

In his line of sight, the monstrous fire only shrouded Ji Yan, but it couldn’t get close to Ji Yan’s body.

Ji Yan’s sword intent realm made him fearless of this kind of attack.

The surrounding fire is raging, and the temperature can melt everything, but there is nothing to say.

Anyone who enters the three-zhang range of Ji Yan will be strangled by Ji Yan’s sword intent.

Damn it!

Lou can see this scene, that hate.

He said angrily, “I see how long you can hold on, within my domain, as long as I want, my burning fire can continue to burn until this world is destroyed.” ”

As long as his spiritual power is sufficient, he can maintain his attacks immortality.

Although Ji Yan now relied on the realm to block his Burning Heavenly Fire, once Ji Yan’s spiritual power was insufficient to support the realm to resist his Burning Heavenly Fire, the end would still be the same.

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“No matter how you struggle, your result is the same, death!”

Ji Yan looked at the Benwei who roared and rushed down to kill in the distance, his face was expressionless, and he suddenly withdrew his domain.

Lou Neng was stunned at first, and then overjoyed, and finally couldn’t support it?

Such a great opportunity, of course, Lou Neng will not miss it, and immediately manipulated his own burning fire to devour Ji Yan.


The roaring fire grew in the wind, and even the sky burned, rolling up monstrous flames, and the terrifying temperature distorted the space.

“Damn, damn it…” And

somewhere in the back mountain of the Dian Xing Faction, there were three people standing, nervously looking at the battle in the distance.

When he saw that Ji Yan was engulfed by the flames of the demon race, a man couldn’t help but scold, “It’s really shameless, damn it!”

Then he looked at a woman dressed in red next to him and said in a low voice, “Sister Yunxin, can’t you really think of any way?”

Xuan Yunxin’s face showed bitterness, she slowly shook her head, her eyes were full of pain, and her tone was self-blamed, “There is no way, blame me…”

“Doesn’t it mean that you are the smartest?” Hurry up and think of a way.

Meng Xiao, who was tied with two bun heads, was not happy, and stood up to defend Xuan Yunxin, “Think of a way, you come to think about it.”

“The enemy has a refining period, you say, what can you do?”

“You Jian Bei will go and kill the refining period of the demon race if you have the ability, and everything will be solved.”

The three were Xuan Yunxin, Meng Xiao, and Jian Bei.

The faces of the three were not very good, pale, and their breath was not smooth, and they knew at a glance that they were injured.

When Jian Bei heard this, he also lowered his head in frustration, very annoyed.

“Dotting star pie, it’s so despicable.” Jian Bei turned around, looked at the looming building of the Dian Xing Sect in the distance, and cursed, “Even more despicable than my eldest brother.”

Meng Xiao kicked over and huffed, “Don’t compare him with the Dian Xing Pai, the Dian Xing Pai is not worthy of polishing his shoes.”

Xuan Yun’s heart darkened, and he muttered again, “It’s all to blame on me, it’s me who burdened you.”

Xuanyun’s heart was very painful, she didn’t expect that the Dian Xing Sect could actually be ruthless to this point and use her to calculate the words.

Meng Xiao quickly comforted Xuan Yunxin, “Sister Yunxin, it’s okay, it’s none of your business.” ”

If you want to blame, blame the Demon Race and the Dian Star Sect for being too despicable, they actually united.”

Jian Bei also nodded, “Yes, no one would have guessed that the Dian Xing Faction would do this, and they didn’t expect that their target was Ji Yan Gongzi.”

“I didn’t expect it even more, in order to deal with Ji Yan Gongzi, the Demon Race even sent out the refining period.”

“If you want to talk about dragging, it is also all of us who drag down Ji Yangongzi.”

Saying that, speaking, Jian Bei was extremely sad and indignant, and smashed a punch on a big tree next to him, smashing the tree to pieces and shattering.

“Using us as hostages to coerce Ji Yangongzi and their men into a wheel war, despicable!”

Meng Xiao looked at the flames in the distance, she was very worried, “Ji Yan Gongzi should leave us alone, he may be able to escape.”

Xuan Yunxin shook his head, “Ji Yan Gongzi will not leave, Ji Yan Gongzi will not abandon us.”

“This time, it’s already dead.”

Xuanyun’s heart was already desperate, and she was smart and had no hope.

“Haha…..,” Xuan Yunxin’s words just fell, a proud voice sounded, and two figures appeared in front of the three…

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