The red light

once again enveloped the sky, and this time, the red light on the surface of the filament was more abundant than before, emitting a thick red light, like a demon-like light.

The filament shrouded towards Lu Shaoqing, once again occupying a position with a radius of tens of miles.

Lu Shaoqing cursed, seemingly despising Long Jian’s stupidity, “The same move is useless to me.

However, this time was a little different, not shrouding Lu Shaoqing in it, but spreading out, filling the surrounding space like a tide.

“Click, click

…..” Once again, there was a tooth-sour cracking sound, and a dark red light appeared.

A world that dyes heaven and earth dark red.

Upon closer inspection, the dark red light was like a laser, cutting through the space rapidly.

Although there is the power of space constantly closing, but the filaments are thousands of threads, constantly cutting, the closing speed of space is not comparable to the speed of cutting.

The black void was revealed, like the mouth of a demon, and the whistling spatial storm poured out from it.

The space storm swept through, destroying everything that came across, and even the air seemed to turn into endless powder.

Lu Shaoqing, who was within range, was naturally impacted by the terrifying space storm.

The power of destruction constantly impacted Lu Shaoqing, pulling Lu Shaoqing’s body back and forth.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was expressionless.

Space storm, this is not the first time he has encountered it.

When I went to Cold Star before, I drifted in the void for a while.

These void storms that can destroy everything can’t help him for the time being.

But for a long time, once his physical strength is exhausted, he will be destroyed by this force sooner or later.

The power of destruction constantly impacted Lu Shaoqing’s body, like a wave, constantly impacting the shore with the power of destruction and decay, constantly lapping the reef.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t think about getting out of here, and the surrounding space had been completely blocked.

The dense filaments turned into a sturdy cell and imprisoned him here.

In the face of the violent void storm, you can’t escape, you can only choose to carry it hard.

Lu Shaoqing now experienced the horror and meanness of Long Jian’s move.

Keep cutting here, destroy the Void, and let the Void storm deal with trapped enemies.

There is no other good way but to carry it hard.

However, if you carry it hard, sooner or later you will be exhausted alive, which is equivalent to killing people with a knife.

Standing here, carrying the Void Storm, Lu Shaoqing also felt the rapid consumption of his spiritual power, and the surface of his body was constantly tingling.

How despicable!

Lu Shaoqing complained in his heart, and just as he was about to carry Long Jian’s cage, Long Jian’s voice sounded.

“Space shattered, the void storm of destruction, I see how you resist it.”

“Unless you can close the space, you will wait for death, haha…..” The

surrounding space is constantly collapsing in the summer of the cutting of the filament, and the speed of closure cannot keep up with the speed of collapse, so the void storm continues to surge out.

Turn off space?

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, if he said that others might have a headache, but his words, there might be some possibility.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze roamed the edges of the surrounding space, and although these spatial cracks did not have black lightning, they were also the power that permeated space on its surface.

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Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and he slowly stretched out his hand…

Seeing Long Jian make another big killing move.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure disappeared again.

Jin Hou wanted to roar a few times happily, but his face was swollen just now, and now he had to think about his speech so as not to be slapped in the face.

Feeling the aura of destruction coming from afar, Jin Hou’s heart became more and more joyful.

I just don’t dare to open my mouth easily for the time being, and my heart is very uncomfortable.

Just as Jin Hou was struggling to hold back, the excited voices of several demon gods in the distance came.

“It’s Lord Longjian, severing the void!”

“This trick makes even an existence stronger than Lord Longjian, and it will fall if you are not careful.”

“He is dead, this trick, few people can crack.”

“Hey, even if he doesn’t die, if he can resist, his physical strength will be exhausted, and killing him when the time comes, it will be easier than stepping on an ant.”

The words of the demon clan made Jin Hou cheer up.

The people of the Demon Race said this, it seems that Lu Shaoqing can’t turn over this time.

Not pretending, Jin Hou laughed again, “It seems that he is less fierce this time.”

“Dare to provoke Senior Longjian because you have some strength? Act recklessly! ”

That’s right, the strength is strong, it should destroy the decay and trample Lu Shaoqing to death, so that he will never be able to turn over.”

It also made him bounce for so long, and it was an eyesore to watch.

Xiao Yi’s face was expressionless, and he wanted to look at Jin Hou like a fool, “Stupid, you don’t know how powerful my second senior brother is.” ”

Awesome?” Jin Hou laughed, “Now is a space storm, a space storm that can destroy everything, can he support it?”

“He can’t escape!” Jin Hou’s tone was firm, as if to give himself confidence, “He is dead.”

“Absolutely dead.”

However, as soon as his words fell, the aura of destruction in the distance suddenly disappeared, without warning, as if it had never appeared.

Jin Hou was stunned, his heart jumped, and he was a little expectant, could it be that Lu Shaoqing was killed and stopped fighting?

However, Long Jian’s voice sounded, letting Jin Hou know that he had been slapped in the face again.

“No, it can’t be!”

Long Jian cried out in disbelief, unable to believe that this was true.

“You, how can you do it?”

The speed of space cutting is not as fast as the speed of space closing.

Lu Shaoqing could actually close the space.

This discovery shocked Long Jian and gave birth to a little panic in his heart.

Who is Lu Shaoqing in front of him? Is it really human?

So young and powerful, revealing weirdness and eccentricity.

What is the origin of such a person?

No wonder the Holy Lord wanted to recruit him, and even decided that if the solicitation could not be successful, he allowed him to kill him.

Just when Long Jian was panicking in his heart, he suddenly felt that the surrounding space had darkened, and a dangerous aura came from above his head.

Long Jian looked up, above the sky, was a world of endless stars, and nine stars fell rapidly…

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