The sudden standing up startled everyone.

Xiao Yi couldn’t even help but guess in his heart, should Senior Brother clean up Jianbei, right?

Can’t you see someone saying bad things about the second senior brother?

“Senior brother, what’s wrong?”

But after asking, she sensed the breath on Ji Yan’s body.

Ji Yan’s breath was like boiling water about to boil, already rolling secretly.

The breath is pressing, standing beside him is like standing next to a volcano, and the heat wave continues to spread, making people feel a great sense of oppression.

Not only Xiao Yi, but even others jumped in their hearts.

Ji Yan is about to break through?

Not caring about his own condition, Ji Yan looked straight into the distance, even if he was seriously injured now, his body was still straight, as if he would never bend.

Ji Yan frowned and spoke gently, “There is more than one enemy!” ”

More than one enemy?

Xiao Yi and the others were stunned at first, and then reacted immediately.

For Ji Yan, those crippled demonic gods have been ignored.

The real enemy is only the refining period.

The meaning of Ji Yan is that the Demon Race has more than one refining period here?

Xiao Yi and the others gasped.

One Longjian is already difficult, another one, Lu Shaoqing has to kneel no matter how awesome he is, right?

However, everyone doubted this.

Does the Demon Race really have two Void Refining Period existences?

There is also a demon clan of the refining period hiding on the side?

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but look into the distance, the explosion in the distance had stopped, and Long Jian was beaten into the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Lu Shaoqing Mojun’s sword was raised high, ready to strike the sword again, and the starlight in the starry sky above his head flashed, and the starlight would come again to strike the enemy at any time.

However, Lu Shaoqing suddenly stopped, the heavens and the earth gradually returned to light, the starry sky disappeared, and the sun reappeared.

Lu Shaoqing was silent for a moment, his eyes were like electricity, staring in one direction, and suddenly spoke, “Come out!” ”

Is there really another refining period?

Xiao Yi and the others were shocked.

And after a few breaths, suddenly a woman’s voice sounded, “Hmph…” Then

, a black figure appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, and also appeared in everyone’s sight.

“It’s Lord Lu!”

“Lord Lu is also here?”

“Haha, that’s great, it’s Lord Lu!”

“It’s Lord Lu, Terran boy, it’s dead…” “It’s Lord

Weilu who came to Zijia, haha, we won…” The

six injured Demon Transformation Gods were ecstatic and shouted loudly.

Xiao Yi and the others were horrified.

The Demon Race really had another refining period.

The situation suddenly became extremely bad.

It was already difficult for Lu Shaoqing to deal with Long Jian alone, and if there was one more, even Xiao Yi, who had no confidence in Lu Shaoqing, had no confidence.

Xiao Yi was angry and gave Guan Daniu a kick fiercely, “It’s all to blame on you crow mouth.”


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Guan Daniu covered his ass here, his face full of grievances, “What does this matter to me?” ”

Obviously, the Demon Race has already sent someone, and it wasn’t me who sent someone when I said it.

Meng Xiao also kicked him, “In the future, you will give me less opening.” ”

Huh…” Jin Hou trembled again, as if resurrected with blood, radiant and energetic, “Now, you can’t turn over, can you?”

“Haha…” During

the two refining period, even if Lu Shaoqing was an immortal, he would have to kneel.

Jin Hou already wanted to burn a cannon battle to celebrate.

Jin Hou’s words were very annoying, but Xiao Yi and the others could not refute it.

No matter how strong Lu Shaoqing is, it is impossible to stop the joint efforts of the two refining periods.

Xiao Yi looked at his senior brother with tears in his eyes, “Senior brother! ”

Now, I’m afraid that even Senior Brother can’t do anything, right?

Ji Yan patted Xiao Yi’s head, “I’ll go back!”

Yin Qi also asked nervously, “Senior brother, you, what are you going to do?” I’ll go with you.

Ji Yan shook his head and took off into the air, “I’ll go to cross the robbery!” ”

The breath in the body completely boiled at this moment, the sky was dim, and the clouds in the sky began to gather…

The excitement of the demon gods made Lu Shaoqing almost think that the Holy Lord was coming.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the female demon race in front of him, who was called Lord Lu by the demon race.

Wearing black spirit armor, it was somewhat similar to the armor he had slaughtered the batch of Zijia Saint Guards before.

However, her armor looks more advanced, two unknown fierce beast heads appear on her shoulders, and her empty eyes make people subconsciously feel a sense of fear.

The armor is engraved with mysterious patterns, and the streamers flash, giving it a sense of danger.

The black helmet covered her face, and she couldn’t see her clearly.

It was only known that it exuded a cold and brutal aura.

After staring at Lu Shaoqing for a while, he noticed that this person was not easy to mess with, and couldn’t help but scold, “Holy Lord of Dog Day, as for it?”

“The world’s first petty ghost!”

“Isn’t it just unpleasant? As for doing this to me? ”

Lu Shaoqing is very hurt in his heart.

The Holy Lord of the Dog Day actually sent two refining periods to deal with him, and he was flattered.

Everyone was silent, and even Lu’s body in front of him couldn’t help but shake a little.


Is that a little unpleasant?

The things you did in the Holy Land will not shred your corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Lu couldn’t laugh anymore, and said hatefully, “Despicable Terrans, not men, dare to do it.”

Lu’s tone was filled with monstrous hatred, she was the person of the Zijia Saint Guard, and Lu Shaoqing had slaughtered a lot of Zijia Saint Guard.

If nothing else, for this alone, she will smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

“This time, you’re dead.”

The hateful tone made Lu Shaoqing roll his eyes, very speechless, “You snatched what I was going to say, and it was you who died.” ”

Huh,” Lu seemed to hear a funny joke, “can you kill us?”

“In order to kill you, using your senior brother as bait, laying a net of heaven and earth waiting for you to take the bait, I didn’t expect that our intelligence was wrong, and you are actually in the refining period.”

“But it’s okay, even if you are in the refining period, you have to die.”

Lu Shaoqing understood what Lu meant, thinking that he was also sending two beings in the Refining Void Period during the Transformation God Period, which showed that the Demon Race had a killing heart for him.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing felt very sad, and tentatively asked Lu, “Is it still time to surrender now?” ”

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