He had never seen Lu’s true face, but Lu Shaoqing clearly felt Lu’s contempt and contempt.

Looking at his gaze was like looking at a fool, with a slightly sympathetic tone, “It is rare for a person like you to cultivate to this realm.

Long Jian laughed and followed with contempt, “Brainless guy, do you think we can’t see through this trick of yours?”

Lu Shaoqing provoked Lu while fighting with Long Jian, “Sanba, there is a kind of battle with me, let you see what a real man is.” ”

Three, three-eight?

Lu was stunned at first, and then trembled with anger.

Damn Terrans are all so rude?

Facing Lu Shaoqing, reason was easily devoured, and Lu screamed angrily, “I’m going to kill you!”

“Calm down!” However, Long Jian shouted loudly and woke her up, “Go stop Ji Yan, kill Ji Yan in front of him, and let him know the fate of the mouth.”

Lu Shaoqing drank, “Don’t go if you have a kind, you will regret it.”

“Huh…..,” Lu, who calmed down, was not moved, but sneered again, “Regret? I’d rather see how I regret it.

After speaking, he gave Lu Shaoqing a contemptuous look, took a step, shuttled through the void, and disappeared in front of Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

“Your sister!” Lu Shaoqing sighed and said to Long Jian, “Don’t fight first, how about I go and clean up that three-eight and then come back to clean you up?” ”

Long Jian almost wanted to ask if you were an idiot?

Such idiotic words can also be out.

“You dream!” Long Jian smiled coldly, the thousand blood streaks soared again, and the filigree that kept squirming, looking at it from afar, was like a terrifying monster, covering the sky.

Long Jian blocked the surroundings with a thousand bloodshots, intending to trap Lu Shaoqing here and let him watch Lu go and kill Ji Yan.

In the face of Long Jian’s attack, Lu Shaoqing just said, “Didn’t you notice that there was a lot less spider silk?” ”

Then take one step and disappear here in an instant.

As soon as these words came out, Long Jian’s heart was shocked.

When he felt it carefully, he let out an earth-shattering roar, “Damn! ”

If you don’t feel it carefully, I really don’t know that the thousand blood is actually missing a lot.

Long Jian went crazy.

What’s going on?

This is his Natal Weapon, which is closely related to his life, and it can be said that it is a part of his body.

Even if there was a slight crack on it, he could feel it for the first time.

And this time, his thousand blood streaks were unknowingly missing.

Even, if it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing’s reminder, he wouldn’t know.

Lu Shaoqing was able to leave from under his nose because he was missing a part of his thousand blood, and he couldn’t completely close the space.

What the hell is going on?

Long Jian broke his head and couldn’t figure out what was happening.


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Long Jian was faintly panicked in his heart.

After all, things are too weird, as a natal weapon, unconsciously being missing a lot, not to panic.

“Don’t run, tell me clearly!”

Long Jian roared angrily and turned to chase after Lu Shaoqing.

Although Ji Yan ran far away to cross the calamity, this distance was shorter than the distance of walking for the refining period.

When Lu Shaoqing came here, the thunder above the sky was already brewing and would fall at any time.

Ji Yan’s momentum was amazing, standing up to the sky, and a sharp aura flowed on his body, like a divine sword, full of edge, as if he was about to fight with the sky.

However, the injuries on his body and the weak breath could not be concealed.

In such a state, it can be said that it cannot be worse.

Lu was the first to come here, did not rush to make a move, saw the clouds above the sky, and sneered.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, who was following closely, he said, “Is your senior brother the same as your brain?”

“Brainless, extremely stupid.”

The Terrans, indeed a brainless race, should be eliminated.

“Hey,” Lu Shaoqing was not happy, and pointed at Lu, “I don’t like to hear what you say, your words are right and half right.”

Lu was slightly stunned, how many meanings did this mean?

In Lu’s stunned gaze, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Ji Yan and said, “You are right to say that he has no brains and is extremely stupid, but what is wrong is that I am different from him, and I am much smarter than him.” ”

Narcissistic, arrogant guy.

Lu labeled Lu Shaoqing again in her heart.

Lu didn’t bother to talk to someone like Lu Shaoqing, in Hanxing, if she met someone like Lu Shaoqing, she wouldn’t even look at it.

Dare to offend her, crush thousands of corpses, and destroy the forces behind him.

Lu Shaoqing held a long sword and beckoned to Lu, like a rogue on the ground, flowing in and out, full of riffraff, “Come, Sanba, let’s go somewhere else to have a good fight, don’t disturb my senior brother here, how?” ”

Don’t worry,” Lu looked at Lu Shaoqing’s frivolous appearance, and resisted the urge to rush up and blast him, “At the right time, I will strike and let Ji Yan crush his bones.” ”

Interfering with the robbery, you don’t need to do too much, just need to make a little move at the right time, interfere, enough to make the person who crossed the robbery doom.”

“Watch me hack you to death!” As if enraged, Lu Shaoqing brandished his long sword to kill Xiang Lu.

“Lu Shaoqing, you compensate me for a thousand bloodshots!” Long Jian bombarded from a distance and fought with Lu Shaoqing again.

Long Jian’s eyes were red, a thousand blood streaks were missing, and the power was also reduced, and if he wanted to repair it, it was difficult and it took a huge amount of effort.

Long Jian now just wants to bite Lu Shaoqing to death, and constantly launches onslaughts at Lu Shaoqing.

The violent spiritual power impact, the rumbling explosion, once again destroyed the surroundings.

When Xiao Yi and Jianbei’s people arrived here, the earth here was devastated, countless peaks collapsed, the ground collapsed, and trees and boulders turned into powder.

Everyone hurried away and watched Lu Shaoqing being entangled by Long Jian, while Lu stood quietly in the distance, watching Ji Yan prepare to cross the calamity.

Everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but sink again, this time it was in big trouble.

Lu made it clear that he wanted to interfere with Ji Yan to cross the calamity, but Lu Shaoqing, who had the ability to stop it, was entangled by Long Jian.

Ji Yan fell into a desperate situation….

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