
Jin Hou’s side broke out in a cold sweat, but he still felt funny when he heard Xiao Yi’s words.

Holding his palm, enduring the pain, he said murderously, “He is dead, do you think he can still live?” ”

There are two demon refining existences here, if he can live, I won’t live.

He didn’t dare to do it, Xin Yuankui was full of jealousy, he actually had an intuition, he was not Xiao Yi’s opponent.

This made him feel very angry in his heart and did not dare to make a move. Then get some field back from the mouth.

He couldn’t help but join in, and said coldly, “Lu Shaoqing, he is dead, and Ji Yan is also dead.”

As he spoke, Ji Yan had already climbed up from the ground and once again soared into the sky above the sky.

And seeing the state of Ji Yan, Xiao Yi, who wanted to refute, was silent.

Ji Yan’s state was even worse, and his white clothes were now dirty.

There were not many white traces visible in the white clothes, and dirt and blood stained on them, making Ji Yan look even more embarrassed.

His breath was even weaker, and everyone who was far away seemed to be able to hear Ji Yan’s heavy breathing.

Such a weak plan will fall at any moment in the next moment.

“Senior brother…

..,” Xiao Yi clenched his fists nervously, tears rolling in his eyes again.

Xiao Yi hated himself extremely at this moment, hating his lack of strength and not being able to help the two senior brothers.

The second senior brother is right, I have been dragging the two of them down.

Ji Yan came to the sky again, and he did not rest when he was seriously injured, but instead held the Wuqiu sword and pointed directly at the heavenly clouds.

As if enraged, the robbery cloud rolled up again, and there were continuous thunder streaks in the clouds, flashing bursts of palpitating thunder, and the robbery thunder seemed to fall again at any time.

“What is he going to do?”

“Why didn’t Ji Yan Gongzi hurry up and rest?”

“Is he going to continue the calamity?”

“Hurry up and rest…” Jian

Bei was shocked, big brother, don’t play with fire.

After being struck by a robbery thunder, who is not the first time to rest and adjust their state to prepare for the next robbery thunder?

Although your current state is very bad, some rest is better than no rest, right?

Rest for a while, recover a little more and have a little more chance of successfully crossing the disaster.


Seeing Ji Yan like this, Jin Hou felt that his palm didn’t hurt at all.

“Stupid, arrogant, self-defeating…” Even

Lu shook her head in amazement and sneered to herself, “The two senior brothers are brainless guys, extremely stupid. ”

It seems that I don’t need to make a move…”

After Lu said to herself lightly, her eyes didn’t even bother to look at Ji Yan.

Such a fool, the second robbery thunder will not kill him, and the third robbery thunder will definitely chop him to death.

If the Heavenly Tribulation had to use the fourth Tribulation Thunder to chop Ji Yan to death, she would definitely despise the Heavenly Tribulation as a piece of garbage.

Lu returned her gaze to Lu Shaoqing and Long Fitness, and the main target this time was Lu Shaoqing.

The guy who refuses to surrender must be killed and completely made to disappear.


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Lu’s eyes flickered, full of hatred, “Even if the Holy Lord wants you to surrender, I will not allow you to surrender, you must die.” Lu

Shaoqing’s mouth was too hateful, and Lu couldn’t bear it.

She couldn’t believe that if Lu Shaoqing surrendered and became a colleague with her, she faced Lu Shaoqing every day and listened to Lu Shaoqing’s mouth every day.

Lu Shaoqing’s words can kill the popularity, and if you become a colleague with him, the life will be hundreds of years less.

Sensing Lu’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing looked over, “Sanba, what to see?” What do you want?

“Voyeurism is not a good habit, do you often peep at the bath of the Holy Lord of Dog Day?”

“You’re not afraid of needle eyes either?”

Lu froze, as if struck by a thunderbolt, and the whole person’s brain was blank for a while.

Voyeur Holy Lord bathing?

Long needle eyes?

Lu felt her internal organs burning, and her anger was like a dragon roaring inside her.

Lu was trembling with anger, and she roared at Long Jian, “Long Jian, kill him, you can’t kill him, let me come.” As

the pride of the refining period, she could barely control herself, and did not immediately make a move to join forces with Long Jian to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

But her killing intent towards Lu Shaoqing had reached its peak, and the anger in her body was constantly burning, making her want to go crazy with hatred.

“Don’t worry, I can kill him.” Long Jian responded loudly.

His hatred for Lu Shaoqing is no less than Lu’s, and if he doesn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he has no face to continue to mess around in this world.

Lu roared impatiently, the killing intent made her furious, and coldly gave Long Jian time, “A quarter of an hour, you can’t kill him in a quarter of an hour, only I can come.” ”

Damn it!

Longjian’s side is also secretly scolding, so what is the monkey anxious for?

He didn’t want Lu to make a move, nor did he want the two to join forces.

Although the two can kill Lu Shaoqing by joining forces, but this is not to solve hatred, and it is easy to be said that the victory is not martial, and the face is not good-looking.


Lu Shaoqing in front of him was very difficult, and even, he faintly pressed him.

Up to now, hundreds of rounds have passed, and he has not been able to cause much damage to Lu Shaoqing.

Not to mention a quarter of an hour, even if it was a day, he was not confident that he could kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing listened to their words in his ears and sneered, “How?” Cowherd, can you do it in a quarter of an hour?

“Your performance just now is very bad, it seems that the environment of Cold Star is really not very good, and there are no supplements for you to eat.”

“Poor …

..”But well, people have to serve old age, if they can’t do it, they can’t, right, don’t die…..”

I’m special!

Long Jian wanted to blow himself up and died with Lu Shaoqing.

How can a person’s mouth be cheap?

Sure enough, the Terrans were all damned.

“I’m going to kill you.” Long Jian was also trembling with anger, however, he could not do it, and he only had this sentence back and forth.

“Men, it’s not just by shouting slogans, if not, you will accept your life.”

Long Jian’s side was so angry that his spiritual power was about to be disordered, and suddenly, he noticed the Heavenly Tribulation in the distance.

He instantly had a way in his heart, and smiled coldly, “Can you keep your senior brother by playing tricks?”

“The second thunder is coming, I’ll see how he can resist.”

As soon as his words fell, Lu Shaoqing slapped his head, “I forgot one thing…”

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