Heavenly Dao’s younger brother?

Long Jian was originally horrified in his heart, but Lu Shaoqing’s words calmed him down.

Are you kidding.

The relationship with Tiandola is not pulled like this.

He smiled coldly, “Stupid, it’s just a coincidence.”

Lu’s voice also came, echoing in the heavens and the earth, so that everyone could hear it, as if on purpose, “If I am not mistaken, Ji Yan must have some magic weapon on him that can allow him to take the thunder intact.”

As soon as these words came out, Long Jian thought it deeply, and nodded his head in agreement, “That’s right, that’s it. Only

this reason can be explained.

The Demon Race’s Avatar Gods and Jin Hou and Xin Yuankui were also relieved after hearing this.

That’s right, that’s why.

What Heavenly Tribulation brother, can communicate with Heavenly Tribulation and rip calves, when they are fools?

Jin Hou said even louder, “That’s right, definitely some magic weapon was used, otherwise it would be impossible to be safe and sound.” ”

Stupid guy.” Xiao Yi smiled coldly, “You’d better remember what you said later, and die here.” Xiao

Yi is now very calm and no longer nervous.

With the second senior brother here, everything is fine.

“Whether it’s true or not, you’ll know when the third thunder is done.” Xin Yuankui also spoke calmly in his heart, and his tone was affirmative, “Even if there is a magic weapon, it won’t be long before the third thunder will definitely make him revealed.” ”

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation is great, and it is impossible for any magic weapon to withstand it all the time.

“That’s right, just wait for the third thunder.” The same is true on Long Jian’s side, he is waiting for the third robbery thunder, as long as the third robbery thunder splits Ji Yan, when Lu Shaoqing’s mind is lost, it will be his best chance to defeat and even kill Lu Shaoqing.

Once again, Ji Yan is in the spotlight of all.

Ji Yan didn’t care, he still held his sword and looked directly at the thunder in the sky.

He did not speak, but burst out with terrifying battle intent, and the sword intent rushed up into the sky, as if to break through the clouds.


With a loud bang, the third thunder appeared in everyone’s expectant gaze, and once again slashed down fiercely.

This time, the third thunder was not as amazing as the second.


Ji Yan held the Wuqiu Sword and rushed up to the sky, once again facing the thunder.

In front of everyone’s eyes, Ji Yan and Thunder collided, and finally, a figure was thrown high, fell heavily, and smashed to the ground again.


At this scene, both Jin Hou and the other demon races laughed.

“Brother Heavenly Dao? Heavenly Tribulation helps? Joke…..”

Long Jian was also very happy, and even took the opportunity to make a move, intending to kill Lu Shaoqing while Lu Shaoqing was losing his mind.

A thousand bloodshots flew, like a fierce beast with teeth and claws, and quickly rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.


The sword light suddenly rose, slashed fiercely, and collided with the thousand bloodshots fiercely.

The Thousand Blood Thread was partially devoured by Mo Jun, even if the Thousand Blood Thread stretched out more and expanded wider, there was still a gap for Lu Shaoqing to directly attack it.

Countless sword intents frantically rushed towards Long Jian like piranhas.

Long Jian was shocked, the sword intent was violent, and the madness was raging, constantly cutting everything around him.

Under this attack, he had to withdraw the thousand bloodshots and desperately turned into a shield to resist the terrifying sword intent for himself.


Long Jian looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, Lu Shaoqing was actually not disturbed by Ji Yan?

Wasn’t he worried about his senior brother?

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Just when Long Jian was surprised, Lu suddenly whispered, “Something is wrong!” ”

Something wrong?” Long Jian didn’t care about anger and subconsciously looked at Lu.

And Lu had actually taken out his weapon this time and slammed into Ji Yan.

Looking at his posture, it seems that he wants to kill under the Heavenly Tribulation and strike at Ji Yan.

“Sanba, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted here, and Long Jian immediately shot at Lu Shaoqing again.

Although I don’t know why Lu suddenly killed Ji Yan, as an old fox, Long Jian intercepted Lu Shaoqing as soon as possible and prevented Lu Shaoqing from rescuing Ji Yan.

However, Long Jian felt strange again that Lu Shaoqing just shouted and did not mean to stop Lu.

His face was calm, as if everything was in his control.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression like this made Long Jian very unhappy, and he sneered, “Your senior brother is dead.” ”

The Heavenly Tribulation can’t kill him, so let Lu kill him.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, and then shouted at the clouds in the sky, “Kill that three eight.”

Long Jian wanted to laugh again, “Stupid! The

Demon God in the distance laughed.

“Stupid Terrans.”

“Laugh at me, this Terran really has no brains.”

“Haha, do you really think that Heavenly Tribulation listened to him?”

However, Lu also heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, she did not smile, and the feeling of unease in her heart was even stronger.

She discovered that the third thunder did not cause much damage to Ji Yan.

Don’t look at Ji Yan thrown high and falling heavily to the ground, in fact, the damage received is not a concern.

That’s why she said something was wrong.

Whether it is the Heavenly Tribulation who is really obedient to help, or whether Ji Yan has an unknown magic weapon.

It all made her feel uneasy.

In order to eliminate the uneasiness in her heart, she felt that she was going to strike.

Whatever is wrong with it, kill people and eliminate all unease.

Lu also heard Lu Shaoqing’s words in her ears, and smiled coldly in her heart.

Lying to fool yourself?

Do you really think that Brother Tiandao?

If you are a brother of Heavenly Dao, I am still a sister of Heavenly Dao?

Heavenly Dao has no consciousness, how can it be possible to listen to the orders of people like you?

Lu ignored it, and the figure flashed, coming beyond the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation.

An inch in front of her, there was a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation power, which made her body react instinctively.

The power of heavenly calamity, no one dares to offend.

Even as Lu in the refining period, she did not dare to take another step into the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Entering the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation will make her also the target of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Shot at Ji Yan, enough here.

And when he saw that Ji Yan really didn’t suffer any harm and rose up from the ground, Lu’s eyes became fierce.


Lu’s hands gathered strength, spiritual power operated, and when she was about to strike, she suddenly raised her head.


A white thunder illuminated her eyes….

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