The interval between the fall of the thunder is too

short, and the speed of the thunder is too fast.

In a short time, it was already the fifth thunderbolt.

Such a fast speed, very abnormal.

Where can normal people cross the robbery, where will there be such a fast speed?

So it’s no wonder that Jin Hou is proud again.

It is difficult to cross the robbery, and after each thunderstorm, you have to rest and adjust your state to meet the next thunderstorm.

At such a rate, it is estimated that there will not be a single person in this world.

Ji Yan was already injured at the beginning of the fourth robbery thunder, and after the fifth robbery thunder fell, the wounds on his body were bleeding, and it was difficult to stop.

The passage of blood made Ji Yan’s face paler and paler.

In fact, according to Ji Yan’s state, he couldn’t even survive the first thunderbolt.

On the other hand, he not only survived, but also survived to the fifth thunder.

The fifth thunder dispersed, Ji Yan’s breath became weaker, his breathing was heavy, and the only thing that remained unchanged was his fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit of the whole person became higher and higher, and his head was still high, facing the heavenly calamity.

Weak and strong, two opposite words appear in Ji Yan at the same time.

Weak and withering body, vigorous and strong fighting spirit, strong fighting spirit, strong fighting spirit, supporting him.

But such a plan gives people a feeling that they will fall at any time.

Guan Daniu looked at the brows and frowned, and he couldn’t help but say, “Since you can make the Heavenly Tribulation obedient, why not let the Heavenly Tribulation slow down?” ”

Slow down, you can give Ji Yan more time to rest.

Since they all let the Heavenly Tribulation look at it, is it not good to simply let it look a little more?

Jian Bei was also puzzled, “Yes, once Ji Yan Gongzi rests well, with his strength, even the heyday Heavenly Tribulation will not cause him harm.” ”

Haha,” Jin Hou sneered proudly, “You really think that Lu Shaoqing can communicate with the Heavenly Tribulation? ”


Guan Daniu and Jian Bei shook their heads and said at the same time, “Tu buns!” ”

They didn’t believe it before, but by now, they’re convinced.


The Tribulation continues.

The sixth thunder fell, and the seventh thunder fell.

Ji Yan’s figure still stood above the sky, and the breath emanating from the whole person made him like the sun in the sky, dazzling and compelling, making people dare not look directly.

The strong fighting spirit and high fighting spirit can be felt even if they are far apart.

“This, this…” The

faces of Jin Hou and the others, who wanted to see Ji Yan’s joke, changed.

While healing his injuries, he looked at Lu, who was planning to cross the calamity, with an ugly face, “Is the Vietnam War getting stronger?” ”

Several of the Demon Race’s Avatar Gods also understood at this moment why they couldn’t kill the already injured plan.

The Vietnam War became stronger and stronger, and the fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

Like steel, the harder it is.

Jian Bei was also numb in his scalp, he held his head with both hands, and muttered to himself, “It turns out that the eldest brother knows that Ji Yangongzi will not fall, and the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger he is.” ”

The Heavenly Tribulation is coming slowly, maybe it can’t support that time.”

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Everyone understood that this was like a breath, holding it for a long time.

Once relieved, that breath can’t be held back.

Meng Xiao couldn’t help but exclaim, “The two of them don’t say a word, there is such a tacit understanding?” Ji

Yan didn’t even look at the other side of the battle, and even Lu, who thought about attacking him twice, didn’t care.

There was no fear that Lu would interfere with him.

It is because he believes in Lu Shaoqing and believes that Lu Shaoqing can help him solve all interference.

Lu Shaoqing was also full of confidence in Ji Yan and did not worry that there would be problems with Ji Yan crossing the calamity.

Even if the time for the Heavenly Tribulation to fall was short and unusual, Lu Shaoqing did not open his mouth to slow down the Heavenly Tribulation.

Because he believes that Ji Yan can survive.

The two brothers silently do their own things and trust each other.

Such tacit understanding, such trust, even true brothers rarely exist.

Jian Bei, Guan Daniu and others were amazed.

And enemies such as Lu and Jin Hou had ugly faces.

According to this situation, once Ji Yan survives the Heavenly Tribulation and enters the refining period, the strength of Lu Shaoqing’s side will increase greatly, and the situation will be reversed.

The plan is very strong, and no one will deny this.

Once he entered the refining period, even Lu was not sure that she could kill him.

Lu actually felt a dilemma for a while.

Ji Yan crossed the calamity, she did not dare to make a move, the only thing she could do was secretly pray in her heart that Ji Yan was killed by the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, Ji Yan now exuded momentum, and a voice in her heart told her that Ji Yan would successfully cross the calamity.


The eighth tribulation thunder fell, and although it split Ji Yan, Ji Yan rushed up from the ground again, still standing tenaciously in front of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Lu was silent, she was already sure that Ji Yan would be able to successfully cross the calamity.

The situation is moving against them.

However, after all, it is the existence of the refining period.

Lu’s gaze finally fell on Lu Shaoqing, and the killing intent skyrocketed.

There is no way to break the game.

Watching Long Jian and Lu Shaoqing fight, although thousands of bloods covered the sky and the momentum was amazing, she could see that Long Jian, in the middle of refining, the existence of the five-layer realm could no longer kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing and Long Jian fought back and forth, seemingly the two sides were evenly matched, but in fact, Lu Shaoqing had already gained the upper hand.

Lu Shaoqing was so comfortable that he even had time to stare at her.

Seeing Lu looking at him, Lu Shaoqing raised his eyebrows, and once again revealed the temperament of a riffraff, “Sanba, what to see?” Haven’t seen a handsome guy? ”

Come and play? Three people together, exciting points.

Lu silently pulled out her weapon.

It was a black mace, nearly two meters high, and it looked majestic.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing exclaimed, “Wow, you actually like this thing? Sure enough, you are a sullen person, have you ever stabbed the chrysanthemum of the Holy Lord of Dog Day? ”

Is there a picture of the Lingering Stone?” I want to admire it…..”

frivolous, shameless, obscene.”

Lu clenched his weapon with both hands, and the green tendons on his hands burst out, and without saying a word, a flash appeared, appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, and smashed it fiercely.

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