Guan Daniu was beaten again, he wanted to cry without tears, it really hurt.

He was sure in his heart that he and Lu Shaoqing were in conflict.

His eyes were resentful, but he was not looking at Lu Shaoqing, but at Xuan Yunxin.

He was miserable by Xuanyun’s heart.

Help Xuan Yunxin create a rumor, and the sequelae have been until now.

And it seems that it is still far away, and there is no sign of ending.

Guan Da Niu looked up to the sky and sighed, Brother Pit!

When will this sad day be big?

After Lu Shaoqing beat him, he clapped his hands and said to Guan Da Niu very comfortably, “Anyway, my senior brother and I can’t see the report, otherwise I will kill you.” ”

What else can I do?

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing, and Guan Daniu could only agree with tears.

Mu Yong is Mu Yong.

Jian Bei cast a sympathetic look at Guan Daniu next to him, and at the same time secretly rejoiced in his heart that he was grateful that his mouth could be controlled, otherwise it would be the same as Guan Daniu’s fate.

When it was almost time, Jian Bei opened his mouth and asked, “Big brother, where are you going next?” ”

Directly smashed the yellow dragon and destroyed the demon race?”

Jian Bei was a little expectant.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were both cultivators in the refining period, and they were not ordinary cultivators in the refining period.

The combat effectiveness is terrifying, and the lethality is amazing.

The two joined forces, and Jian Bei estimated that only the existence of the late refining void could resist.

Now that the Demon Race has lost two Refining Void Period masters, Jian Bei estimates that there are still two or three Refining Void Periods in Tao City.

And the strength will not be much stronger than Lu Shaoqing and them.

If Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan killed Tao City, they would definitely be able to quell the invasion of the Demon Race this time.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and patted his chest, “Pound a hair, I’m afraid of death.”

“World events, where it is my turn for a small character to participate, let the tall man come.”

Just kidding, killing the demon race for two refining periods has greatly weakened the power of the demon race, he went to Taocheng to destroy those demon races, everything was done by him, what about the others?

What about the people in Zhongzhou?

The tall man was watching the play next to him, so he went to do all the work?

Who pays him?

The huge world, and not his, he committed to fight life and death?

Besides, the demon race that killed Taocheng, when the demon race made a comeback again, he and his sect must be the first target of revenge of the demon race, and he was not so stupid.

Moreover, no matter how the Demon Race looks at it this time, he will do a big thing, and he does not dare to easily destroy the Demon Race’s plan.

What if the Holy Lord’s bastard was hiding in Tao City?

The ultimate goal of the Demon Race is still Zhongzhou, let the people of the Demon Race and Zhongzhou be tough.

Jian Bei couldn’t help but roll his eyes, are you afraid of death?

You also don’t look at what you’ve done.

Your audacity is greater than the sky, and you are afraid of death?

“Big brother, what are your plans next?” Jian Bei could only ask another question.

“Both of us are injured, we have to go back to the sect to recuperate, and let’s heal our injuries.”

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Lu Shaoqing pretended to be helpless and sighed, “I have the intention to kill the thief, but I can’t return to the sky.” This

forced even Meng Xiao to hammer Lu Shaoqing.

Meng Xiao scoffed, “You brag, if you are willing to go, no amount of demon clans will be enough for you to kill.” ”

Good villains are also refining period, how many demons can kill him?

With so many people sent by Dian Xing, they were not slaughtered cleanly?

Guan Daniu rubbed his swollen face and muttered, “I see you’re lazy.”

Jian Bei also continued to persuade, “Big brother, the Demon Clan, it’s not enough for you to stuff your teeth, as soon as you make a move, they will immediately disappear and the world will return to peace.” ”

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu, the two descendants of the five families and three factions, naturally hope that Lu Shaoqing will destroy the demon race, which will have direct benefits for the five families and three factions.

Although they are friends, but friends are personal friends.

Each person has power behind him and represents different interests.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and snorted, anyway, he didn’t plan to go to Taocheng.

It is not far from the point star sent back to the Lingxiao faction, and it is just enough to return to the Lingxiao faction from here to end this business trip.

Alas, it is not known whether there are subsidies for business trips.

Go back and ask the boss, do not give a business subsidy, and will not travel next time you die.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing stretched his waist and let out a long sigh, “So be it, everyone don’t go over here, you guys be careful here in Yanzhou.”

“A few of us have to go back, and if we don’t go back, the head will be worried.”

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but muttered again, “Worried about you? Joke.

At the same time, I secretly added in my heart, you scourge, you came out, you don’t know how happy you are.

With you in the sect, it is estimated that the sect will not be peaceful every day.

Suddenly, Ji Yan opened his eyes, “Someone is coming.”

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense swept here, and his face suddenly looked strange, “What are you doing here?” ”


Just when everyone was curious, suddenly a stream of light streaked across the sky in the distance and rushed straight towards them.

The next moment, an old man with a majestic look appeared in front of everyone.


Xiao Yi and Yin Qi were surprised, and the old man in front of them was the ancestor of the sect, Ke Hong.

Ke Hong’s expression was serious, revealing a full anger, but after seeing Ji Yan Lu Shaoqing and the others, his expression was relieved and he smiled.


“Ancestor, what are you doing here?” Lu Shaoqing asked unceremoniously, “You are not at home, can it be that the stingy boss also sees you unfavorably and drives you out?” Jian

Bei and Guan Daniu wanted to complain.

The head of the Lingxiao faction did not beat Lu Shaoqing to death, he must have a very broad mind and was a generous person.

Ke Hong glared at him, “What nonsense, the sect received news that Jiyan kid was besieged by the demon race here, I was worried, so I came to take a look.” ”

Ji Yan is one of the twin stars of the sect and the future pillar of the Lingxiao faction.

Knowing that Ji Yan was in danger, Ke Hong came as soon as possible.

Lu Shaoqing also knew why, in order to prevent him from getting the news, the demon clan specially transmitted back to the sect, hoping that the sect would pass the news to him.

Holy Lord of the Day of the Dog, what a despicable.

To calculate him so seriously, as for it?

Xiao Yi grinned, “Ancestor, you’re late, there’s nothing to do.” Ke

Hong nodded and said gratifyingly, “It’s okay…”

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