The void storm whistled, constantly pulling back and forth.

Feeling the Void Storm constantly impacting his body, he thought of tearing himself to pieces.

Lu Shaoqing was even more angry, he just wanted to save some spirit stones, why was it so difficult?

“What shit void storm, you follow suit, right?”

The furious Lu Shaoqing did not go to close the Void Crack, but instead fought with the Void Storm.

I can’t help that broken sword, and I can’t help you with the little void storm?

Tai Yan’s body technique operated, and the surface of his body lit up with a faint light, as if a protective shield was floating, allowing him to stand in the storm unscathed.

The sharp, violent, and cold void storm continued to impact, like a gushing river, endlessly.

Under the impact of powerful forces, the continuous collision sound echoed in the vast space, constantly spreading, and spread to the distant depths.

Lu Shaoqing stood still like a reef, allowing the Void Storm to constantly impact.

However, with the consumption of spiritual power in his body, Lu Shaoqing began to calm down.

If it goes on like this, he can be blown by the Void Storm here for ten and a half days.

However, in the end, he suffered a loss.

Yan Guo wants to pluck his feathers, fall down to grab the sand, Lu Shaoqing can’t stand it.

He couldn’t get the power of that broken sword, and now he had to be bullied by the Void Storm, and in the end, he still suffered a loss.

How can this be tolerated?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, staring at the void storm looming in front of him.

The spiritual power in Lu Shaoqing’s body operated, no longer passively resisting, but taking the initiative to attack.

Mo Jun’s sword shook, and the sword intent surged out.

“Boom…” Countless

explosions suddenly appeared in the air.

The strength of the Void Storm could destroy even Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

The endless storm continued to roar, as if it was enraged, and suddenly became violent

, the whistling wind roared like a dragon, and the gloomy and cold aura became even stronger.

Lu Shaoqing’s alarm bell in his heart suddenly rang out, his eyebrows were raised, and in the void crack, a transparent mass appeared.

Almost transparent, but faintly visible, like a transparent jellyfish, but with deadly toxins.

As this mass appeared, the gloomy and cold aura increased sharply, giving people the feeling of stepping from spring to winter, freezing cold.

It crashed straight towards Lu Shaoqing, and the surrounding void storm became even more violent.

The force that impacted on the body became more and more violent, and there was a faint roar in the air.


Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart, there is still this kind of thing in the void?

He had drifted in the void for so long before, and he had never encountered such a thing.

Mo Jun’s sword slashed down, easily splitting it in half.

Before Lu Shaoqing could breathe a sigh of relief, the mass that split in half continued to crash towards Lu Shaoqing.


Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly, and took out the sword again, and thousands of sword intent enveloped it, and when the sword intent disappeared, the mass seemed to disappear with it.

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However, Lu Shaoqing, who had just shown a proud expression on his face, changed his expression.


It was like a strong wind mixed with raindrops hitting you.

The invisible things that he strangled into thousands of fragments were mixed in the roaring void storm, constantly falling on him.

Moreover, it still directly entered his body.

When he entered his body, a cold will descended, making Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but shiver.


evil laughter seemed to ring in his ears.

In the middle of the sea, a cloud-like mass appeared.

Then, a gloomy and cold aura pervaded, “What kind of body is this?”

“From now on, it will be the body of Lord Ben.”

The lumps squirmed, laughed, and the sound seemed to appear out of thin air, full of pride.

“What are you? Marshmallows?

Lu Shaoqing stared curiously at the lumps in the sea, do the villains like marshmallows now?

The mass stopped squirming for a moment, and the next moment, it trembled and let out a rampant laugh, “Boom, human, it’s actually human, it’s great.”

“Devouring you, Lord Ben can walk under his eyes.”

“Sunshine?” Lu Shaoqing’s face was strange, and he pointed to the sky, “Are you talking about this?” ”

Lumps do not have five senses and have their own unique way of perceiving.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, it raised its head slightly.

When it felt the golden ball of light slowly rotating above the sky, its body suddenly trembled, and it seemed to see something extremely terrifying.



The golden ball of light sensed it, and a golden light was projected down, right in the middle of the mass.

The mass emitted a mournful scream, and it kept trembling, like a cloud meeting the sun, and quickly dissipated.

After the mass dissipated, the golden ball of light slowly rotated, and then a wave of news poured into Lu Shaoqing’s mind.

Lu Shaoqing, who had withdrawn from the sea of knowledge, had a strange face, “This kind of thing is called the Void Wind Spirit? ”

The void is full of endless void storms, but no one knows how the void storm came about, and there is no record of it.

Now, Lu Shaoqing knew.

Void Wind Spirits are ancient beings born together with the Void, and their existence is to create Void Storms.

“Strange, they should not be conscious, why are they conscious? And they came to attack me on purpose?

Lu Shaoqing felt very strange, there were more people who broke through the Void Crack, and he had never heard of anyone being attacked by the Void Wind Spirit before, and even thought of devouring consciousness and occupying his body.

Lu Shaoqing looked around, guessing in his heart, could it be in this strange place?

Or is it because his painting style is biased, so he encountered this kind of thing?

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing was indignant, “Is it handsome, so all kinds of targets are being targeted?” ”

Co-authoring to bully me?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand fiercely, exhaled, the void storm that seemed to dissipate just now appeared, tearing the gray mist in front of him to pieces, and the next moment, a wave of enlightenment surged in his heart…

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