Seeing that Xiaobai was an ape in the Transformation God Stage, Hu Xue was so frightened that he revealed his body on the spot and crawled on the ground.

“See, I’ve seen the seniors…” The

strong pressure made Hu Xue’s body tremble, and he no longer dared to call him a fellow traveler.

An old fox fell on all fours, his body trembling, and it looked very funny.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Lu Shaoqing let Xiaobai converge his breath, and Hu Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

He reformed into human form, sweating profusely and trembling in his limbs.

The powerful aura, the terrifying realm, and the bloodline are absolutely incomparably pure.

Could it be a big man from Qi City?

Fortunately, I didn’t offend them arrogantly just now.

Thinking of this, Hu Xue quickly tied her hands and became more and more respectful, “I don’t know what orders the seniors have.”

Lu Shaoqing coughed lightly, and the posture of the superior man was enough, before he slowly spoke, “Have you ever seen this flat hair?”

Lu Shaoqing flipped his wrist, and a photo stone with a small red appearance appeared in his hand.

After Xiao Yi saw it next to him, he felt the urge to complain in his heart.

I don’t know if Xiaohong knows that the second senior brother will scold people if he calls it a flat hair?

Hu Xue fixed his eyes, looked at it seriously, and finally hesitated, “It seems to be a candidate prince of the Bian Mao clan.” ”

Candidate prince?

It sounds like Little Red mixes well.

Xiao Yi muttered secretly in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “So it’s a prince?” No wonder there are masters around.

“Tell me, how is he a candidate prince?”

“Don’t the seniors know?” Hu Xue was puzzled.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Shaoqing secretly shouted in his heart, worried about Xiaohong, but a little impatient.

“Hmph!” Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly, revealed his breath a little, and dried Hu Xue again.

Hu Xue, who was lying on the ground, seemed to feel that there was a god and demon standing in front of him, and the powerful pressure made him feel like a 10,000-meter mountain weighing heavily on him.

The terrifying aura made his soul tremble, as if he felt that he was going to be scattered in the next moment.

“How? We practice in retreat, and we have to let us know everything?

In a word, most of Hu Xue’s doubts were dispelled.

Indeed, some masters have been practicing in seclusion for many years, lazy to go out, and know very little about the major events in the world.

“From now on, what I ask you, you will answer, less questions for me here, I hate people who ask questions at every turn.”

Xiao Yi pouted as he listened on the side, and the second senior brother was referring to Sang Huai.

Damn it!

Hu Xue, who was lying on the ground, nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes…” ”

Say…” Hu

Xue stood up and respectfully said what she knew.

And from Hu Xue’s mouth, Lu Shaoqing also probably knew something about the demon world.

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The demon realm is mainly divided into two large formations.

Birds and beasts, monsters flying in the sky and walking on the ground describe fire and water, attacking each other.

As for the demon beasts swimming in the water and crawling on the ground, they are independent of the two major formations.

Because there are too many monster beasts, the two sides are mixed together in the demon world, you have me, I have you, and no one has their own big rear.

Like Lu Shaoqing, they simply saw the battle between the demon beasts of the Flying Bird Clan and the Beast Walking Clan, which took place every moment of every day in the demon world.

The city is blessed, and no one is sure that it will always be occupied.

The capital of the monster beasts of the bird tribe is Fengcheng, and the capital of the beast race is Qi City, and

the capital city is the only place where they can always control it in their hands.

As for Xiaohong, according to Hu Xue, she was a genius of the bird tribe who appeared twenty or thirty years ago.

As soon as it appeared, it alarmed the ancestors of the bird clan.

It is regarded as the hope of the future by the bird family and vigorously cultivated.

And Xiaohong also lived up to expectations, and her strength grew by leaps and bounds.

Speaking of Xiaohong, Hu Xue couldn’t help but exclaim, “A flat-haired beast has not yet reached the Yuan infancy stage to comprehend the sword intent that can only be comprehended by the Terrans, and this information also shocked our king.

“And he is indeed very strong, when he first entered the Yuan Infant Stage, he even beheaded the three masters of my clan, and after stepping into the middle Yuan Infant period, he killed the existence of the two late Yuan Infant of my clan.”

“My king was greatly enraged and sent his second son, who is already an existence of the nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period.”

“The two sides fought for several days, and in the end, it was the flat-haired beast who excelled in life skills and killed the son of my king.”

“Caused my king to issue a reward, fifty million spirit stones and countless heavenly materials and earth treasures to reward his head, but…” Speaking

of this, Hu Xue suddenly showed a gloating smile.

Xiao Yi was nervous, “But what? Say it!

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “Listen to a story, you still substituted yourself in?”

Hu Xue continued, “The most important thing for our demon clan is bloodline, that flat-haired beast was found to have a bad bloodline, and his ancestors were just ordinary flat-haired animals, so his status in Fengcheng has greatly declined.

“There were some flat-haired antiques who opposed him, thinking that he was not worthy of being a prince, but there were also some who supported him, and he could have been canonized as a prince, and in the end, amid many objections, he became a candidate prince.”

Candidates for princes, that is, do not necessarily become kings.

“After losing most of his support, his life in Fengcheng was not good.”

“And a few months ago, I heard that he encountered danger during an experience outside and disappeared…” Speaking

of this, Hu Xue reacted and suddenly stared at Lu Shaoqing and several people.

“Senior, could it be you?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, without the slightest blush, “That’s right, it’s us.”

“A few of us were originally cultivating in a secret place, and a few flat hairs suddenly broke in and disturbed us, and their attitude was still very arrogant, don’t kill him, who to kill?”

“But he escaped too fast, we couldn’t catch up, and finally came here by mistake.”

These words further dispelled the doubts in Hu Xue’s heart.

He nodded repeatedly, “The senior is right, in the rumors, that flat hair is very arrogant and rampant, and the mouth is very unclean, which offends the senior, and deserves to be cleaned up by the senior.”

Lu Shaoqing also sighed, “It’s a pity, let him escape, otherwise the fifty million spirit stones would be mine.”

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but look sideways.

Hu Xue said with a smile, “Seniors don’t need to be discouraged, there are no fifty million spirit stones, but when I went to Qi City, there are still 10 million spirit stones, I don’t know if seniors are interested…”

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