Wang Ze was very unconvinced, and he was flat-haired, which sounded like he was laughing at these demon clans who escaped.

Is it a joke that they don’t give strength and don’t use it?

Wang Ze suddenly expressed his dissatisfaction with Lu Shaoqing and scared Hu Xue half to death.

I rely on, big brother, if you want to die, it’s not such a way to die.

Considered friends with Wang Ze, Hu Xue hurriedly glanced at Wang Ze and told him to shut up and stop talking nonsense.

However, Wang Zegang retreated from Yuancheng in embarrassment, and he held his breath in his heart.

A guy who has not met that group of flat-haired beasts also dares to make a big fuss here, and it sounds more like scolding himself.

Wang Ze’s attention was all on Lu Shaoqing and his group, and he didn’t notice Hu Xue’s crazy glance at him.

In Wang Ze’s opinion, these guys are relatively young, and there are three little furry children, no matter how they look like they have a special bloodline to transform into shape, not strength.

The breath didn’t feel that strong.

Wang Ze stared at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes constricted, revealing a pair of tiger eyes on his body, and said coldly, “What do you understand?”

“That group of flat-haired beasts have five people in the nine-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant alone, otherwise why do you think we would retreat?”

“Things you don’t know, less nonsense here.”

Lu Shaoqing was converging his breath, even if he took shape, Wang Ze subconsciously despised it in his heart.

After Wang Ze finished speaking, before Lu Shaoqing could speak, a figure next to him rushed over.

The white and tender feet flew up in the air and kicked Wang Ze fiercely.


Wang Ze screamed, and the next moment blood splashed, like a meteorite smashed heavily on the ground.

The powerful force smashed the ground into a deep pit, and Wang Ze’s body was torn apart, blood was dripping, and the cracked Yuan Baby escaped from the body in panic.

When everyone saw it, it was actually Xiao Hei!

Xiao Hei made a move, showing a fierce color.

Wang Ze, who was left with only a broken Yuan baby, was extremely frightened, and at this moment he finally knew that he had provoked the wrong person.

The other party has great power that makes him unable to resist at all.

Wang Ze screamed, turned around and wanted to escape.

However, as soon as Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, he imprisoned him, not waiting for Wang Ze to beg for mercy, and easily erased his consciousness.

“Come, good daughter, don’t be angry.”

Lu Shaoqing knew the reason why Xiao Hei was angry.

Because she is also a flat hair.

All day long the flat-haired beast, the flat-haired beast barked, and Xiao Hei was already very angry.

On the other hand, now Wang Ze still dares to be disrespectful to Lu Shaoqing, and Xiao Hei can’t bear it.

It only took one move to destroy Wang Ze, whose strength was a little stronger than himself, and Hu Xue was almost scared.

Moreover, Xiao Hei also devoured Wang Ze’s Yuan Baby in front of him, which was even more frightening to the point that he almost revealed his body.

Terrible, the guys in front of him were even more terrifying than he thought.

How strong is the strength of a master of the nine-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant stage by kicking to death?

And, it seems, it’s not the strongest yet.

At this moment, Hu Xue had to admire his wisdom.

From the beginning, he maintained humility and did not dare to disrespect Lu Shaoqing and his party.

Sure enough, only smart people deserve to live.


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Hu Xue looked at Wang Ze, who had turned into a pool of flesh and blood, and a hint of headache appeared on his face.

“How?” Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei tightly, noticed the expression on Hu Xue’s face, and said unhappily, “Do you want to avenge him?” ”

Look, there is no guilt at all, which shows that he is ruthless.

Hu Xue was secretly awe-inspiring in her heart, and said respectfully, “Don’t dare, Wang Ze and I have just had a few encounters.” The

first time he cleared up his relationship with Wang Ze, he then mentioned Wang Ze’s identity, “But Wang Ze has a bit to do with the royal family of Qicheng.” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he didn’t worry in the slightest, and answered casually, “Oh? Seeing

that Lu Shaoqing had no other reaction, Hu Xue almost choked to death.

Don’t you have any other reaction?

You’re just oh? Or a questioning tone?

You’re not going to be silly about closing yourself?

Don’t you know how powerful the royal family is?

You just snorted, do you know that this is going to be very uncomfortable?

“Senior, the strength of the royal family is very strong…” Even

if your strength is refining, you may not be able to please you.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Are you sure he is a royal family?” I don’t see it necessarily.

Hu Xue’s eyes widened, “For, why?”

Lu Shaoqing flicked Wang Ze’s storage ring, full of disgust, “If it is a royal family, there will not be only more than five million spirit stones, it must be counterfeit, this year, there are too many counterfeits.” ”


Hu Xue kind of wants to vomit blood, you judge by this?

If there are fewer spirit stones, they are not members of the royal family? Are you not allowed to use people’s homes?

Facing Lu Shaoqing, Hu Xue wanted to complain, but she didn’t know how to complain.

Seeing Hu Xue’s constipated expression, Lu Shaoqing comforted, “Don’t worry, there will be no problem.”

“On the way, if you are afraid that we will cause trouble when we arrive in Qi City, on the way, you can tell us how the royal family of Qi City is.”

When Hu Xue heard this, he couldn’t help but sigh deeply in his heart, you still don’t know the power of the royal family.

What era of old antiques are you?

During the conversation, more walking beast races in the distance came towards this side, and there were few flying in the sky, but there were many running on the ground, all of them were low-level demon races.

Lu Shaoqing and his party did not retreat but advanced against the current, attracting the attention of many people.

Many walking beasts stopped, “Could it be that the masters of our walking beast clan are here?”

“In this kind of place, what other Beast Race masters?”

“Didn’t you see Wang Ze’s seniors, did they all escape?”

“Let’s run away, they went but to die, the flat-haired beasts are too powerful…” Yuancheng

soon appeared in the sight of Lu Shaoqing and his group, and countless birds and monsters soared back and forth in the sky, emitting excited bird songs, celebrating their capture of the city.

There are birds and monsters on the ground cleaning the battlefield, taking prisoners, cleaning up the ruins, and so on.

In the sky above the city, there were several figures standing proudly, looking proud.

Defeating the Beast Walking Clan and capturing this city is enough for the Bird Clan in this area to obtain better cultivation resources.

The nearby spiritual veins, mineral veins, spirit fields, etc. are all owned by them.

In short, a city is enough for them to harvest well.

However, just when the demon beasts of the Flying Bird Clan were immersed in the joy of victory, a terrifying aura suddenly descended.

All the birds and monsters suddenly felt like the sky was falling…

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