Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Quan Congsheng.

Everyone knows that the dog tribe is the most reluctant for the tiger tribe and the ape tribe to get big white and white.

An atavistic bloodline, an excellent grade bloodline.

Both can make the strength of the two races grow by leaps and bounds.

The current king is from the dog clan, and it is by defeating the previous prince of the tiger tribe to ascend to the throne.

It is said that the process is a bit disgraceful.

The tiger tribe has also been suppressed by the dog tribe over the years, and its strength has weakened a lot.

Once the tiger tribe gains power, the first to bear the brunt must be the dog clan.

Even these forces present will not be happy.

An existence of an atavistic bloodline, growing up smoothly, can easily suppress an era in the future.

Quan Congsheng’s face was extremely ugly.

He was already greeting Lu Shaoqing’s whole family in his heart.

What kind of mongrel monster beast gave birth to such a superlative.

The mouth is so annoying, so annoying that you can’t wait to tear it with your own hands.


I’m a canine, not a puppy, so you have to bark and call me a big dog.

Quan Congsheng didn’t want to make a sound, and he couldn’t wait for Wang Li and Yuan Xun to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Although, he came here for a mission.

I just opened my mouth to stop it, but someone has already called the puppy.

Now let him speak, he is not cheap to that point.

He gave the people at the table next to him a look.

At the side table is the murderer of the bear clan.

Although the murderer looks five big and three thick, his brain is not stupid at all.

Quan Congsheng came over with a look and immediately understood.

He stood up, and his burly body was even a little stronger than Wang Li and Yuan Xun.

Although it only has the strength of the meta-infancy stage, it is also full of oppression.

“Hehe, I have something to say,” Ji Yu grinned, appearing honest and dignified, like a humble old and good man, standing up to persuade, “Don’t hurt your anger.”

“Dog bear, you shut up for me.” Wang Li shouted angrily, and his breath rushed straight away.

The power of the god made the murderous black face become miserable, as if his essence was not a black bear, but a white bear.

However, one after another of the surrounding forces poured out to offset Wang Yun’s power.

“Prince Wang Li, why are you so angry?”

“yes, it’s not good to be angry with yourself.”

“This is the Fengya Building, if it is broken, the fox clan will have an opinion at that time.”

“Wang Ligongzi, sit down, have something to say, don’t see it like a country bun.”

Everyone helped the murderer and persuaded Wang Li one after another.

It seems to be kind, but in fact, Wang Li and Yuan Xun are as clear as a mirror in their hearts.

The two looked at the crowd of peers and felt a pressure in their hearts.

Except for the tiger tribe and the ape clan, no one wants Dabai to join the tiger tribe and Xiaobai to join the ape clan.

There are no ordinary guests here today, all the major forces in Qi City are coming, to say that there is no fox tribe and dog tribe behind to push the waves, the two of them do not believe it.

The people here represent most of the forces in Qi City, and their opposition, even if the two royal families unite, may not be able to suppress it.

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Lu Shaoqing said triumphantly, “Yes, you should talk well.”

“Without spirit stones, don’t learn people to fill their heads, and make a price casually, it is impossible to give spirit stones, yo, the tone is really big.”

In that way, the more you underwhelm the flat.

Wang Li and Yuan Xun were angry to death, but they were helpless for a while.

Even if they killed Lu Shaoqing, it would be difficult to bring Dabai Xiaobai home today.

For a while, the two had a feeling that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

All blame this hateful guy in front of you.

Wang Li and Yuan Patrol looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, and it was a little difficult for Lu Shaoqing to step down, and they had killing intent in their hearts.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about the gazes of the two at all, there was no pressure, “How?” Not convinced? ”

The royal family can bully others and do whatever they want?”

“Didn’t you see the real royal family, the puppy of the canine family sitting here?”

“People are gentle and show royal demeanor, what about you? Like an untransformed rat on the street, there is no royal temperament at all.

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Quan Congsheng.

Quan Congsheng’s face was expressionless, and even his waist was straight, as if he was trying to maintain the royal family, but in his heart he was greeting Lu Shaoqing’s whole family.

On purpose, right?

Deliberately saying these words, even if he is a junior now, he has to pretend to be a humble son.

Seeing that Quan Congsheng still didn’t speak, Lu Shaoqing drank, and his voice was excited, “How?” Don’t you dare to speak?

“You are now the representative of the First Royal Dog Clan, what are you afraid of?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless.

And Quan Congsheng had to speak.

If he doesn’t open his mouth, there may really be rumors that he, the son of the dog clan, is afraid of Wang Li and Yuan Xun.

To a small extent, he lost face.

In the big picture, the dog tribe is a disgrace.

Quan Congsheng glared at Lu Shaoqing, and after considering his words, he slowly spoke, “This is a Fengyan Building, not a fight building.” ”

This is the industry of the fox clan, and the two of you fighting here will easily hurt the harmony between our royal family.”

The meaning is also very clear.

Although he was called a puppy by Lu Shaoqing, he still stood on Lu Shaoqing’s side in the face of major events.

But don’t mention how much I hold back.

Hu Xue was dumbfounded, what happened to the dog clan?

Being scolded, you still have to help someone talk?

When did Quan Congsheng become so cheap?

Hu Xue felt that her brain was not enough.

He couldn’t figure out for a moment what was going on.

There was a vague feeling, but I couldn’t grasp it.

This feeling like being in a fog made Hu Xue want to go crazy.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing, and had the urge to pinch Lu Shaoqing’s neck and ask clearly.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, calmly walked back to the side of the table, kicked Xiao Bai aside, and then sat down with Shi Shiran’s eyes that Yuan Xun wanted to breathe fire, “By the way, this is the Fengya Building, not the Tiger Building, what’s so good about fighting?”

“Aren’t you here to see bad guys fight, come on, vixen?”

“On the fox spirit, everyone is here, no fox spirit came out to dance? Are you all hiding to watch a play?

“If you don’t come out again, believe it or not, everyone demolished the Fengya Building…”

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