Hu Yan appeared, and the hall fell into silence.

However, soon a voice broke the silence, “You fox spirit, give up?” ”



Hu Xue was already on her knees.

Really kneeled.

In the end, he really hugged a white silk.

Hu Xue was already completely desperate.

And the people in the hall were shocked again.

How dare you say it?

Wang Li and Quan Congsheng felt comfortable in their hearts.

It turns out that he is not treated specially.

That bastard guy treats everyone equally.

Hu Yan’s smile froze.

Although she is a fox herself, she is also a vixen in other people.

But no one ever dared to call a vixen to her face.

Hu Yan will feel Wang Yunquan’s mood just now.

Anger, killing intent, surprise and other emotions mixed together, making Hu Yan lose his mind for a while, and did not know how to answer.

After a while, Hu Yan covered his mouth and laughed, “Hehe, Mu Yonggongzi is really humorous.” The

body trembled slightly, and the enchanting figure exuded a huge attraction, which instantly became the focus of everyone’s attention in the hall.

Every movement exudes a deadly allure.

Even Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but take a second more look.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the stunning and lovely smoke, and couldn’t help but secretly like it.

If Hu Yan is in the mortal world, he can definitely let all the human emperors beat out the dog’s brains in order to fight for her.

Lu Shaoqing also believed that the legend of Daji on the Blue Star in his previous life was true.

Vixens can indeed fascinate people.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately raised his head and seemed to be very proud, “Yes, people who know me are humorous.” Hu

Xue, who got up, opened her mouth, and the words of the tiger and wolf in her heart wanted to gush out.

Spray Lu Shaoqing well.

To put it mildly, you stink and don’t go up the pole, do you know how to blush?

There is no humor, narcissism is rampant, and smelly is not faceless.

Hu Yan’s smile froze for a moment, and she seemed to be shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s brazenness, but she quickly collected her mood and continued to show a seductive smile, “Mu Yonggongzi is here this time, and the elegant building is full of brilliance.”

Lu Shaoqing knocked on the table, “Yes, but your service is not good.” Hu

Yan smiled enchantingly, deliberately walked two steps closer, leaned forward slightly, and a natural and seductive posture of the body appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, the purple-pink skirt swayed gently, like a gentle breeze, “Is it?” I also hope that Mu Yonggongzi will point it out, and we will correct it immediately. ”

Softly spoken, every word is full of temptation.

Every breath and every move, as if it is teasing.

Some of the low-realm demon beasts around them were full of heat, and an evil fire rose up in their bodies.

There was an urge to pounce and press Hu Yan to the ground.

Lu Shaoqing also felt a fire burst out of Huo in his body.

However, as soon as this fire came out, he was severely killed by Lu Shaoqing.

He rubbed his nose, didn’t he say that the vixen smelled? It smells good.

Lu Shaoqing’s mood did not fluctuate, looking directly at Hu Yan’s eyes that seemed to be able to suck people’s souls in, and said sincerely, “As I said just now, so many of us have come here, and we haven’t seen a single fox spirit dancing for half a day.” ”

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What do you mean by taking the lead and watching?”

“You can despise me, but you can’t despise the beasts present, especially the two princes of the royal family, who are impatient to take off their pants.”

“Hurry, don’t rub it here.”

Hu Yan’s smile froze, and his body seemed to stiffen.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing, her pupils contracted slightly, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

She was a smart person, and she heard something else from Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Lu Shaoqing knew that she was watching from the side?

If this is true, it is unexpectedly that Lu Shaoqing is stronger than she imagined.

Hu Yan is smarter than Wang Li and Yuan Xun, and as a woman, her mind is more meticulous.

Can notice what Wang Li Yuan patrols and they overlooked.

At the same time, as a fox clan, she is suspicious by nature and thinks more.

Hu Xue seemed to be frozen when she saw Hu Yan, and she didn’t come to her senses this day.

He was even more desperate in his heart.

Until now, you still want to let people dance for you?

What are you?

Hu Yan is the princess of the fox clan, and there is a quarter chance that she will become the future king of the beast clan.

Even the king of the beast race does not dare to let Hu Yan dance for him, how old are you?

How big is your face?

Hu Xue regretted it more and more, and knew that she would not hold this thigh.

He didn’t know if the thigh was thick or not, but he knew that even if this thigh was thick, it would not be able to keep him.

The four major royal families, one does not fall behind, all offended.

Hu Xue was pessimistic and desperate, and the monster beasts in the hall were also speechless.

Those who dare to ask Hu Yan to dance, Lu Shaoqing is the first.

Wang Li sneered and said in a low voice, “Find death!” Yuan

Xun also shook his head.

Among the four princes, Hu Yan may not be the strongest, but he is the most insidious and cunning.

People who offend her sometimes don’t even know how to die.

Lu Shaoqing dared to ask Hu Yan to dance for him, what is the difference between this and asking Hu Yan to go to bed with him?

Although Hu Yan is in the form of a fox, he usually deliberately reveals temptation in every move.

In fact, those who know her well know that this is nothing more than a means to cover up people’s ears.

When everyone saw that Lu Shaoqing dared to treat Hu Yan like this, they all felt that Hu Yan would burst out and kill Lu Shaoqing in the next moment.


After Hu Yan stiffened for a while, she smiled again, and with a smile, she nodded and said, “What Mu Yonggongzi said is extremely true.”

Then he clapped his hands and said to Hu Mei, “Let the girls come up and dance for you.” The

crowd was flabbergasted.

What does Hu Yan do?

Didn’t the normal fluency suddenly burst out and kill this disciple?

Now he actually obeyed Lu Shaoqing’s meaning and let people come up and dance?

What’s the name?

Soon the girls below came up, but Lu Shaoqing suddenly shook his head, “It’s not interesting!” ”

Too many people, too noisy.”

Then he smiled at Hu Yan and said, “Take me to your house and show me privately…”

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