Hu Xue followed Lu Shaoqing to the fox tribe and came to the place that was arranged.

Looking at the elegant surroundings, the air is rich in aura.

This is where the most respected guests of the fox clan stay.

Hu Yan was right, he did treat Lu Shaoqing and them as the most honorable guests.

Hu Xue suddenly wanted to cry.

He is from the fox clan, regardless of bloodline, he is still a descendant of the fox clan.

However, he has never been to such a place.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing with disbelief in his eyes, Lu Shaoqing had only come to Qi City for less than a day, so he made himself a guest of the Fox Clan and lived in this kind of place.

If nothing else, he Hu Xue believed that after concentrating on cultivation in such a place for a period of time, he had the confidence to break through again.

The current heaven and earth environment is easier to cultivate, as long as he lives here for a few years, he has the confidence to enter the Transformation God Period.

As long as he enters the Transformation God Period, he can stay here in Qi City longer.

They will even be accepted into the clan and no longer exiled outside.


What does Lu Shaoqing want to do?

Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing wandering around, Lu Shaoqing looked east, looked west, as if the soil bun had just entered the city, and felt fresh and curious about everything.

Lu Shaoqing’s performance made Hu Xue incomprehensible.

At first, he thought that Lu Shaoqing was coming for a reward, he thought it was an opportunity, and hugged this thigh tightly.

It turned out to be a white aya, and his neck had already reached in, and he almost kicked the stool under his feet.

Hu Xue watched for a long time, Lu Shaoqing was still wandering, he couldn’t help it, rushed up, and asked, “Senior, what do you want to do?”

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing listened, and was very strange about Hu Xue’s question, “As you can see, this place is so luxurious, can I take a look around?”

Hu Xue vomited blood, who asked you this, he gritted his teeth secretly, “Senior, why did you come to live here in the fox clan?”

“Don’t you want to go back to the fox clan? Fulfill your wishes.

“Along the way, you followed me and helped a lot, which can be regarded as a reward for you.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Hu Xue couldn’t help but be moved in her heart.

This guy didn’t look reliable, but now it seems okay.

I was a little prejudiced against him.


Hu Xue was moved, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Besides,” Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Guesthouse, 50,000 spirit stones a day, you can’t give people a big wrong.

Hu Xue’s emotion stopped abruptly, and she looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

“Senior, don’t tell me, you feel sorry for the spirit stone.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “That’s right, fifty thousand spirit stones a day, more ruthless than a dead ghost. Then said

triumphantly to Hu Xue, “How is it?” Impressed, right? Don’t be grateful to me in your heart, you just need to give me a little spirit stone.

Hu Xue simply turned around, just as if he hadn’t heard Lu Shaoqing’s words.

If you are touched or something, feed the dog.

I was also a slut, and I actually ran to ask him this.


Lu Shaoqing shook his head proudly and continued to wander.

Hu Xue came to the side depressed, and just wanted to sit down and practice.

I found Xiao Yi and Sanxiao lying on the roof, in a large shape, lazily basking in the sun.

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Hu Xue was speechless, and these four looked even more unreliable.

Everything was Lu Shaoqing’s head, and they were watching from the side, and they were too lazy to say a word.

Are you not afraid of being sold?

After Hu Yan settled them here, he left.

For the rest of the day, it was as if they had been forgotten.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, during which not to mention nonsense, not even a small fox was seen.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing and his party have been forgotten here.

Hu Xue’s heart couldn’t help but feel apprehensive again.

Something was wrong and made him feel very abnormal.

What do the foxes want to do after drying them for so long?

Thinking of killing Lu Shaoqing’s sharp qi through this?

Or is there a dispute in the clan about how to deal with Lu Shaoqing and his group, and they are still fighting a war of words, and they don’t have time to take care of them?

Or, what conspiracy is brewing in the fox clan, waiting for the time to come and deal with them with a thunderous force?

Or maybe the fox clan is preparing spirit stones, and when the time comes, buy out Dabai and Xiaobai?

Although Da Bai and Xiao Bai are not from the fox clan, they can marry, and it is enough to return to the book if a peerless demon beast comes out in his life.

In any case

, although Hu Xue is a member of the Fox Clan, his interests are now the same as Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is gone, and he can’t live.

Hu Xue came to the tree and looked at Lu Shaoqing lying on the tree, and then looked back at the house in the distance behind him, and Ji Yanpan sat on it.

He was powerless to complain.

Could this pair of brothers be apes?

Climbing the roof, climbing the tree, the house is not at all like to go in.

Hu Xue thought about it and felt that it made sense, after all, some monkeys are really cheap.

It is very in line with Lu Shaoqing’s character.

Hu Xue stood under the tree, and just when he wanted to say what he was worried about, Xiao Yi jumped and jumped up the tree first.

“Second Senior Brother, I feel that something is wrong.”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Shaoqing had finished walking the day before yesterday, and these days he was lying on the tree, with his legs upturned, which was very comfortable.

“Fox spirit,” Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei and said his opinion with a grin, “How many days have you been around?” Not a single vixen was seen.

Lu Shaoqing pointed down, “Isn’t there a fox spirit below?” ”

Hu Xue is speechless, fox spirit, fox spirit, who taught you to be so rude?

What happened to the vixen?

Did the fox gouge your ancestral grave?

Xiao Yi said, “It’s not him, it’s that fox spirit, after so many days, I haven’t seen her, shouldn’t I be discussing how to deal with us?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Normal, it is estimated that this time we are discussing what price to sell us.”

After Xiao Yi listened, he didn’t react much, just nodded, “Oh.” Hu

Xue almost hit the tree below.

Oh, oh…..

Oh fart, do you guys have anything else besides oh words?

Hu Xue couldn’t help it, “Senior, be careful, here, it’s not a good place.”

Lu Shaoqing sat up and agreed with Hu Xue’s words, “That’s right, I have to do something, I’ll go to cultivate.” After

speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared from everyone’s sight…

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