Hu Xue turned around and asked in amazement, “Didn’t you say to cultivate?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “The cultivation is over.” Hu

Xue was speechless deeply, with an expression on his face that you were teasing me.

Who would practice so fast?

Speaking of going to cultivate, has it been a quarter of an hour now?

It’s not just this time, right?

He no longer knew what expression to use to face Lu Shaoqing.

After a while, Hu Xue asked, “Judging by your appearance, you should be successful in cultivation?”

Lu Shaoqing grinned, a mouthful of white teeth shining, and gave a thumbs up to himself, “Of course, a genius like me, cultivation is simpler than drinking water.

Hu Xue wanted to put on Lu Shaoqing’s face again.

It’s just too flat.

I have lived for hundreds of years, and for the first time I have met such an underrepresented person.

Bragging, unreliable.

Hu Xue once again labeled Lu Shaoqing.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Senior, what is your essence?” ”

I’d rather see what kind of monster you are.”

“Want to know?”

Hu Xue nodded, nonsense, I want to know what kind of demon beast can have such a bad character.

He showed a smile, “I’m curious, after all, the senior is so powerful, it is definitely not an ordinary demon beast, and the senior must have the bloodline of the divine beast.”

“I very much hope to see the essence of my predecessors and let me worship it.”

Hu Xue roared in his heart, the beast god is above, I have fallen, I actually slapped his, and I hope that the beast god will forgive.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to enjoy Hu Xue’s, with a smug expression on his face, “What you said is very good, my body…” After

a pause, in Hu Xue’s expectant gaze, he winked at Hu Xue and grinned, “You guess!” ”

Gollum, plop…,”

Hu Xue stood unsteadily, grunting and rolling off the roof.

Hu Xue lay on the ground and became deeply desperate.

Why did I become blind in the first place?

Follow him to Qi City, not to ascend to heaven in one step, but to move thousands of miles to the grave.

Dead is set.

Lu Shaoqing ignored Hu Xue.

Ten years of cultivation, he also had to take a good rest.

It’s a pity that there is no wifi here in the demon world, and you can’t read the Tianji News.

Lu Shaoqing found a tree, jumped up, lay on the trunk, pillowed his head and muttered, “It’s a little boring, the fox spirit hasn’t come yet?” Then

close your eyes and get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Hu Xue got up and looked at Lu Shaoqing, who had already run to sleep.

Sighing deeply, it seemed that he had to prepare a suicide note to tell his children and grandchildren that they would not hug their thighs in the future.

Soon, another short half day passed, and when the sun was about to set, the smoke came.

Floating from afar, purple-pink clothes fluttered in the wind, like a bright moon, bright and moving.

Even Hu Xue was attracted.

However, whether it was Ji Yan sitting on the roof, Lu Shaoqing lying down, or Xiao Yi and Sanxiao, they all seemed very indifferent.

I didn’t bother to look at Hu Yan.

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It seems that he did not notice the arrival of Hu Yan.

After Hu Yan came here, he saw that only Hu Xue looked up at him, and everyone else was doing their own thing.

The cultivation of cultivation, the sleep of sleeping, the playful play of playing.

Is it so unattractive yourself?

Hu Yan’s heart was depressed, and her gaze naturally fell on Ji Yan.

A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Ji Yan, who was sitting on the roof, seemed calm, but he gave Hu Yan a pressure.

As if it were like a sword, although it had a scabbard, it still could not block its edge.

Ji Yan looks like a master no matter how he looks.

After Hu Yan saw Ji Yan, many thoughts immediately arose in his heart.

Could it be that this is Mu Yong’s arrogant confidence?

He is the real master, and Mu Yong is just a clown?

He’s behind it, right?

Hu Yan’s mind was full of thoughts and thought a lot.

Then, a smile appeared on Hu Yan’s face, “How many people, can you get used to living here?”

Hu Yan looked straight at Ji Yan.

Ji Yan gave her an unusual feeling that made her subconsciously pay attention.

However, Ji Yan did not react, but Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “It’s not bad, but what about the fox spirit dancing?”

“When you come here, you run away, you’re not a vixen, you’re a pigeon spirit, right?”

Hu Yan’s smile froze.

Listening to Lu Shaoqing’s words, she wanted to hit someone.

Vixen, vixen, a stinky mouth, really want to tear it.

In other words, Hu Yan started to kill people who dared to say hi to himself on the spot.

However, thinking of his plan, Hu Yan still suppressed his anger.

Secretly took a deep breath, restored himself to his original state, and laughed again, “Mu Yonggongzi said and laughed, I see that you are not a person who wants to watch my people dance. The

smoke that laughed seemed to eclipse the surrounding flowers.

Likewise, it is full of temptation.

However, this beautiful temptation was ignored by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing lay on the tree, cocking his feet, hanging his children, “You see people really accurately.”

“Yes, I really don’t like that.”

You don’t like that you’re still barking at the dog?

Hu Yan’s smile was a little less, but she was still smiling, and she said, “Sure enough, I knew that Mu Yonggongzi was joking with me.”

“Who’s kidding you?” Lu Shaoqing sat up and pointed at Ji Yan, “Everything is for him.”

Hu Yan’s gaze fell on Ji Yan again, she didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing meant by this.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and seemed to be very disappointed, “This senior brother of mine is a piece of wood, and when he was not transformed, he mixed with a group of male demon beasts, which made his gender orientation crooked, so that now he doesn’t seem to like female demon beasts.”

Xiao Yi looked sideways, and the second senior brother really dared to say this.

Even if the master brother is crooked, who brought it crookedly, don’t you have points in your own heart?

Xiao Yi even secretly guessed that the second senior brother wanted to find someone to back the pot?

“Three generations of his race, if you don’t find a mother to fall in love and give birth to a cub, his race will be finished, and I can’t explain it to Master.”

“Here, do me a favor, do a dance, straighten him up.”

“Of course, I won’t let you do it for nothing, and I will personally thank you when the time comes…”

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