The huge palm fell, and the powerful pressure blew Xiao Yi’s hair.

Eight Realm of Avatar?

Xiao Yi’s face changed, and without saying a word, he ran to Lu Shaoqing’s side with a puff of smoke, “Second Senior Brother!” ”

Hmph, with my second senior brother here, I’m not afraid of you.

“Go you!”

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing suddenly flew up and kicked Xiao Yi into the air.

“If you get into trouble, solve it yourself.”

“Don’t come to me for businesses below the Avatar Period.”

Xiao Yi’s kicked butt hurt and his eyes were full of tears.

The second senior brother is really not giving face at all.

Then Xiao Yi became fierce.

It’s all to blame for the abominable dog in front of you!


Although Xiao Yi’s realm was lower than Quan Du’s, Xiao Yi was not worried at all.

Isn’t it just a late stage of incarnation?

What’s so great?

The Lanshui sword appeared, and Xiao Yi took the initiative to meet it.

Wang Jingchu and several people retreated and watched from afar.

When they noticed that Xiao Yi’s realm was only the five-layer realm of the middle stage of the Transformation God, Wang Li couldn’t help but sneer.

“Naive, shouldn’t she think that the five-layer realm can beat Quan Du?”

Yuan Patrol said, “Quan Du’s breakthrough, eight-layer realm.

Wang Li suddenly couldn’t sneer, so calculated, he was the bottom of the four princes?

Hu Yan shook his head, “With her two senior brothers here, even if they lose, their lives will not be in danger.”

These words made the others nod secretly.

There are two people sitting in the refining period, and they are not afraid of anything.

Wang Li said unpleasantly, “Hmph, it’s best to let her suffer a little.”

“Otherwise, think we princes are soft-footed shrimp.”

As soon as Wang Li’s words fell, a blue light lit up.

It was as if a blue glow appeared in the dark depths of the sea.


The sword light flashed, and the sword intent soared into the sky.


Quan Du was easily defeated with one blow of anger.


The sword intent and spiritual power continued to fall on the ground, constantly exploding, and powerful qi waves rushed into the sky

and made a hasty shot, but they could easily defeat Quan Du’s attack.

Xiao Yi’s strength is equally terrifying.

And although her sword intent is not as terrifying as Ji Yan’s sword intent, it also makes Wang Li and several people’s scalps numb.

“She, her sword intent…” Wang

Li and several people were shocked.

What kind of force was able to cultivate three such terrifying disciples?

Hu Yan gritted his teeth and said, “Their master is definitely a worldly master.

Wang Jingchu seemed to have aged a little, and his tone was silent, “If I had known this earlier, I would have changed my strategy later.” ”

At that time, if he knew that these guys Lu Shaoqing were so terrible, he would not have come to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble.

As soon as they met, they should treat him as a peer, and the peaceful and friendly communication may not end up like this.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine to take.

Quan Du was even more angry when he saw that Xiao Yi actually broke his attack easily.

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He jumped like thunder, his eyes were red, and he completely lost his mind.

“Tengu Swallow Moon!”

Quan Du drank loudly, and the next moment revealed his own body.

The huge body covers the sky, comparable to a small mountain, full of a strong sense of oppression.


Quan Du opened his mouth and bit down sharply at Xiao Yi, and the sharp dog teeth emitted a cold light, which was terrifying.

The huge dog’s head bites down, and at the same time a strong suction force comes from the mouth.

It was as if a huge black hole could swallow heaven and earth, and the earth and boulders on the ground were swirled upwards, turning into nothingness.

Xiao Yi also felt this huge pressure, her body swayed, and she would be sucked in at any time.

“Hmph!” Xiao Yi snorted coldly, the long sword waved, and the blue light once again soared into the sky.

The sword light was like a dragon, circling upward, and at the same time, there seemed to be green flowers in the sky, covering the sky.

Countless Qingping were absorbed as soon as they appeared, and then twisted into pieces.

Every time Qingping is broken, a sword intent will erupt and collide with the power coming from the sky.

“Boom…” The

explosion sounded continuously, and the spiritual power of different attributes impacted.

The earthy yellow spiritual power collided with the blue spiritual power, and dazzling fireworks erupted in the air.

“Boom…” The

explosion once obscured everyone’s view, and the shock wave of the collision of the two forces spread in all directions, dust flew and the earth collapsed.

The power is raging, confined to a small world, and the power of the explosion is even greater.

After the explosion lasted for more than ten rounds, with a muffled snort, Xiao Yi withdrew from the smoke.

Her face turned pale, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.

In the second round, it seems that she fell behind and suffered a loss.

However, Xiao Yi’s performance was enough to make Wang Li and the others’ faces become solemn.

Xiao Yi was three small realms lower than Quan Du.

Moreover, Quan Du also used one of the dog clan’s special moves, Tengu Swallowing Moon.

It would take a while for Wang Li to deal with them.

Wang Li’s face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, “She should be injured not lightly, it can’t be so easy.” ”

Pretended, must be pretended.


“How? Is a dog’s head great?

“Still Tengu Devouring Moon? Why don’t you call a wild dog Swallow the Moon?

“Still swallowing the moon, you smell worse than a toad.”

“You are such a big dog, why doesn’t anyone eat dog meat hot pot? Oh, it must be that you eat too much, and the meat stinks.

“It’s really wasteful, what use do you have?”

“Waste one…”

Wang Li closed his mouth.

Ma De, he was seriously injured and could not scold such a neutral word.

“Ahhhh…” Quan

Du was even more angry, and the huge dog’s head was directly bitten down on Xiao Yi.

Angry, he just wanted to swallow Xiao Yi in one gulp.


Xiao Yi held a long sword and stood in place, looking at Quan Du with a sneer.

A huge black shadow shrouded the heavens and the earth, and Quan Du’s mouth opened, as if he could bite the sky down.

Xiao Yi did not dodge or attack.

Wang Li and the others were puzzled, “Did she give up?”

Wang Li was overjoyed, “She was really seriously injured and couldn’t move.” Seeing

that Quan Du was about to swallow Xiao Yi into his stomach, suddenly a white light flashed and appeared above Quan Du’s head.

Xiao Bai took the nerve brick and smashed it the back of Quan Du’s head…

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