The third prince of the Bird Clan, the existence of the six-layer realm of the Avatar God, turned into a blood mist in the sky in front of everyone’s eyes, and the Yuan Infant could not escape, and he could not die anymore.

Such a terrifying and terrifying scene, the several demon beasts present were cold.

Hu Yan San Xiaoqiang subconsciously swallowed his saliva, terrible.

It seems that he left his hand on a few people before.

On the side of the Flying Bird Clan, there were still three people left, Mo Changsui and Ma Shun were terrified.

They roared in their hearts, cheating.

The beast-walking beasts cheat.

What does it mean to put a big guy here?

The Transformation God Period should play with the Transformation God Period, what does the big guy want to do when he moves out of the Refining Void Period?

Nobody cares?

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and a strong wind blew in, blowing away the flesh and blood in the sky.

Then he smiled, as if he had done something wrong, scratched his head, and said to Mo Changxi, “I’m sorry, ha, I reacted a little bigger, and I accidentally didn’t control the strength.” ”

Sorry, sorry.”

Alas, it’s all to blame for the bastard Xi Yong of Gui Yuange.

I have a mental shadow.

Lu Shaoqing sighed in his heart, shame, as a refining period, he was actually scared like this.

Abominable taunting.

It cost me another fortune.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and with a wave of his hand, a force pulled Ma Shun in front of him.

Ma Shun peed.

Even if his strength is already the seven-layer realm of the Transformation God, even if he is the second prince of the Bird Clan, he has experienced countless storms and waves.

He still wants to pee.

His bird bile was going to explode.

Disappear into this world in a blink of an eye, who is stranded, who is not afraid?

“Senior, senior…,”

Ma Shun screamed.

Lu Shaoqing slapped him without saying a word, “Shut up!” With

a slap down, Ma Shun did not scream, but his companion cried out.


the companion beside Mo Changsui screamed in fright, turned around and fled, turning into a black bird and rushing up into the sky, trying to escape from here.

“Don’t run!”

Without saying a word, Xiao Bai threw the nerve bricks, like flying board bricks smashing fiercely into the fleeing birds.

The terrifying momentum made him have to stop and dodge, and then Dabai came out from behind.

The escaping bird was ravaged by Da Bai and Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hei pressed on the side.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Give me the storage ring…” In

a few rounds, Xiao Bai shattered his body with a brick, and Xiao Hei grabbed the fleeing Yuan Baby and devoured it.

Xiao Hei proudly took the storage ring and handed it to Lu Shaoqing.

“Good daughter!”

In this way, there were only two people left in Mo Changyi’s group, which was still imposing and murderous just now.

Mo Changsui and Ma Shun were scared to death.

Mo Changyi’s legs trembled secretly.

Ma Shun felt that his pants were already wet.

Murder and transcargo.

Lu Shaoqing smiled at Mo Chang and said, “Don’t blame me, if you want to blame, blame the fox spirit, I said, let her not harm you, there is a debt and a master, when the time comes, you will become a ghost, go to her to ask for her life.” ”

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Smoke is full of black lines.

Mo Changxi took a deep breath and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Senior, I don’t mean to offend, and I hope that Senior Mingjian.”

“This time, our bird clan is pouring out, Qi City will be defeated, why don’t the seniors abandon the secret and turn to the light?”

I have to say that Mo Changsui’s psychological quality is not bad.

At this time, he did not forget to recruit Lu Shaoqing.

“Are there spirit stones?” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “I know the most about current affairs, I turned to your bird clan, how many spirit stones do you give me?” ”

Spirit, spirit stone?

Mo Chang was stunned, and he couldn’t react a little.

A master of the refining period, will he still care about spirit stones?

Hu Xue was deeply speechless.

This guy, it’s really not a joke to like spirit stones, he really likes spirit stones.

Before Mo Changsui could react, Ma Shun, who was caught by Lu Shaoqing, shouted, “I give, I give…”

Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile, and at the same time took off the storage ring on his hand, “This is my thing.”

Ma Shun was dumbfounded.

I’m not dead yet, so you take it as your thing?

Do you want a face?

“Senior, this, I,” Ma Shun pointed at Lu Shaoqing’s hand, “I, my spirit stones are all there…”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, glared at him viciously, and emphasized again, “This is my thing.” ”

Ma Shun wants to cry, who is this?

You are like this, how else can I give you spirit stones?

Seeing Ma Shun’s appearance, Lu Shaoqing despised, “Poor ghost, don’t learn how to decorate people without spirit stones.”

“Shut up!”

He looked at Ma Shun with an unhappy expression, and immediately showed a smile at Mo Changxi.

The speed of the change is breathtaking.

Hu Yan saw that his scalp was numb, such a person was the most terrifying and difficult person.

Face or something, don’t care at all, only naked interests.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked Mo Changyi, “How many spirit stones can you give me?”

Mo Changxi was also uncomfortable to watch, the turn was too fast, it was difficult for him to keep up, he took a deep breath and smiled, “Although the senior spoke, I agreed to as much as I wanted.” Yuan

Xun and Wang Li looked at each other and felt a familiar feeling.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to Mo Changwei, “Hao!”

“I like birds like you.”

“In this way, you swear first, as much as I say, you have to give.”

Mo Changyi’s smile froze, and then he smiled reluctantly, “Senior, say it, I can assure you.” ”

Just kidding, who would swear by a normal person?

“Guaranteed? How many spirit stones is your guarantee worth?

Mo Changwei stood proudly, “Just because I am the concubine of the Mo Crow clan, my guarantee is priceless!” ”

Well,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t talk nonsense with him either, “Ten billion spirit stones, I will abandon the dark and turn to the light.”

“Well, I’m selling myself cheaply.”

Mo Chang was dumbfounded, suspecting that he had misheard.


“What are you kidding, impossible!”

Who in a normal person would open his mouth to ten billion spirit stones?

Mo Changsui was glad in his heart, fortunately he didn’t swear.

“Impossible?” Lu Shaoqing’s smile disappeared, and he jumped to his feet in anger, “I know that the shit’s guarantee cannot be believed at all.” ”

Go,” Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yi, “pluck his hair…”

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