Ji Yan glanced around, “Here, won’t there be danger?” ”

The surroundings are pitch black, and the outside is all a roaring void storm, and the violent forces such as collisions and tears fill this world.

There are many unknown dangers in the void.

For Ji Yan’s worry, Lu Shaoqing pouted, “You are afraid of a ball.” ”

Lu Shaoqing devoured the Void Wind Spirit, which means that he is also the Void Wind Spirit.

This is his territory, and he controls the surrounding void storm to cover everyone’s breath, not leaking the breath, attracting unknown dangers.

After Xiao Yi listened, his adoring gaze became even stronger.

He suffered a loss in the void before, so the second senior brother turned against the guest and became the master of the void here?

“Be careful, don’t be careless.”

“Mother-in-law,” Lu Shaoqing disgusted, “if you are worried, you will protect us here.” Ji

Yan smiled slightly, and was the first to enter the formation and sit down.

Lu Shaoqing once again deeply disliked, “Mouth is upright and despised.” ”

Second Senior Brother, is there really no danger?” Xiao Yi also asked.

“You give me a protector!” Lu Shaoqing stepped into the formation.

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue and hurriedly entered with the three little followers.

The three people and three beasts sat in the void, surrounded by a large array.

And in the great array, countless filaments stretched out and intertwined with the huge spider web.

From a distance, it looks like a small bag hanging under a spider’s web.

Lu Shaoqing, they were in the bag.

As if there was electricity, Lu Shaoqing and the large array they were in also lit up, which seemed so obvious in the darkness.

The light on the filament was transmitted to Lu Shaoqing and the large array where they were, turning into a rain of light in the large array, and then falling on everyone’s bodies.

This is the purest energy in the world, and it is also the power of heaven and earth.

It was supposed to return to heaven and earth, but it was collected and devoured by people by great means.

Lu Shaoqing no longer had the heart to find out who was behind the scenes.

Isn’t it fragrant to absorb energy and improve strength here?

Lu Shaoqing slowly closed his eyes, “Hmph, both of them think they are crow mouths?”

“Say there is danger and danger?”

“Cutting off the beard quickly is king, hehe, finally it’s my turn, I can improve my strength without cultivation.”

“Oh, Brother Heavenly Dao doesn’t have to say, it’s too good for me…..” There

is danger here in the void, of course, Lu Shaoqing will not ignore it.

However, he is now equivalent to the Void Wind Spirit, and the Void Storm here he can control is equivalent to being on his own territory.

On your own territory, even if there is danger, it is better to deal with it, isn’t it?

Besides, he was confident that the Void Storm hovering around him could mask their aura and the movement here.

The chances of being found are small.


It was only half a day that passed, Lu Shaoqing suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the depths of the void.

Then his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Lu Shaoqing came hundreds of thousands of miles away, and in the distance, a huge storm was roaring towards here.

The rolling storm, the whirring sound shook the void.

Lu Shaoqing could feel a similar aura on it.

“Your sister!”

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Lu Shaoqing was crazy, “Who did I provoke?”

“I just want to be promoted quietly and peacefully, and this is not given?”

Having devoured the Void Wind Spirit, Lu Shaoqing knew that the Void Wind Spirit had no consciousness and would not take the initiative to find trouble with someone.

Moreover, most of the Void Wind Spirits would wander in the deepest part of the Void.

That Void Wind Spirit he devoured before was weird enough.

Now there is actually another kind of people, with a clear purpose, which is to go straight to their group.

Know I killed their companions?

Lu Shaoqing secretly guessed in his heart.

But no matter what, Lu Shaoqing can only bite the bullet.

You can’t let it disturb senior brother and sister.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and the surrounding void storm roared, and a storm was also formed around him, and the whistling wind was like a faithful dog around him, barking at the distance.

“Grandma Li’s,” Lu Shaoqing said ruthlessly, “I’ll kill you.” ”

Dare to disturb his good deeds, he has no way to upgrade from absorbing energy, then devour the wind spirit who dares to come to him for trouble.


The storm in the distance roared, the tall storm cluster, the width alone was hundreds of miles, and the heavy storm gave people extremely heavy pressure.

The storm group summoned by Lu Shaoqing was far from it.

Like adults and children.

“You, who is it?”

A divine thought came, and the tone was ancient and vicissitudes.

Of course, hostility followed.

After sensing the hostility, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Own people, own people!”

“I’m your brother!”

“Brother?” The huge storm paused, and the sound of the storm howling decreased a lot, as if thinking about what brother meant.

Is this guy a bit of a brain problem? Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, “Yes, I am your brother, your long-lost brother.” ”

Brother?” The Void Wind Spirit was even more puzzled, “What is it?”

“My own brother is your own brother, you have to listen to everything I say, and you can do whatever you want.”

“King?” The vicissitudes of the ancient voice once again revealed doubts.

“Yes, that’s right, you can understand it that way.”

Lu Shaoqing was triumphant, heck, these old antiques have lived too long, and their brains have rusted?

Very good, if I accept a little brother like this, who am I afraid of here in the void?

Lu Shaoqing’s heart had already begun to be crooked.

“Come, you don’t want to call brother, you can call me king…”

However, this ancient Void Wind Spirit was silent at first, and then a divine thought full of cold killing intent came.



The huge storm instantly rioted, like a fierce beast that had been awakened, and let out a roar.

The storm of riot was like a fierce beast’s blood plate, and it bit down fiercely at Lu Shaoqing.

“I wipe!”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and he roared loudly, “Dare to make a move against your brother? Find death! The

storm around Lu Shaoqing also rolled up, turning into a huge fist and smashing it fiercely in front.


A huge storm shrouded and swallowed Lu Shaoqing…

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