Xiao Hongben didn’t take Xiao Hei seriously at first.

The white and fat girl, can’t beat the boss, can’t beat his daughter?

However, as soon as they exchanged hands, Xiaohong was shocked.

Xiao Hei’s realm is the same as him.

The strength is stronger than he is now.

He has injuries on his body and cannot use his full strength.

So, in a few strokes, Xiaohong was punched by Xiao Hei.

The pain made him scream, but his mouth refused to admit defeat, “Little girl, don’t be arrogant, don’t force me to exert all my strength…”

Although Xiaohong shouted very much, he was finally beaten and screamed.

Xiaohong was very angry, and he felt that he was obviously capable of dodging away.

But in the face of Xiao Hei, he instinctively felt a suppression.

This kind of oppression is like a deep soul, which cannot be dispelled and is difficult to detect.

Every time I wanted to make a move, I was delayed because of this, and finally I was pressed and beaten by Xiao Hei.

No, a bird’s face is completely lost in this way.

He hurriedly shouted, “Master Zu, Master Zu, help…” For

now, the only way to intercede with Shao Cheng is to let Shao Cheng come forward.

However, Shao Cheng was also stunned by Xiao Yi’s words.

I haven’t seen it for more than twenty years, and I have my own apprentices and grandchildren?

In an instant, Shao Cheng burst into tears, and the ancestors of Tianyu Peak blessed.

Does his apprentice finally know that he is going to open branches and leaves?

Does Tianyu Peak finally want more people?

“Shaoqing, well done.” Shao Cheng looked at his apprentice at this moment with great pleasing eyes.

Tianyufeng’s most disobedient and most troublesome apprentice started a family and started a family.

It’s good to start a family.

Shao Cheng suddenly felt that the stone in his heart had landed.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, he glared at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, and obediently told Shao Cheng about Xiao Hei’s origin.

After Shao Cheng listened, the stone that landed in his heart rose into the air again.

He glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “It’s frizzy, and I haven’t grown a little.”

Xiaohong saw that Shao Cheng ignored him, and rushed to Ji Yan’s side without saying a word, “Uncle Shi, help.” Ji

Yan looked at Xiaohong’s appearance and couldn’t help but show a smile.

Looking at his gaze was like seeing a junior.

In an instant, Ji Yan’s old father possessed his body and spoke, “Okay, don’t make trouble.”

Lu Shaoqing shivered when he heard this, “Are you complaining?

“The tone is so gentle, Master, you see, he is whining, hurry up and hit him.”

Shao Cheng huffed and said the words in his heart, “I want to hit you.”

At this time, the white wall of light suddenly flashed, the gap was closed, and the black monster in the distance slowly retreated into the darkness, waiting for the next arrival.

Xiao Yi saw this scene and asked curiously, “Master, what’s going on?” ”

The wall of light still has good consciousness?

Shao Cheng glanced around, and finally pressed down with both hands, “Sit down, I’ll tell you about things here.”

Xiao Yi skillfully took out the table and placed various snacks, as if he was camping in the wild, and Shao Cheng was speechless when he saw it.

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And when he saw that Lu Shaoqing didn’t know to take out a pillow and lie on the ground, he almost couldn’t hold back.

Bastard boy,.

Xiao Yi sat down and began to peel the spirit beans, she pointed to the two women who rushed over from not far away and asked, “Who are they?”

“They are the prince of the Eagle Clan, Ying Qiqi, and the first prince of the Bird Clan, Ma Ran.”

Win Seven Seven?

Ma Ran?

Although there were some guesses, Lu Shaoqing and several people couldn’t help but show surprised expressions.

Xiao Yi got better and better, and she asked, “Didn’t it mean that the two of them came to hunt down Xiaohong?”

“Also, did Xiaohong really peek at Win Qiqi taking a bath?”

Xiao Yi’s words made Win Qiqi and Ma Ran, who were not far away, instantly blush.

Shao Cheng glanced at Xiaohong, “Explain it yourself.”

Xiaohong scratched her head and said depressedly, “All this is a misunderstanding, I was calculated by Mo Changye.”

After Xiaohong explained, everyone understood.

Xiaohong’s bloodline is not pure and has become a candidate prince of the Bird Clan, but most of the people of the Bird Clan have high hopes for Xiaohong and intend to cultivate Xiaohong.

However, there are also people who oppose it, and the third prince of the Bird Clan, the people of the Maji faction, are strongly opposed.

Finally, in Maji and Mo Changye colluded together to target Xiaohong.

Not only leaked Xiaohong’s bloodline level, but also designed to frame Xiaohong.

“Boss, you said that I was wronged, when I was tricked by Mo Changye to go to a place, who knew that the two of them happened to take a bath there together.”

Xiaohong cried out.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, “So, what you see is not a Win Qiqi bathing, but Win Qiqi and Ma Ran taking a bath?” This

can also explain why Ma Shun said that Ma Ran also hunted down Lu Shaoqing together.

Not far away, Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were already looking for a place to get into.

Xiaohong called Qu again, “I didn’t see it, I just saw their backs, and I just …”

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran rushed over, angry and shy, and wanted to beat Xiaohong.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked at Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, although he was angry, he was also shy, and his cheeks were red and almost dripping.


Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart.

He sat up and stared at the two, “You two didn’t plan to kill him?” The

faces of the two became even more delicate.

Xiaohong shouted next to him, “I didn’t mean it, I swore it all.” ”

It took a vow to make the two believe.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said seriously, “It’s okay if you don’t fight to death, castrate.”

“It is also a scourge for this foolish bird to keep, castrate him, so that your innocence can be preserved.”

“I am a man of integrity, and I will never tolerate such hooliganism.”

Xiaohong clamped his legs, took two steps back, and shouted, “Boss, I didn’t mean it without this.”

“You became a rogue bird, and if I don’t kill you, I have to castrate you, otherwise how can my reputation be preserved?”

“How do you let the two girls face the world?”

“Unless they say they forgive you.”

“No, it’s okay.” Suddenly, a timid voice sounded, “This, this has nothing to do with him, he didn’t mean it.”

Ying Qiqi said with a cold face, “We will go to Mo Changye to settle accounts for this matter, and it has nothing to do with him.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at the two and suddenly laughed, “Oh…”

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