“Okay.” Shao Cheng shouted, “It’s a senior brother and a second senior brother, what kind of system does it become to quarrel like this?”

“Let others see the joke.”

“Okay, Master spoke, I’ll give Master face, don’t worry about you.” Lu Shaoqing glared at Ji Yan.

Ji Yan said lightly, “Without Master here, I will definitely clean you up.”

Shao Cheng was relieved, no matter what, the two apprentices were still obedient.

Alas, that’s all, the strength is not very good, I am also their master, I have to be a good example and not bring negative influence to them.

Xiao Yi watched the change in expression on Shao Cheng’s face next to him, and his heart also reacted.

The two senior brothers unknowingly acted another scene, resolving the loss in Master’s heart.

Sure enough, it is a match made in heaven, and the cooperation is perfect.

Xiao Yi also spoke in time and pulled the topic back, “Master, what happened later?”

“Later, ah, later I received news about Xiaohong, knowing that he was not doing well in Fengcheng, I couldn’t rest assured and went to Fengcheng to find him.”

“I originally planned to leave Fengcheng with Xiaohong and come to Mirage Valley to avoid the limelight, but I didn’t expect to be secretly calculated after leaving Fengcheng, and there was also the existence of the refining period, and then it was thanks to Liu Chi’s predecessors that we successfully escaped and finally entered Mirage Valley.”

“These two girls later chased and killed, and we were forced to flee into the mirage.”

“Finally came here, Xiaohong also resolved the conflict with the two of them.”

“But we are also surrounded by countless extraterrestrial heavenly demons, and we have retreated all the way to the Demon Town…”

The latter sentence is an understatement, but the danger in it can be imagined.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan heard a trace of killing intent flash in their eyes.

Lu Shaoqing pointed to Liu Chi and the old man in the distance and asked, “What’s going on with them?” ”

Next to Senior Liu Chi is Senior Qi, who sat here a thousand years ago and has been helping Senior Bai Que deal with black monsters.”

“Senior Liu Chi will occasionally go out, but Senior Chu has never left, but now, alas…”

However, such words made Lu Shaoqing and his group even more puzzled.

“Master, what’s going on?”

As soon as Xiao Yi, who was full of curiosity, spoke, the question spewed out like a machine gun, “Why is there a demon town tower here, and what is suppressed below?” Where did the black monster come from? Where is the white magpie senior?

“What does the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon have to do with the Demon Suppression Tower, the black monster? After we came in, there was not a single extraterrestrial heavenly demon outside the Demon Town Tower, what happened?

Shao Cheng smiled bitterly, and was about to answer, when suddenly a pleasant voice sounded, “Let me tell you.” The

voice echoed in all directions, as if this person was everywhere.

Then, a woman with white hair and white clothes wearing a veil suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s hearts jumped, and the vigilance in their hearts was instantly full.

Even they couldn’t detect how women appeared.

The woman exudes an elegant and noble aura, like the immortal emperor falling into the dust, which makes people not blaspheme.

After Shao Cheng and the others saw the woman, they saluted respectfully, “I have seen Bai Que senior.” ”

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Lu Shaoqing and several people have Ling Ran in their hearts, the existence of the merging period.

“I’ve seen the senior!”

The woman waved her hand gently, “No need to be polite.” Then

, a picture appeared above the white sky.

In the vibrant forest, countless monster beasts live leisurely.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth became dark, a huge black crack, and countless monsters appeared from the crack.

The demon world was in turmoil.

In the face of endless black monsters, large areas of land in the demon world fell, and countless demon beasts died tragically.

However, the demon realm stabilized the situation under the leadership of a master who existed in the Convergence Period, and finally began to counterattack.

Just when everything was going well, an incomparably huge black shadow suddenly appeared, standing up to the sky, as if the whole world was trampled under its feet.

The appearance of the black shadow and the terrifying aura swept through, causing the entire demon world to fall into turmoil, as if it would collapse at any time.

The cultivators of the Convergence Stage in the Demon Realm instantly vomited blood and flew upside down.

The powerful aura made Lu Shaoqing and the others who were watching also feel an extremely heavy pressure.

It’s as if crossing time and space and facing it directly.

The terrifying aura swept away, and Xiao Yi and other people in the realm of the gods trembled with their legs, like mice facing cats, unable to give birth to any resistance.

If you face it directly, everyone believes that without making a move, just that coercion can make people ashes.

Such a terrifying aura, needless to say, an answer appeared in everyone’s hearts.

Mahayana period!

Only the Mahayana period can have such terrifying power.

The appearance of black monsters in the Mahayana period once again plunged the demon world into despair.

However, when the demon world fell into despair, a figure rose from the distant deep sea.

A dragon forcibly crossed the robbery and barely stepped into the Mahayana period, blocking the black monster of the Mahayana period.

In the end, he was also defeated, and had to blow himself up to severely damage the Mahayana monster.

The rest of the demon world people united, once again severely damaged the injured Mahayana period monster, laid down a large array, a woman in white voluntarily combined with her magic weapon, turned into an instrument spirit, and suppressed the monster.

The rest of the Fusion Period cultivators entered the black crack, and no one returned.

The black crack finally closed slowly, and the demon world gradually returned to calm.

At this step, the picture disappeared, and Xiao Yi, who was fascinated by it, couldn’t help but be stunned, “It’s gone? The

woman’s voice sounded, echoing in everyone’s ears, “At that time, I fell into a deep sleep, and there were many things I didn’t know about the back.

Then, she added, “Then a meteorite fell from the sky and landed right next to the Demon Township Tower, waking me up.

“Countless extraterritorial heavenly demons appeared, and in order to stop the extraterritorial heavenly demons from harming the demon realm, I had to mobilize a large array to trap them here.”

“After I discovered their specialness, I used the Great Array to form a relatively safe place, that is, the mirage valley in your mouth, so that they can feed back to the demon world.”

“However, my step has caused irreversible consequences…”

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