“Mantis blocking the car!”

Seeing Ji Yan appear again, Black Que waved his hand angrily, and the black clouds around him quickly squirmed, and then turned into a black hurricane, roaring and shrouding Ji Yan.

The howling hurricane, because black, terrorized, with eerie.

Like a black demon wind, everyone believed that once devoured by it, there would be no bones left.

Ji Yan naturally did not dare to use his own body to resist.

His realm was three small realms lower than that of Black Magpie.


The sword of Wuqiu slashed through, and the sword light shot into the hurricane like a sharp arrow.


The sword intent erupted, colliding with the aura in it, causing countless explosions.


The black hurricane and Ji Yan’s sword light disappeared.

It seems to be comparable, but it makes Liu Chi, Qiu and others awe-inspiring.

The realm shown by Ji Yan is lower than that of Black Magpie, but it can be tied.

This shows the horror of the plan.

Black Que was even more angry, “Are you dealing with my hole card?”

“You guys are dreaming!”


The Black Magpie attacked again.

The black fog surged, her figure disappeared, and the next moment, it was as if a black lightning bolt rushed out of the black fog and streaked across the sky.

The speed was so fast, like teleportation, it penetrated Ji Yan fiercely.


The speed was too fast, Ji Yan didn’t have time to react, and a deep bone wound appeared on his body.

The blood that spewed out was carried by black lightning and turned into a bloodstain in the air.

After the black lightning stopped, everyone could see what it was.

A black bird, staring at Ji Yan coldly, the most noticeable thing is that there are three feathers on the top of the head, but now they are all black.

“Three Magpies!” After seeing this bird, Qiu exclaimed in a low voice, “It turns out that the body of the senior is a three-feathered magpie.

Liu Chi looked solemn, “There are three feathers on the head, each of which is a big killing weapon, and the three come out in unison, destroying the sky and the earth.” The

black three-feathered magpie was naturally a black magpie, and it suddenly opened its mouth and sucked, and the remaining blood in the air was absorbed by her.

Then, licking his own beak, he let out a sharp laugh, “It tastes good.”

The white magpie was so angry that his silver teeth clenched.

Her image was ruined.

After laughing twice, the black magpie disappeared in place and turned into lightning again.

Even if he was prepared this time, he could not resist the black magpie.

The speed was too fast, so fast that he couldn’t resist.



From a distance, it was like a black lightning bolt spinning around Ji Yan, and each slash left a wound on Ji Yan’s body, and blood splashed.

The fierce face of the fierce man watching the battle from a distance was ugly.

This move, he can’t resist.

“Damn, even if the little guy is powerful, he can’t do it.”

“His attack is very strong, and his sword intent is amazing, however, his defense is average, and he can’t block the attack of the black magpie at all.”

Liu Chi frowned, also worried, “Ji Yan is a sword cultivator and his speed is also very fast, but he is a human after all, and compared to his predecessors, he is still much worse.

“We monsters, especially the birds, have always been a strong point.”

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Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were also shocked to watch.

Now, among all the people, only Ji Yan was left to deal with the black magpie.

Liu Chi and Qiu Chu were injured, exhausted, and could not exert their full strength.

Bai Que couldn’t make a move, and Lu Shaoqing’s strength was a little weaker than Ji Yan.

Words are the hope of all.

If something goes wrong with the plan, everyone here will be finished.

At the moment, Black Magpie just showed his body, and he could use his speed to suppress Ji Yan.

This repeatedly, the plan will not last long.

Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran were very worried, but Xiao Yi next to them said to the two of them, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” ”

Just watch.”

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran looked at Xiao Yi speechlessly.

All this, you haven’t worried the slightest?

Your heart is so big.

Win Qiqi reminded Xiao Yi, “If this continues, your senior brother’s situation is not good.

Xiao Yi still said that sentence, “It’s okay.” ”

Poof!” Ji Yan in the distance was once again hit by the black magpie.

Win Qiqi frowned, is the dead duck mouth hard?

Seeing that Black Que attacked Ji Yan again, there was no hope of winning Qiqi.

She closed her eyes and hurried to heal.

The situation was not good, and she felt that the more she recovered, the more she had a chance of victory, although it was very slim.

However, this is a matter for the demon race, and the demon race cannot rely on outsiders, but can only rely on itself.

But just as Ying Qiqi closed his eyes, Ma Ran next to him suddenly whispered, “What? Ying

Qiqi opened her eyes and looked at the battlefield, but saw that the black magpie had stopped, and a few drops of black blood dripped from her wings.


How is it done?

Ying Qiqi hurriedly set his sights on Ji Yan.

But he saw that the space around Ji Yan seemed to be distorted, and there seemed to be something invisible squirming around.

Countless sword intents filled with it, like a transparent swimming fish.

Ying Qiqi’s heart jumped, and he blurted out, “Ling, field? Ji

Yan stood proudly again, although the white clothes on his body were stained with blood, but his aura was not weakened in the slightest.

“Dare to stop me?” The black magpie screamed and turned into lightning again.

This time, everyone had to be very clear.

After the black magpie entered the realm of Ji Yan, his speed did not decrease, but it was blood splattered.

Countless swords were intent on strangling her.

In less than a breath, Black Magpie decisively withdrew, her eyes filled with shock.

Although the scope of the field of Ji Yan is not large, it is only more than ten zhang away.

This distance is nothing to her, and she can cross it without a breath.

But from the beginning of entering the realm, she felt that she had suffered countless sword intent attacks, eating and eating like a piranha.

It was as if he could strangle her in an instant.

Her intuition told her that if she didn’t retreat, she would have to be seriously injured if she didn’t die.

Black Que stared at Ji Yan, resentful.

Ji Yan is not good at defense, but his field is enough to make up for his defensive deficiencies.

Whatever entered his realm would be strangled by the sharp sword intent.

“Realm?” Black Que shouted, “I have it too!” Then

, a wave of fluctuations spread out from her…

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