Now I don’t care if there is a notice inside who looks at who is a dog.

Bai Que’s heart moved, and this place was instantly known to her.

This is the interior of the Demon Town’s Tower, and she can know everything in an instant if she wants.

It is more convenient and faster than divine knowledge.

However, Bai Que’s expression became strange.

“Senior, what’s wrong?” Fierce Chu immediately tensed up, Baihuahua’s beard trembled, and an old face was nervous.

Liu Chi was more worried about the formation in front of him, “Senior, what kind of formation is this?” ”

Lost Array.”

When Bai Que said this, his tone was still a little unconfident.

Liu Chi, Qiu Chu and the others were also stunned.

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, “Could it be that the second senior brother is thinking of using to trap the black magpie?” ”

What do you think?

Bai Que rolled his eyes.

“Don’t take her seriously, I’m good at formations, and so is she.”

“This level of formation, for her, it only takes a few breaths to crack.”

When I am fake?

This kind of low-level formation, I can break it with my eyes closed.

Ferocious sneered, “His so-called formation is only this?

“Naive, it’s too simple to think of the seniors.”

“Senior, let’s hurry in.”

However, the next moment, Bai Que’s brows furrowed again.

She sensed the battle fluctuations inside, and at the same time sensed that there was another large array.

“What the hell is he going to do?”

Bai Que was even more puzzled, even if there was one more large array, what if the two large arrays added up, could they cause any damage to the black magpie?

Seeing Bai Que frowning, Qiu Chu was even more certain, “That kid won’t have an accident, right?” ”


The main thing is distrust of Lu Shaoqing.

Just as Bai Que was about to take people inside, the surrounding white mist suddenly disappeared.

The surrounding aura suddenly fluctuated, and the white mist that permeated the surroundings dissipated.

A blue figure slowly appeared.

“What are you doing?”

Lu Shaoqing’s righteous voice came, “After waiting for you for a long time, you came?”

“If I were killed by the black magpie, you wouldn’t be able to help me collect the corpse.”

Lu Shaoqing’s appearance made Bai Que several people grit their teeth in anger.

It’s so annoying.

Are all Terrans so annoying?

That’s really bad.

Bai Que couldn’t feel the breath of the black magpie, “What about the black magpie? When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, he scratched his head and said to Bai Que, “Senior, you have to be mentally prepared.” Bai

Que’s heart sank, but Black Magpie still ran?

It was hard to lure her out this time, and it won’t be so easy next time.

Fierce Chu sneered, “Hmph, arrogant guy, missed it, right?

“And say foolproof? Reliable work?

He even cast a defiant look at Shao Cheng and Ji Yan.

You two guys blew him so hard, in the end?

Laughing to death.

Bai Que sighed faintly, and couldn’t help but feel disappointed in his heart, “Alas, there is no way.”

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“You can only do it the way you did before.”

“I hope to find a way to defeat the black magpie again.”

Although disappointed, Bai Que can only accept the facts.

Black Magpie escaped, even if she escaped in the territory IQ controlled by her, it was difficult for her to find Black Magpie.

Ben will the two of them as one, the Demon Town, everyone has a share.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was strange, how did they all look like they were going to die, “What are these words?”

“I killed her.”

“What, what?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Bai Que several people stunned, suspecting that they had misheard.

“Boy, what did you say?”

Fierce asked nervously, “You defeated her?” ”

Nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing gave him a disdainful look, “Black Que, I can suppress it with one hand.”

“I wonder what you guys are worried about?”


One hand?

The white magpie’s silver teeth were almost crushed.

What did you take me for?


She snorted and said unpleasantly, “Then what do you mean by what you just said?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and took out the sparrow hidden behind him, no, the remaining body of the black magpie.

When Bai Que saw a black magpie the size of an eagle, she suddenly felt a little dizzy.

That’s right, dizziness.

An instrument spirit feels dizzy, and if it is passed out, it will definitely kill a large number of people with laughter.

However, Bai Que felt that only dizziness could describe her current mood.

Without fainting, it is difficult to accept the facts in front of you.

No wonder Lu Shaoqing wanted to make mental preparations himself, it turned out to be this mental preparation?

“Why is that?”

The white magpie gritted his teeth.

She is an instrument spirit, an eighth-level magic weapon instrument spirit, if her body is completely exposed, it is at least the size of a small mountain.

She cut herself off into darkness, divided into two parts: white and black.

Logically speaking, her body size is about the same size as a black magpie.

Now, the black magpie’s body size is less than one fifth.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, showed an innocent expression, and blinked, “I don’t know.”

“She was so old when I erased her consciousness.”

Bai Que didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible, no matter how she is, it can’t be so small, unless someone devours her.” ”

Devouring the essence of the black magpie is equivalent to devouring her white magpie and devouring the purification of the demon tower.

Lu Shaoqing immediately said to Bai Que seriously, “Senior, I can assure you that I didn’t devour her.

Lu Shaoqing added in his heart, it is my doppelganger that devours, and it is none of my business.

Then again, the black doppelganger is really fierce, and it sucks people into sparrows.

Looking at Bai Que’s expression, Lu Shaoqing simply buckled the black pot on the rampant god’s head, “I think the biggest suspicion is the rampant god.”

Lu Shaoqing returned the sparrow to Bai Que, “Senior, you should quickly make up for it, don’t want the rest of this point to be swallowed.” When

Bai Que saw himself in his hand, he suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

It’s miserable.

Slowly fusing the remaining parts of the black magpie, gradually a rumbling sound suddenly sounded around it, and it seemed that something in the sky and on the ground was tumbling, spreading into the distance.

Everyone had a feeling that the surrounding space had become larger, as if the heavens and the earth had just opened.

And with a rumbling sound, the heavy feeling that weighed on everyone’s hearts dissipated a lot.

Suddenly, Bai Que opened his eyes and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “No, it was you who devoured the Black Magpie…”

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