Xiao Yi looked around curiously, “What about the monsters?” ”

There was a normal white environment all around, and there was not a single monster in sight.

Bai Que looked at the crack with a solemn expression, gritted his teeth and said, “After the Black Magpie was defeated, all the monsters retreated. ”

It doesn’t matter if the monsters retreat, there are few powerful monsters anyway.

However, the meaning behind it made Bai Que extremely worried.

Low-level monsters have no sense of autonomy and do everything according to orders.

What does this say.

It shows that the rampant god has awakened and is controlling everything, pointing the sword at the Demon Tower.

It is even possible that the seal has been loosened.

She couldn’t suppress the rampant gods for long.

Bai Que was worried, worried.

In the future, what is the fate of the demon world?

Will the demon race perish because of this?

She took a deep breath and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Is there a way to close the crack?”

Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked at the crack, he felt a familiar breath.

Grandma Li’s is really the monster of the merging period.


Lu Shaoqing said to Bai Que, “Let me pass, and then you guys leave here.” At

this point, he can only go in and close the crack.

But how to close the crack, he didn’t want these people in the demon world to see it.

Fierce Chu was not happy, “Why?” ”

How to defeat the black magpie, we can’t see.

Now you are going to drive us away again and not let us see how you close the cracks.

What are you doing?

Won’t sell your ass to rampant gods, right?

Fierce Chu’s gaze looking at Lu Shaoqing was full of doubt.

“We’re going to watch here, maybe we can help.”

“Not leaving, huh?” Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “Senior, send us out.”

“Let this bear shut down.”

Bai Que smiled helplessly and said, “Let’s all leave.” Since

Lu Shaoqing said that she could close the crack, she couldn’t ask for it, where would she offend Lu Shaoqing at this time.

Bai Que left with everyone, and Lu Shaoqing came to the crack, and behind him was a wall of light.

Lu Shaoqing looked up at the top of his head.

It is also a white transparent wall of light.

It’s like a transparent cover here.

The black mist is constantly rolling here, like a trapped beast.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, the black mist quickly surged in, and a strange and cold aura erupted, like countless poisonous snakes circling, with a posture that wanted to devour him.

Black Mist Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, he just needed the spiritual power to be gently released.

The black mist immediately became mild, and Lu Shaoqing easily walked through it.

Looking at the black fog around him, Lu Shaoqing sighed sadly, “Sister, is my painting style really helpless?” After

a few breaths of sadness, Lu Shaoqing came to the edge of the crack.

The crack is on the ground, standing on the edge and looking over, it is bottomless, like a bottomless abyss, exuding a gloomy and cold aura.

Gaze down, as if there is a terrifying existence lurking at the very end.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, his eyes contemptuous.

He and the monsters are old acquaintances.

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As long as it was not at the level of a sacrifice god, he was not worried at all.

He is not afraid of the same realm, even the higher realm.

“But now that the rampant gods seem to be at the same level as the sacrificial gods, let’s close the door quickly.”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and then stretched out his hand and beckoned to the black lightning on the edge of the crack.

As if summoned, black lightning quickly rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.


fell on Lu Shaoqing’s hand, like a black elf beating a few times, and finally disappeared into Lu Shaoqing’s body.

Without the black lightning, the huge crack could no longer be maintained and slowly closed.

Looking at the slow closing of the crack, Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, “Open the door and go home immediately after going out.” After

a few breaths, when the crack was still two or three meters wide, Lu Shaoqing turned around and planned to leave here.


Lu Shaoqing suddenly felt the surrounding scenery.

A black figure appeared in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing saw the black shadow and jumped three feet high, “Lean, sacrifice to the gods?” ”

What appeared in front of me was the appearance of a sacrifice to the gods, and the aura emitted was the same as that of the sacrifice gods.

The sacrificial god raised his head, his scarlet eyes full of murderous aura, and he smiled coldly, emitting a laugh that made the soul tremble.

Eight spider legs came out in unison and stabbed at Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

“Click, click!”

The sharp spider legs pierced the space, and the terrifying qi that permeated made Lu Shaoqing’s face change wildly.

Without saying a word, he quickly retreated.

However, with such a retreat, Lu Shaoqing fell lightly on his feet and fell heavily, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

Only then did Lu Shaoqing react, and he was hit by illusion.

He was horrified.

Will you also be tricked?

How scary is the guy who made the illusion?

Looking at the darkness around him getting more and more, Lu Shaoqing shouted badly, and rushed out without saying a word.

However, the crack has long been closed.

Watching the mouth of the crack completely disappear and close, Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears.

He actually fell into the cracks.

What is this?

Is it also a closed door to beat the dog?

Lu Shaoqing looked around a few times.

Here is like a bottomless abyss, five fingers are missing, and black mist surges around.

Even if he was a cultivator of the Refining Void Period, he couldn’t see anything in his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing carefully probed out his divine consciousness and slowly spread it around.

There was nothing around, nothing but a surging black mist.

However, as the divine consciousness continued to extend, in the perception of divine consciousness, Lu Shaoqing saw a cliff.

Isn’t this really an abyss?

Could the rampant gods be down there?

Shouldn’t I be suppressed in the midst of a large array?

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but muttered in his heart, and all kinds of speculations flashed in his mind.

He slowly came to the cliff, and there was nothing on it, just some strange protruding stones.

And thinking about extending the probe on both sides, I can’t find anything.

Lu Shaoqing had no choice but to probe downwards with his divine sense.

Until tens of thousands of kilometers later, Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness was in the end.

And at the bottom, a swarthy hole appeared in his consciousness….

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