The sword light soared into the sky, brilliant, like the birth of a divine dragon.

The sword intent washed away like a violent storm.

Shroud the unsuspecting darkness.

“Poof, poof…” The

sharp sword intent cut through everything.

The roaring Quanyao was shrouded in sword light, and countless blood burst out in an instant, and the blood mist spread, and then disappeared in the wind.


Quan Yao was caught off guard, screamed miserably, and hurriedly closed his hand and retreated.

Win was stunned!

The white figure is like a sword god descending from the sky.

One sword slaughters the ghosts of the world.

Yingjie is the patriarch of the Eagle Clan, she has lived for a long time, she has already seen through life and death, many things in the world have been seen very lightly, and there are few things in the outside world that can make her feel waves.

However, this time, her heart couldn’t help but jump.

I thought I would die, but I ushered in a turning point.

Yingjie has the feeling of returning to being weak and helpless, being chased and killed by natural enemies, and escaping by luck.

A heart beat violently, and the feeling of the aftermath made her breathing heavy and rapid.

Yingjiao looked at the white back in front of him, straight as a sword, sharp as a sword.

It was as if a sword pointed straight to the sky, staring at the world.

The human body looks a little thin, but it gives people an unparalleled peace of mind and steadiness.

It was as if behind him, even if the world was destroyed, he could be sheltered.

He, who is it?

Yingjie was curious in her heart, and she had the urge to go up and pull the other party back to see the true face of this person.

“Who are you?” At this time, Quan Yao’s voice came, and he was angry and corrupted, “Are you looking for death?”

“Do you know who I am?”

The seniors should not have been secretly observing, right?

Otherwise, I don’t say extra points, I have to thank God for not deducting points.

“Dog!” A lazy voice came.

Mo Yan, Quan Yao looked at the person in surprise.

Yingjiao also turned around and saw the person coming, and became surprised, “Elder Liu?!” The

person who came was Lu Shaoqing and his group.

Liu Chi stared at Mo Scourge angrily, “Mo Calamity, what are you going to do?” Mo

Yan was first surprised, and a little jealousy arose in his heart, in his impression, Liu Chi was not a good existence.

The origin is mysterious, and even he is the king of the bird tribe and does not know the details of the Liu Chi line.

However, Mo Yan was not afraid of Liu Chi, and he smiled and said, “Elder Liu, you came just in time, hurry up and kill her, she has already betrayed the Flying Bird Clan.”

Quan Yao also hurriedly echoed, “That’s right, not just betrayed the Flying Bird Clan, but betrayed the entire Demon Clan.

“I assure you in the name of the king of the beast race.”

Liu Chi’s gaze was even colder, and a strong killing intent was already brewing in his heart.

The bastard boy is right, there are problems with the kings of the birds and the beasts.

Murderous is also murderous, “Quan Yao, do you know what you are doing?

“You are the one who betrayed the demon clan.”

“Who are you?” Quan Yao stared at the murderous Chu viciously, and after feeling the murderous breath, he was surprised, “You, are you the Murderous Chu?

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“Didn’t you fall in the mirage?”

Lu Shaoqing spoke, “Okay, don’t pull relations here.”

“Don’t make it look like everyone knows each other.”

Lu Shaoqing looked directly at Mo Yan, “Yes, rampant god.”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Chi and Fierce Chu were instantly creepy and were about to be scared to pee.

“Rampant, rampant?”

“He’s rampant?”

The two who knew the identity and strength of the rampant god gaffed and exclaimed in unison.

Let Yingjiao and Quan Yao look puzzled.

Who is the rampant god?

Sounds awesome.

Ji Yan also turned around and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Is he a rampant god?” ”

The will to fight has begun to erupt, and the fighting spirit has begun to burn.

“Nonsense, you didn’t smell his commotion?” Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and slapped in front of his nose, his face full of disgust, “This smell, I can smell it from a hundred and eighteen thousand miles, disgusting to death.” ”

To say that the one who is most entangled with the monsters is Lu Shaoqing.

Even if it is a plan, there is no such direct feeling.

After having contact with the rampant god, Lu Shaoqing saw the ink calamity up close, and instantly knew what the ink calamity was.

On the surface is a person, behind the ground is a crow, but in reality it is a rampant god.

Whether it’s taken away, eroded, or whatever.

The ink disaster is not the original ink disaster.

When Ji Yan heard this, he nodded secretly, “So that’s the case, no wonder I also have a feeling of disgust.”

Then said domineeringly, “He’s mine.” ”

What cats, dogs, are not as interesting as rampant gods.”

Ying Yan looked at Ji Yan’s domineering appearance, and couldn’t help but speak, “This Daoist, be careful.” Mo

Yan did not pay attention to the accountant’s words, but stared at Lu Shaoqing, shocked.

His identity has not been flawed for thousands of years, and no one can guess that he has changed people.

However, Lu Shaoqing said nothing.

Staring at Lu Shaoqing, gradually, his face became extremely gloomy, “What are you?”

Lu Shaoqing grinned and frightened him, “We just came out of the depths of the mirage, and your body has been killed by us. Mo

Yan was stunned at first, and then laughed, and his tone was contemptuous, “Haha, joke!”

“Since you sent it to the door, then kill you.” After Mo Yan finished laughing, the black fog that came out of his body was even stronger, like a layer of ghost fog covering him, and his voice was eerie, “Kill you, devour you, it’s easier to get out of trouble.” ”

It’s great that you rabble took the initiative to come and send them to death.”

After being called to break his identity, Mo Yan was not only not afraid, but fierce, like a ferocious beast that chose people to eat.

The fierce and terrifying gaze made Liu Chi and Fierce Chu, and the three of them couldn’t help but shiver coldly.

Qiu Chu shouted to Quan Yao, “Quan Yao, don’t be obsessed with it now.

Quan Yao’s face was gloomy.

Grandma Li’s, the senior is actually around, this wave has to lose points.

However, it sounds like a rampant god is not a good character.

Quan Yao calculated the gains and losses in his heart.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing said to the murderer with dissatisfaction, “What are you shouting, this dog saw that there was rabies, and he was killed early.” ”

Damn it!

Quan Yao was furious, and made a decision in an instant, and he coldly stood beside Mo Yan…

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