Two days passed quickly.

It was the day when the Lingxiao Sect officially held the ceremony.

With the three ringing of the bell, a majestic voice sounded.

“Open the door, welcome!”

The gate of the Lingxiao faction officially opened, and the formation and prohibition above stopped running.

The cultivators outside could enter the Lingxiao Sect unimpeded.

Of course, no one dares to enter with swagger.

They had to hand over the invitation, and after verifying that it was correct, they went to the designated place under the guidance of the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

Xiao Yi was waiting anxiously at the door of Lu Shaoqing’s room.

The sect ceremony was about to begin, but her second senior brother had not yet come out.

Shouldn’t the second senior brother have woken up yet?

After waiting for most of the day, the sounds of various musical instruments were heard in the distance.

It’s not going to have already begun.

Xiao Yi was even more anxious, even flustered.

Tianyu Peak has few people, and there are only four people when it is full.

Ji Yan retreats, Shao inherits the Dharma, I don’t know when I can get out of the customs.

Maybe you may miss this ceremony.

Tianyu Peak left Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi.

If neither of them were present, the head would definitely be angry.

At that time, there may be rumors that the people of Tianyu Peak are dead.

Xiao Yi was very anxious, Xiao Yi couldn’t help it, and shouted, “Second Senior Brother, are you up?”

“The ceremony is about to begin, and we are going to be late.”

Not long after, Lu Shaoqing came out with a yawn, “It’s noisy.” ”

Are you really sleeping?

After Lu Shaoqing came out, he noticed a voice in the distance and said, “Are you going to start?”

Then complained about Xiao Yi, “Why didn’t you call me earlier?” Deliberately trying to make me late?

“Or don’t you want me to participate?”

Xiao Yi vomited blood, you fell asleep by yourself, do you want to blame me?

“Second Senior Brother, it’s clear that you’re sleeping.”

“What’s wrong with my sleep? Is it illegal to sleep? Can’t you just come in and call me?

Xiao Yi glanced at Lu Shaoqing’s house, with fear in his eyes, and complained, “You are so dangerous in this room, where do I dare to enter it.” She

hasn’t forgotten the lesson of the last time.

Lu Shaoqing glanced back at his house, full of resentment, and took the opportunity to teach this stupid junior sister, “Won’t you see it yourself?”

“What’s in it now?” The formations and prohibitions I laid down have long been destroyed by the leader.

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes and remembered, a few days ago, the head of the sect came in a rage, directly broke in, and with a cold snort, he destroyed Lu Shaoqing’s formation and prohibition.

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, “I forgot about this.” ”

No way, the shadow in my heart is too great, so I ignored this matter for a while.

“Stupid to death.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded, and then said, “Let’s go, if you don’t go again, it is estimated that the head will personally commit suicide.” Lu

Shaoqing took Xiao Yi to the sect hall.

The main hall and main buildings of the Lingxiao Sect are guarded by the five main peaks of Yuanyu Peak, Danding Peak, Biyun Peak, Chiyue Peak, and Tianyu Peak.

The main hall of the sect, the library cabinet, the practice room, the square, etc. are all here.

Each building is majestic, scattered in the green mountains and forests, blending with the mountains and trees.

On the mountain, the white fog below the mountain is shrouded, as if people are in a fairyland.

There were occasional spirit beasts in the white mist, which added a bit of anger.

The faint white mist pervaded, which was actually a manifestation of the rich aura.

The almost materialized aura made everyone who came here for the first time look shocked.

This is the strength of the Lingxiao faction.

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The financial strength of the Lingxiao faction is not as good as that of Shuangyue Valley and Guiyuan Pavilion.

However, it occupies the most concentrated place of Qi Zhou’s aura.

This was the reason why the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect usually lived tightly, but their cultivation was not as backward as the disciples of Shuangyue Valley and Guiyuan Pavilion.

The people who came here took a deep breath and couldn’t help but marvel.

“If I can cultivate here for three or five years, I will definitely be able to break through.”

“Zhencai, if you let me cultivate here, I will be able to break through in one year.”

“What did you break through? Small realm?

“Lao Tzu is a person who can almost break through the great realm, and you dare to compare with me?”

“Want to fight?”

“What’s the noise, quickly find your own place and sit down.”

“If you want to fight, get out of the division gate and fight again, don’t burden the division gate here…”

Xiao Yi is not the first time to come here.

But this was the first time she had come here as a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect.

She followed Lu Shaoqing and stood on the roof of a building, condescendingly, looking at the wide and huge square below.

His eyes couldn’t help but show pride.

This is the Lingxiao faction.

One of the three major factions in Qizhou, it is powerful.

More importantly, this ceremony is held for his master brother.

Xiao Yi’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on the second senior brother in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing stood facing the wind, his eyes indifferent, looking below.

Xiaohong landed on his shoulder, and one person and one bird gave Xiao Yi a harmonious feeling, as if he wanted to merge into this world.

The second senior brother must also be very proud in his heart.

Maybe there is also envy, after all, this is a grand ceremony for the master brother.

Second Senior Brother, come on, you can do it too.

Xiao Yi thought secretly in his heart.

Below is the main square of the sect.

Ordinary disciple meetings are held here.

Countless desks and cushions have been arranged around the square, and the desks are filled with all kinds of spirit fruits, food, drinks, etc.

Countless disciples shuttled back and forth below, busy like ants.

The ceremony held by the Lingxiao faction this time has invited many people, and only in this square can it be accommodated.

Lu Shaoqing watched from above like this, and after a while, Lu Shaoqing sighed.

Xiao Yi noticed Lu Shaoqing’s sigh.

Hurriedly asked, “Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, his tone full of regret, “How good would it be if you could open the sect array, activate the sect prohibition, and rob all these people.” In

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, all the spirit stones below were walking.

Xiao Yi’s head was a little dizzy, and she knew that the idea just now was so ridiculous.

Proud hairy, envious of a fart, feelings are thinking about how to rob.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t mess around, the head and the elders are all here.”

Xiao Yi was a little flustered, she knew what kind of person her second senior brother was.

God is not afraid, maybe this will already be planning how to do it.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi’s nervous look, strange, “What are you nervous about?”

“The first time you’ve seen this kind of scene? Tell you a secret not to being nervous.

“What secret?”

“Just treat them like spirit stones.”

Xiao Yi was even more panicked.

“Second Senior Brother, shouldn’t you really want to rob them?”

“Nonsense, let’s go.”

“Go, where to go? Going to rob?

“What do you think, go to the main hall, they are coming…”

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