Gui Yuan Ge usually acts domineeringly, and his relationship with the Lingxiao faction and Shuangyue Valley is not good.

If you come to the ceremony this time, you will definitely not come here to be a good child.

Yu Chang brought several other Yuan babies to greet them together, ostensibly to give face, but in fact gave Gui Yuange more of a warning.

Let them not cause trouble.

The relationship between the Lingxiao faction and Shuangyue Valley is close.

In addition, they are all female cultivators, so it is logical for Si Yao, a female baby, to meet them.

Lu Shaoqing above understands.

But he didn’t understand.

“Why should I go?”

Lu Shaoqing was not happy.

Shuangyue Valley, isn’t it the master of Xia Yu.

It was only two days ago that big trouble.

Now where does he dare to go up.

Lu Shaoqing said his legitimate and sufficient reason, “Chief, Shuangyue Valley is all women, and I am a big man who will not stain their eyes.”

“Let my junior sister go, she is smart, well-behaved and sensible, she can definitely complete the task assigned by the leader.”

Xiao Yi burst into tears, Second Senior Brother, have you finally found out that I am smart?

It’s not easy, I can hear the second senior brother praise me for being smart.

Dad, I’m out.

Xiao Chuang saw his niece’s look of excitement and was depressed.

What about appearance?

This is the words of the boss, what are you excited about?

Yu Chang did not refuse, and what Lu Shaoqing said was also reasonable, “Okay, you follow your Yuchen to receive other guests.”

In order to prevent Lu Shaoqing from being lazy, he instructed Xiang Yuchen, “Look at him, if you dare to be lazy, tell me when the time comes.”

“Yes, Master!”

Lu Shaoqing followed Xiang Yuchen to the gate.

Of course, ordinary small sects, small forces do not need them to personally come forward to greet them.

However, there was a sound from below.

“Dian Xing sent the elder of the outer gate Gu Lie.”

Point Star Pie?

Xiang Yuchen’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Lu Shaoqing.

In the past two days, the matter between Lu Shaoqing and Xuan Yunxin has become a hot topic in Lingxiao City.

The shame of a sect of the Lingxiao faction, decaying wood cannot be carved.

One is the second disciple of the Dian Xing Sect, and his future is immeasurable.

But the two were involved, and they swore by Taoist hearts.

This matter seems to be inseparable.

In this regard, people have discussed it a lot and have different evaluations.

Some people think that dare to love and dare to hate, this is love.

Some people think that Lu Shaoqing’s kind of waste is worthy of a demon girl like Xuan Yunxin.

Some people think that Lu Shaoqing is just unrequited love, and Xuan Yunxin can’t see Lu Shaoqing.

Now, the people sent by the stars are here.

Even Xiang Yuchen couldn’t help but look at Lu Shaoqing more, wanting to see what Lu Shaoqing’s reaction was.

After Lu Shaoqing heard this, his face did not change, he was still lying on the tree, and he didn’t bother to move.

Xiang Yuchen couldn’t help but remind, “Junior Brother Lu, it’s time for us to go and greet you.” ”

The Dian Xing Sect, as the Yanzhou Great Sect, the elders of the outer gate, are qualified to let these personal disciples go to greet them.

Lu Shaoqing lay on the tree, waved his hand, and said, “Senior Brother Xiang, do whatever you want, I’m tired, lie down.” ”

Xiang Yuchen can’t laugh or cry, what are you so tired of.

You are hiding in the Heavenly Royal Peak these days, but I know it all.

Lu Shaoqing could not be moved, and Xiang Yuchen did not force it.

For the nature of this junior disciple, he understood that it was called immovable.

Xiang Yuchen went to greet the people of the Dian Xing faction by himself.


When Xiang Yuchen passed by with a group of Dian Xing Faction.

A disciple found Lu Shaoqing lying on a tree trunk.

Immediately shouted out angrily.

“Lu Shaoqing!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Dian Xing Sect, including Elder Gu Lie, everyone’s eyes fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Gu Lie is an elder of the outer gate, although his strength has not reached the Yuan Infant.

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But he is also a master of the eighth layer of Jiedan, and he is a veteran Jiedan master.

Being able to lead the team as a representative of the Dian Xing faction is enough to show its strength and status.

He had already heard about the events of the previous two days.

He was very upset about this matter.

Xuan Yunxin was ranked second among the many disciples of the Dian Xing Sect.

He has a respectable status and is one of the representative figures of the young generation of the Dian Xing School.

But here, it was violated by Lu Shaoqing.

That’s right, in Gulie’s opinion, this is a practice.

A person who is regarded as a shame of the sect is violating the star disciple of their Star Sect.

Gu Lie’s gaze was very cool when he looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Actually, it’s not just him.

Even the other Dian Xing Sect disciples looked at them like this.

Anger, resentment and so on.

I can’t wait to kill Lu Shaoqing with my eyes.

Lu Shaoqing sat up from the tree and looked at the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect not far away.

Facing everyone’s gaze that wanted to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces, Lu Shaoqing looked as usual, smiled and said hello.

“Hello everyone, welcome.”

It was said to be welcome, but everyone could hear that the tone was insincere.

After Lu Shaoqing finished greeting, he looked at Gu Lie in the front, “Didn’t Yun Xin come this time?” His

gaze roamed among several Dian Xing Sect disciples, trying to find out Xuanyun Xin.


The other Dian Xing Sect disciples were completely strained.


Cloud heart?

Is this what you can call?

“Bastard, I, I’m going to fight you.”

“Do you dare to come down and fight me?”

“Bastard! Do you dare to be disrespectful to Senior Sister Xuan?

“You come down, I’m going to kill you.”

For the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, no matter what outsiders said about Xuan Yunxin.

In their minds, Xuanyunxin was their goddess.

It’s their dream lover.

Lu Shaoqing’s gentle words of Yunxin were equivalent to smashing a hammer in their hearts, and their hearts were smashed.

It was as if Xuan Yunxin was Lu Shaoqing’s Taoist.

How not to make them angry?

Facing the anger of the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, Lu Shaoqing was also angry and very dissatisfied.

“How? I ask my girlfriend, can’t I?

“What are you excited about?”

How the dare you say it?

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect cursed one after another.

“You kind of come down and fight me…”

Gu Lie’s gaze became even more cold.

It shot straight at Lu Shaoqing like a knife.

At the same time, he also secretly operated the exercises to teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson.

Lu Shaoqing met Gu Lie’s gaze and suddenly snorted.

A pained expression appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing then showed anger and stared at Gu Lie deadly.

Finally, he said to Xiang Yuchen, “Senior Brother Xiang, I have something to do, so I will go first.” After

saying that, he quickly left here.

And Gu Lie saw the back of Lu Shaoqing leaving, and sneered in his heart.

It turns out that with this bit of strength, I dare to think differently about my Star Sect disciples?

Lu Shaoqing’s departure seemed to Gu Lie to be boring, and he did not dare to stay here to face him.

This put Gu Lie in a good mood.

It can be regarded as sending a bad breath for Dian Xing.

He glanced at Xiang Yuchen, who looked calm and seemed to notice nothing.

This made him feel even more proud.

He took the initiative to say, “Xiang Gongzi, let’s go.”

Xiang Yuchen nodded, a smile hidden in the depths of his eyes, “Please!” ”

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