
Lu Shaoqing as if he was very aggrieved, Hu Ying took Hu Yan, Hu Xue couldn’t help but approach, wanting to see what happened.

As soon as he got closer, he heard Liu Chi jumping to his feet and cursing, “Bastard, that’s my boundary piercing.”

Lu Shaoqing took out the boundary piercing disk, triumphantly, and said righteously, “You call it, do you think it should be you?”

I have never seen such a shameless little bastard.

Grab and rob, but also righteous.

Regret, immense regret.

Liu Chi regretted that he didn’t clean up Lu Shaoqing properly when he saw Lu Shaoqing for the first time.

So that now he can’t help Lu Shaoqing half a point no matter how angry he is.

From here to the depths of the mirage valley, it will take a while to rush at full speed even during the refining period.

The boundary piercing disc in Lu Shaoqing’s hand can allow them to do it in one step, saving a lot of effort and time.

Temporarily stopped the battle between the birds and the beasts.

But it is useless to just say it by lip service, only after taking the upper echelons of the bird tribe and the beast race to see the white magpie and truly know the existence of the rampant god can the two camps work together.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of saliva to say more.

However, I thought of letting Lu Shaoqing open the door, but I didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to charge.

“One person with a million spirit stones. Lu Shaoqing officially quoted, “I’m very sad that so many people are on my boundary piercing plate, okay?”

“Boy, who are you and us?”

Lu Shaoqing answered truthfully, with a sincere expression, and said in an extremely serious tone, “For the sake of the demon race, you can abandon contradictions and give up hatred of good people.”

“A million spirit stones is nothing to you, right?”

“As a refining period, if any of you dare to say that you lack a million spirit stones, I will laugh at him fiercely. ”

As an old fox who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, who

has lived for a long time, what is not?

Don’t say a million, even if it is ten million, one hundred million can be taken.

However, Liu Chi, they felt very uncomfortable.

Taking out a million spirit stones to Lu Shaoqing, his heart was always so reluctant.

“Boy, you’re taking advantage of the fire. Fierce Chu bit his bear teeth and wanted to give Lu Shaoqing a bite.

“Look,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Qiu, “don’t make me laugh at you.” ”

It’s about the future of the demon clan, but you have to think about this spirit stone here? What about the pattern?”

He immediately took out a million spirit stones and threw them to Lu Shaoqing, “Is it okay?”


this, the others could only take out the spirit stone.

On the side of the Flying Bird Clan, Yingjie, Liu Chi, Ma Lengyu, plus the others, eight people together.

The Beast Walking Clan is three patriarchs, murderous and others, nine people.

Lu Shaoqing had seventeen million spirit stones in his account at once.

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Meide Lu Shaoqing bubbled, and said repeatedly, “Good people, good beasts, you are all good monster beasts.”

“Less nonsense, hurry!” Lu

Shaoqing pointed to the three of the Mo Crow Clan, “They can’t go.” ”

By what?” the people of the Mo Crow Clan were furious.

“Just because your patriarch is a bad person, you go, there is a risk. Lu Shaoqing’s words made everyone unable to object.

Ying Jiao stared at him, “Shouldn’t you think of doing something to them?” Although

the strength of the three Mo Crow Clan is in the refining period, they are really not Lu Shaoqing’s opponents.

“I can assure you that no!” Everyone

believed Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s start.”

Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, opened a portal, and faced everyone, “Come, Sesame open the door!” ”

Go in, we will say goodbye, I wish you a good journey, and you will not encounter rampant gods.”

“Boy, you’re not coming with us?” asked Willow.

“What else am I going to do? What I’m doing is done. Lu Shaoqing still looked righteous and reminded, “When you see the senior, remember to remind her, let her prepare the spirit stone, and I will take it when I have the opportunity in the future.”

“Oh, by the way, and the interest will also be calculated for me.”

Liu Chi turned his head and stepped into the teleportation array.

Grandma Li’s, listen to it again and want to kill this little bastard.

After everyone disappeared, Lu Shaoqing immediately drew his sword and came out, like a vicious wolf pounced on the three refining periods of the Mo Crow Clan.

“Three crows, I see who else can save you today, hand over the spirit stones and let me hack you to death…”

Yingjiao and the others passed through the portal, and were greeted by the tilting Optimus Tower.

Yingxiao couldn’t help but exclaim, “Is this the Demon Town Tower controlled by the seniors?”

Ma Lengyu’s eyes were equally colorful, and at the same time said in a heavy tone, “I remember reading a classic book before, saying that there is a demon race’s sea god needle in the depths of the mirage valley.

“I thought it was just a joke, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Hu Yin also slowly spoke, “I remember that an elder immortal in the previous clan said that the demon clan was on the verge of extinction before. It turns out that the legends are all true. Wang

Miu and Yuanba had solemn faces, looking at the pitch-black ground, at the dull sky, and the oppressive aura around them.

All of them made them feel uneasy, as if they had arrived in an extremely dangerous place.

It was as if there was a monstrous beast lurking in the dark, staring at them, and would appear at any time to devour them.

Just by seeing the surrounding scenery and feeling the oppressive atmosphere in the air, without seeing the white magpie, everyone believed in the existence of rampant gods.

Liu Chi and Qiu Chu came to the Demon Town Pagoda and attacked Xingli, “Senior!” The

light flashed, and a white magpie like a fairy appeared.

Yingjiao and the others hurriedly saluted, “I have seen the senior!” Although

Bai Que is in the realm of the refining period, as an eighth-level instrument spirit, controlling the Demon Zhen Tower can completely sit and kill a refining period in one ass.

Bai Que’s face turned pale, and after scanning everyone, he asked, “What about the kid?”

Qiu asked.

When Bai Que heard this, he sighed deeply, “In the end, it’s a human being, you can’t rely on him all the time, well, we…”

However, as soon as Bai Que’s words fell, the ground suddenly shook and shook, and the location of the lake where the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon was located in the distance suddenly burst into the sky, soaring into the sky…

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