Xiao Yi couldn’t help but say, “Second Senior Brother, you are god.”

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but admire, it was really the second senior brother, and he was like a god.

What the rampant god wants to do, the second senior brother can guess accurately.

“You’re nervous. Lu Shaoqing wanted to give his junior sister two hammers, and he emphasized again, “I am Meng.” ”

Bai Que will also be completely obeyed.

The human nature of this bastard is truly extraordinary.

She stared at Lu Shaoqing and said, “You are really different.

Lu Shaoqing felt that he was even more wronged than Dou E, and he reiterated again, “I am innocent, I really have nothing to do with the rampant gods…”

He died unjustly, who did he reason with?

The sun in the sky does not know when it will disappear, the sky begins to be cloudy, and heavy pressure pervades the heavens and the earth.

Everyone felt a strong pressure.

Some demon beasts with keen senses were even more frightened and shivered.

All the demon beasts converged towards Bai Que and the others.

In the face of unknown dangers, only the refining period can give them a sense of safety.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense swept over, and there were no less than 100,000 demon beasts gathered, and there were more in the distance rushing towards here.

Most of these monsters are the elites of the Bird and Beast Walking Races.

If the rampant gods wipe out these monster beasts, the entire demon race will have to go back thousands of years, not to mention going back ten thousand years.

These are the mainstays of the demon race, they are gone, and the demon race is almost wasted.

The black mist billowed and seemed to have a sense of autonomy, avoiding it and spreading around.

“It wants to surround us here. Hu

Yi’s face was solemn, exuding an astonishing momentum, without the slightest charm.

Fierce Chu gritted his teeth and was murderous, “Want to kill us all

?” “Not afraid of breaking your teeth?” Bai

Que said coldly, “This is our best chance, whether we can defeat the rampant god depends on this time.” ”

Although it is dangerous, it is also the last chance for their demon clan.

Yingyan’s expression was cold, revealing a fierceness, “Even if you die with it, you must defeat it, and you must not let it plague our demon clan.”

Bai Que’s eyes scanned everyone indifferently, and his small body gave them a great pressure.

Bai Que spoke lightly, “This time is a matter of survival of the demon clan, I hope you will put aside your prejudices and hatred, unite with the outside world, and jointly deal with the rampant gods.” As

the birds clan, Liu Chi, Yingjie, Ma Lengyu and others immediately spoke up and said that they would obey Bai Que’s orders.

Fierce Chu and other walking beasts also said that they would definitely not delay everyone at this time.

Bai Que and other seniors paid such a big sacrifice for the demon clan, and the demon beasts present only admired it, and would not sing against it.

In the face of the terrifying existence of rampant gods, they also know that only by uniting and uniting can there be a glimmer of life.

Having cultivated to this point, they know when to do what to do, and they will not be easily angry.

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After everyone said, Hu Yi couldn’t help but ask Bai Que, “Senior, do you have a way to deal with the rampant gods?”

However, what they saw was the white magpie’s slow shaking of its head.

“Nope. Bai Que’s tone was as heavy as the surrounding atmosphere, “The black mist emitted by the rampant god has the ability to erode infection, if you find that something is wrong, you must stay away as soon as possible and drive it away.” ”

Don’t get angry.

“Moreover, the rampant god also has the ability to devour, once you feel that you can’t deal with it, you must immediately withdraw from the battle, and don’t give the rampant god a chance.” ”

If it really doesn’t work,” Bai Que’s gaze showed determination and coldness, “blow yourself up and make your last contribution before being devoured.” The

cold words made a group of refining period demon beasts can’t help but feel a chill in their hearts.

“Is there really no way to defeat the rampant gods?” someone whispered to himself, trembling.

Even if it is the refining period, even if the state of mind is like a rock, it will panic in the face of the rampant gods that are about to appear.

Bai Que was silent, and after a while, she said faintly, “Senior Jiao said that if you want to completely defeat and destroy the rampant god, unless you become a rampant god and devour it in turn. After

everyone listened, they felt that the world was even bleaker and the future was bleak.

Hu Que said, “According to this statement, can’t we destroy the rampant god?” Devouring the rampant god? What kind of joke, the rampant god is not a spirit stone, how to devour it?

Bai Que saw that everyone’s mood was low, she suddenly smiled, “Don’t worry, we can’t completely eliminate the rampant


, but we can defeat it and suppress it.”

“As long as it’s badly injured, I can suppress it.”

After saying this, the Demon Zhen Tower appeared beside her, shining slightly.

When everyone heard this, they were all in good spirits.

First despair, and finally hope, everyone’s fighting spirit was instantly full.

The eyes of the people shone with hope, they did not need to kill the rampant god, they just seriously injured the rampant god.

Compared to killing rampant gods, the difficulty is much reduced.

“Well, we must let the rampant gods know how good we are. Yuanba shouted.

“Hmph, our demon clan hasn’t got a monster’s turn to spread the wild!” Wang Miu was murderous, and his tiger teeth flashed with cold light.

“No matter who it is, this is our place, who dares to mess around, kill!”

Although he was injured, he was full of fighting spirit.

Even if it is a rampant god, even if it is a Mahayana period, even if she is defeated, she will tear off a piece of the other party’s flesh.

Bai Que said again, “Worry, with the help of that Terran kid, we have a greater chance of dealing with the rampant gods.”

Everyone was shocked, even Liu Chi and Qiu Chu, they didn’t expect Bai Que to have such confidence in Lu Shaoqing.

Did Lu Shaoqing pour soul soup into Bai Que?

Many people couldn’t help but guess in their hearts.

Although it was disrespectful to the white magpie, they had to think so.

A human being, the realm is not even as good as some of them.

Why does Bai Que have so much confidence in him?

Qiu Chu couldn’t help but speak, “Senior, you have such great confidence in him?”

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